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Posts posted by aoknkentucky

  1. Margaret, thanks for the Garnet Hill links. I like your style. Everything was in my wheelhouse except color. The few things I’ve ordered from them have been great quality. 


    Anita, DGD counted nine sneezes in a row from me today. Whatever is in the air there, must be here too. Guess that Sahara Desert dust doesn’t agree with either of us!


    Melody, I hope you get to eat your breakfast of champions soon!



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  2. OK, Ladies.  I've been away for a couple of years.  I retired from my 9-5 and didn't have/take the time to check-in on CC but once during that time.  I didn't catch up reading on the EARTH thread, so didn't post.  Since I'm getting ready to travel on a new-to-me cruise line, I've been researching.  Since I was reading, I thought I'd catch up here and post. 


    While deciding what colors to include in this cruise wardrobe, I discovered another page to add to my FIRE journey. l learn these little nuggets at the oddest  time!  This rule of thought is that your professional suit color or formal color should be your natural hair color.  Guess that means mine should be dark brown with gray tweed.  LOL  Your accent (tops/accessories) colors should be the colors found in your eye.  Therefore, my accents are three different colors of green and my trim accent is gold.  The thinking is that you find your best colors within/on yourself.    


    Does this ring true for anyone?




  3. Hi, Melody and Ladies!  I’ll answer for Kim since I was the reason we didn’t meet. Short story—my back went out. Longer story—I’d just come home from a 5-day to NC Smokies preceded by a 4-day in WV with DH’s family. My ache and pain issues are my mid-back—never my low back. So, maybe, that’s why when my low back acted up from so much inactivity, I knew I couldn’t make a 3+ hours solo trip. I visited my favorite chiro master and diffused a mess of essentials oils while in a long hot bath (Love my claw footed tub!!) I’m back to normal now. Well, as normal as I can expect. LOL


    Kim and I plan to try to get together after the holidays. I’ll be sure to get my back in good shape the week before this time!  


    I’ve read a little here and there trying to keep up with the convo but feel like I have little to add most of the time. Glad to read though. Retired life seems to take more of my time than working life ever did.  —Debbie

  4. It is lovely to hear from you, Pam! Enjoy your fantastic trip and tell us all about it when you get back whether you have Fire outfits to show or not. Please!?!


    When my eyeball picture was taken, my color analyst used a doodad she attached to her iPhone to get the photo. It was a macro or a micro, maybe? Does that make any sense, Kim? Anita?

  5. I think you are right about our dress, Melody. The blue looks like a good color for you too.


    I wasn’t dressed nearly as formally as Kim on our two dress-up nights, but would have been hard-pressed to match that level in any event. Such a gorgeous dress!!! Kim looked like a dream in it.


    I may not have taken a single new item on this cruise, but honestly, I don’t wear long dresses of any kind in my real life these days. Therefore, they may get trotted out until I tire of them, which may be a when they dry-rot. I like every single outfit I wore this time. Don’t like the way I look in the pictures, but it is what it is. Oh well.


    My pictures were the iPhone variety, so there isn’t much to show. Kim’s poor DH was a champ being pushed into photographer duty each night. As Kim found out, the more comfortable my DH became with them, the more vocal he became about time spent taking our evening pictures. Even after all this time, he doesn’t get why we enjoy our color journey. Probably also why he wore FIRE, AIR, EARTH and ICE while on the cruise. LOL


    Since we don’t dive, we spent our time in Curaçao exploring. We asked directions for the post office and were sent to the post museum instead. Lovely mistake! The volunteer curator (retired Port Manager) sold us a postcard, a stamp and showed us where to mail it. But, the best purchase was the First Day Cover of flamingo stamps for my DGD dated 1/8/1985! As a former rural carrier, it was a real treat for me.


    We had a ball on a golf cart in Bonaire. Best excursion ever!?! Maybe. They give you a map and let you go play in traffic. We saw plenty of flamingos in the southern loop. Maybe next time we’ll see the rest of their beautiful island.


    I agree with Kim. Bully was an excellent ambassador for his country of Aruba. The native bakery goods he bought for us were yummy. I’d highly recommend reserving a tour with him. We bought a few more souvenirs for the grands where he dropped us off and walked back to the ship.


    We had a lovely time with Kim and her DH.

  6. Oh, Melody! I almost rolled! Such a fun memory. My kitchen is very old fashioned because we live in an old farmhouse and I happily inherited my grandparents 50s-style dinette set and Alan's family Hoosier cabinet and still use them daily. I have a picture given to me by the daughter-in-law of the family that owned the large farm before it was divided between the children. The county property valuation stamp on the back says Apr 3, '94. Since we bought the house in 1986, we've always assumed that date meant 1894 since no electrical lines are connected to the house and we'd never seen a 3"x6"photo. The photo would be called panoramic these days. I updated the kitchen this year, but only painted walls, tiled the floor and installed subway tile backspash and new laminate countertop to coordinate with the 50s vibe. I love my kitchen. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I grew up with a sunshine yellow kitchen--walls AND ceiling in gloss enamel. I was 16 and repainted it all by myself the last time before we moved from that house. It was easier to clean and the window faced north so Momma wanted it to feel cheery. It did.


    I love my SmartWool socks and have several merino/cashmere full-zips that I started wearing again last week. 1/4-zip anythings drive me bonkers! I can't get them on and when I get warmish, I'd gladly cut them from my body. More aggravation than my shoulder/back wants to deal with. Anita, I've been known to buy from the men's section. Many times the quality is better too.


    Margaret, I've become lax and constantly need to remind myself, but it is Always best to be aware of our situation and surroundings. Sad that we are the most privileged and this is still the case. I'm so out of the mainstream it was necessary to research what bollard meant. We have them--I just didn't know what they were called. I've never realized their true purpose. Again, self-awareness.

  7. Dang, Melody! You've been through the wringer this past year. I sure hope medical issues ease up on you soon.


    Margaret, if not for regular pap exams, my cervical and endro pre-cancers would have been full-blown. My total surgery was in 1996, so I've had regular pap and mammograms since, All clear is a nice feeling to have when they call with the results. Glad you are able to start taking care of yourself.


    Laurie, I like your autumn orange paint color. Our bedroom is aqua and shades of light orange through dark rust. DH and I both enjoy the fall season. As a result, our house is EARTH color heavy. I recently had the kitchen painted a pretty aqua color. I bought curtain material, but haven't cut, let alone sewed the first stitch. Since I have company coming for Thanksgiving, it might behoove me to get started on them. (yn)


    Anita, it was good to "see" you again. I always picture you as your avatar shows you--with that beautiful smile on your face. I'm glad NC is working out well for you. Sounds like y'all are having a blast.


    I hope everyone traveling soon has a fantastic journey. I'm home within 100 miles until February.

  8. Oh, Margaret, how lovely is this skirt and how generous are you!?! Ladies, someone needs to scoop up this skirt! Size 12 was long ago for me, but if no one else can use it as is, I'd love to have it to remake the fabric into something else.


    Kim, do you want Margaret to send it to me so I can take up the seams so it fits teeny-tiny waisted you?

  9. Other than the glaciers and wonderful L-O-N-G waterfalls we saw from the balcony, my most memorable excursion was a small boat ride to see humpbacks feeding. I would do that one again every time I had the opportunity. We booked private excursions at our other stops, but I think we used on-board credit and booked the ship's offering. I do remember there were less than 10 passengers, so it was a very small vessel. Best day of our trip.


    I know you have clothing worked out, Anita, but I'll add my trip reflections. Our evening head waiter insisted that we come to dinner in our jeans because our on-board time at one port was late. We took his advice and noticed several others had as well. I took one pair of dress slacks and a few nicer tops (AND my scarves of course) for evening wear. I didn't feel out of place at all. For day wear, I rotated the jeans I wore with my navy Columbia tech pants. Those tech pants wash and dry overnight, so with a pair of long-johns (leggings) under when necessary, I was plenty warm. I took my hooded raincoat (think London Fog trench) with cheap $1.00 cotton stretch gloves in the pockets. Like Margaret said, the only time I really needed the extra warmth was when near the glaciers. I said at the time that it was our First trip to Alaska. I took a look back--we went in 2013. I think it's definitely time to start planning my second trip!

  10. Oh! My! Goodness!!! Since childbirth, I've been trying my best to camouflage that area. I've worn much more padding than I need and I've worn band-aids for extra coverage. To think people are purposefully purchasing the looks, seems hilarious to me. I've read up on the subject now and understand why breast cancer survivors might want them, but honestly, I'm with you, Anita. It's pretty much my 24/7 look. LOL


    Glad the skirt met and exceeded expectations.


    I love my Missoni Keds with a shift dress and jean jacket. LOVE!

  11. Love the bead work on the hat, Melody. Great color!


    I'll echo everyone else, Pam. Sure would like to hear about your trip.


    Kim took all the pictures of our time together, so I'll let her post them and comment after. We had a wonderful time. You know what it's like when you have a friend and your DH tolerates her DH because he loves you? Or, the other way around when you spend time with another couple because your DH has this friend? That's not the case when we get together with Kim and her DH. Our guys genuinely like each other too, I think. At least mine had an excellent time this weekend! We toured a couple of bourbon distilleries that offered yummy Rebecca Ruth candies at each tasting. So we scrapped the candy-making tour and took a look at the Capitol's Floral Clock. I've wanted to see that thing since 5th grade when I saw a picture in a library book. Heck, maybe it was an encyclopedia. It was simply too long ago to remember correctly. So, bucket list item--check!


    We spent the evening at a winery where we had a wine tasting, dinner and the last summer concert of the season. We had a marvelous time!!!

  12. Oh, Laurie! What a gorgeous scarf. I am so ready to wear scarves again! This weekend was the first time I've worn a scarf in months. It's back to the 80's again today. Big 'ole sigh!!!


    Anita, thanks for the Kohl's tip. My office front door faces the back corner of our local Kohl's. I'll try to get by there to look for that top. The greige/taupe/whatever-color-they-decide-to-call-it-this-week is my jam. If you ever see that yellowish gray that is my other "oh-so-hard-to-find" neutral, please let me know. I've had one pair of pants that color in my lifetime and had planned to take them up on the sides to fit better, but mistakenly culled them from my wardrobe. So sad.

  13. I also don't mind to wash, rinse and repeat later in the week any quick dry items I might wear on active/excursion days. I'm going to wash them to remove any ocean-ness or pool chlorine from them when I return to my room anyway. I send out the small amount of non quick dry items at the midway point that I'll need to reuse. There aren't many.


    One of the easiest things that helps me is a spreadsheet where I designate outfits for each day and evening. I wear an outfit to dinner one evening and a day or so later, wear the same as my daytime outfit. The most formal/fancy outfit I take is worn for those designated two or three evenings. This way, everything is worn twice. I don't always follow the spreadsheet to the letter, but having it on paper makes my life run smoother so I'm not standing at the closet trying to decide. I dress and am ready to have fun sooner.


    I second Member123's advise to look at TVF. No matter what your favorite colors are, there are so many options. With only 16 items, there endless possibilities. LLBean may not be your preferred style, but you can substitute your own items for those shown. It's the concept that is so very good. Throw in that dressy outfit, a few swimsuits and cover-ups and you are ready to sail. I especially like this way to plan--




    My best advise is take only three pairs of shoes--a casual sandal, excursion/excercise shoes and dressy shoes. I've been known to slide a pair of flips to my purse at the last minute, but, you get the idea. When it comes to those heavy and bulky shoes, less is definitely more. Best of luck with your planning. I think it's the most fun part!

  14. I've gone back and read and re-read your post about how to remedy my cross-over top cleavage, Anita. I only thought I could sew! I can take a pattern and make things and can do minor repairs and alterations, but you've got the alterations game down pat. Thanks for the in-depth instructions. You are amazing at giving me a visual using only words. I hadn't thought of pinning the under layer farther over. I always laughingly said that my B cup was Before marriage. By the time I married at 22, I was a C cup. After I lost my first baby weight, I was a D cup and after the second, I went to a DD. Of course, we won't talk about the amount of weight that I could stand to lose. I'm sure that would make a difference over all. I usually try taking up the shoulder seam to avoid sleeveless tops showing my bra under my arms. I hate that tight bust feeling and don't like the way it looks on me. It usually highlights my upper tummy. So, yes, I size up. If the top is too loose, I can always take in the side seam a little to give a better shape.


    I don't mind showing a little cleavage but others around me have become much more modest in the past few years and what starts out as the top layer in a diagonal across my lower boob becomes a wrinkled curve under my boob and lays along my bra band. Both sides gape farther and farther apart until I'm shocked when I look down! LOL Soooo not a good look. When they say "it's flattering on Everyone and easy to wear" I thought I must be the exception to the rule. I don't mind pushing boundaries but I don't like being fussy about my clothes-- tugging and pulling at them to keep them where they're supposed to be--and I don't like sitting rimrod straight with my gut sucked in so my belly roll doesn't show. I knew if anybody knew how to handle the situation, it would be you gals. Thanks!!!



    Melody, I use Dreft also. I've kept it in the house since doing cloth diapers in the 80s. I've always figured if it would clean them and is gentle enough for babies, it should surely clean delicates I handwash.


    Laurie, I'm glad you were confident in your captain and agree that the people living there didn't have many options. All reports sound like they still don't. It's sad.


    Hope your are able to make it to Cuba in February, Sally. We're doing the ABCs in February.

  15. Do I keep labels on or take them off of scarves? It depends on how "nice" the scarf is, how obtrusive the label is, and whether I can easily fold the scarf and hide the label. My most recent scarf purchase is a very light aqua/ivory scarf with a black label-WHAT the heck were they thinking? I've kept it on so far, but I've only worn it once. I'm giving much thought to removing it, but it is a wool/silk blend that I wouldn't want to casually wash. I'm afraid I'd forget if I removed the label. Soooo, my answer is--sometimes.

  16. Anita, the surplice top--take a look at the side-bar picture of the blonde in black and also the white example. That's exactly what happens to me when I try to wear that cross-over look, except my boob-a-licious body shows even more cleavage. Lots more. I can't keep it in place where it's supposed to be like the gold and other colors show. I've tried pinning it and the pin always shows. I'd love to know how everyone else is able to wear this type top.

  17. Today my DH told me I looked like a teenager. He must have meant it as a compliment, because his eyes twinkled as he said it. LOL I'm wearing this in Deep Aquamarine--




    Because of the open cut-work, I'm wearing a whitish slip under it. It lightens the teal color a bit, but it still reads a little darker than my ideal light aqua. The model must be tall, because it falls almost to my knees. I love knowing I look good today at work in what only I know is a bathing suit cover-up. LOL It may seem really small to others, but growing up in a very conservative household--this is the tiny way I've been pushing boundaries all my life.


    I'm wearing my brown short zip-booties and a long turquoise, copper, brown and teal 4mm bead necklace (colors change every five beads) with green patina copper elm leaf pendant. Sorry for the lengthy explanation, but I couldn't find anything similar online to link. My earrings look like this but the stones are set in a tiny gold rope design. It blends well with the turquoise stones and brighter copper colors in the necklace--




    At lunch, DH said he caught several guys looking at me. LOL He also said he's not sure if he likes the short boots with the dress. Did I mention that he is also very traditional and conservative? LOL

  18. Oh, Laurie! I'm so glad you were able to get out of that roach motel. I understand your feelings about PR and their misfortunes and would have felt the same, but stress rears its ugly head at the most inopportune times and your release of tears was probably good for you. I had a complete come-apart once coming in to NOLA because all I could see was water and the back of a semi (we were much too close) while my DH was on the phone and driving. I couldn't explain it. It just happened. No matter that I thought I should or should not have reacted--I did. The effect of being out of our comfort zones makes us react differently. In an unfamiliar place, it would matter to me even more so. JMO


    WOW, Ladies! We've spent the night in a sketchy part of town while on a bus trip where we were told to go into our rooms, lock the door and not come out until daylight. All rooms opened to the outside like in the 60s. Daughter and family have spent the night in a seedy motel when sleep deprivation caused them to sleep fully clothed and her DH didn't sleep. BUT we've always been in the US. I can't imagine being mugged or out of the country (with or without littles). I lead a very sheltered life and am extremely grateful to be an American.

  19. https://www.talbots.com/online/hexagon-lace-top-prdi43515/N-0?Ntt=lace&selectedConcept=


    I've been looking at CafePress for a "bee" Tshirt to wear in place of a band T like I see folks wearing. I'm seriously considering this top. It's easy to wear, ivory is a great color for me and the hexagon shape looks like a hive to me. Since Deborah means bee in Hebrew, it may be just the amount of quirky I need for an outfit. I may be the only one that gets the joke, but that makes it even more fun sometimes. I'd wear it with jeans or my EF olive slouchy pants, a scarf for color with my jean jacket, and my Corral boots. I think it is an easy top to dress up or down, but will need to be careful since I have a tendency to wear my meals on my tops. LOL

  20. Talbots is normally my go-to jam, but this latest trend to put a ruffle on anything and everything has me puzzled. Margaret, I immediately went to the Talbots site and looked for the jacket and top. I can't find the top, but found an asymmetrical-zip suede jacket that looked interesting. Too bad that it had a huge floppy collar since streamlined collars look better for me. Then I looked at the other-view pictures and realized--it's the exact picture you posted. LOL Exactly what I've been looking for, but my health issues won't allow the weight of suede. I'd want to wait for a really good sale, but may check in the store to see if it isn't quite as heavy as I imagine. I'd wear that top and the jacket in an instant. Love. It.


    I like the sweater on someone else, but I'd be dragging it through my coffee. It would irritate the snot out of me before lunchtime and I'd be miserable. I think that is a great revelation for me. I can admire it on others and realize I don't need to drag it home with me only to be disappointed with buyers' remorse.


    So, what about the Kibbe picture? I'm guessing Dramatic and Yin Natural. The curly-headed model was hard for me to decide between yin/soft and yang/dramatic Natural.


    Ahh, Anita. Light-bulb moment! Totally understand the balance of the scarf. I've been trying to find an example of funky scarf/jewelry combo that I've been using. A friend brought me Liberty of London pocket-square as a thank-you gift this summer for watering her plants while she was across the big pond. I wasn't sure what to do with such a tiny scarf but she suggested I add a short necklace to the mix. When I did, it turned out something like this, but longer:




    I will probably also use it as a bracelet after I retire, but as much as I'm at the keyboard, bracelets aggravate me right now.

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