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Posts posted by Taxwizz

  1. 13 minutes ago, kywildcatfanone said:

    It is really bad that Princess expired something that was never to expire.  That is a bad PR item, but most people will go "meh, $30 isn't a big deal", so it happens, and will continue to happen.

    The Carnivalization of Princess.

    Every year a new small "gotcha".

    None big, but the effect adds up.

    Too bad.


  2. 31 minutes ago, latebloomer56 said:

    So sad 😞 I have 2 paper coffee cards from prior cruises and was told could be used on the next trip. Well the next trip isn't until next April/May because we needed to change our plans for this April. Now I will not be able to use 1 full and 1 with 2 punches next trip.

    Well it is a 12 day so will use the 15 I will need to purchase. And I do like the coffee in the buffet on the Regal so will see what 2020 brings on Princess.

    Sixty bucks down the drain.  How do you feel?

    Those were purchased with CASH in good faith and with the information that they would be good on furture cruises.


    The Carnivalization of Princess.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Colo Cruiser said:

    I have spent and continue to spend thousands on Princess cruises.

    I don't lose sleep over a coffee package whether I paid $38 for or I received for free in a mini bar exchange that does not carry over to another cruise.

    You can thank your fellow passengers for selling their cards on eBay and abusing the system for these changes.

    If you hate what Princess is doing maybe it is time to move on?

    There are so many choices out there.

    Thank you for your generous advice.

    However, a chisel is a chisel, no matter how small.

    The quantum of the theft does not change its character, just the size of the offence.

  4. 4 hours ago, voljeep said:

    Princess ship ... Princess rules ... don't like it ... change cruise lines ... or just suck it up


    I don't like the new PBP vrs the previous AIPB ...  I deal with it ...

    Actually, I still like Princess.

    Unfortunately they have become a little cheaper each year after being purchased by Carnival.

    The Carnivalization of Princess.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Colo Cruiser said:

    Get out much?   😁

    Actually, I do.

    I have 74 Princess cruises, and this year is the first time that I have been hit with this Chisel.

    Do you get cheated and robbed a lot?

    Are you used to it?

    Just wondering.

    • Like 1
  6. It is cheaper (a little) to use the coffee card than to buy a la carte.

    BUT only get the coffee card if you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that you will use all the coffees by the end of the cruise.

    Princess steals any paid for but unused coffees left on the card at the end of the cruise.  Unlike in the past, you cannot use them on a future cruise.

    Cheap crooks.  😫

    More of the Carnivalization of Princess.

    • Like 1
  7. On 3/13/2019 at 8:12 PM, Mike45LC said:

    For the Exchange, I always get 2 Sprites, 2 Cokes and the rest all Diet Cokes.  Now with the coffee cards tied to the specific cruise, that is a "no go" for us -- we MIGHT buy 3 coffees max on a seven day cruise.  But even with the Soda and More package, my wife will consume all those Mini-Bar Exchange cans of Diet Coke in seven days while she is in the cabin!


    Try adding a little Worstershire sauce to the Coke.  It removes the sweetness and greatly improves the flavour.  Really.

  8. Princess used to sell a paper Coffee Card that was around $30 and good for 15 specialty coffees.  If you didn't use all the coffees, you could save the card and use it on a future cruise.  No more.  Now any unused purchases are cancelled at the end of your cruise.  You PAID for these coffees, but Princess steals them back.  I cannot imaging that the money stolen fully offsets the Bad Will their actions generate.


    Another example of the Carnivalization of Princess.

    • Like 1
  9. Feb 5, 2015, I received an email advising me that my 2 October 2015 Asian cruises on the Sapphire Princess have been CANCELLED, apparently for a charter.


    Further investigation indicates that the ship has been taken off the boards from May 2015 to November 2015.


    Does this mean that thousands of booked, confirmed and PAID passengers got similar news as little as 3 months before sailing?


    Can anyone shed some light on this ?

  10. Feb 5, 2015, I received an email advising me that my 2 October 2015 Asian cruises have been CANCELLED, apparently for a charter.


    Further investigation indicates that the ship has been taken off the boards from May 2015 to November 2015.


    Does this mean that thousands of booked, confirmed and PAID passengers got dumped just 3 months before sailing.


    Can anyone shed some light on this ?

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