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Posts posted by Butterfinger1954

  1. And is it normal to get down about four days after the cruise? A little post-party depression?


    I believe that is called PCD---Post Cruise Depression. I have experience it several times myself. On our last cruise it set in even before we left the ship. We were sitting in the buffet waiting for our color to be called for debarkation and DH snapped a pic of us all looking very tired and VERY sad. If I can find it and figure out how to upload it I'll share with you all.


    Kathy in northern Maine

  2. New Giddy Landmark this morning ... NCL email telling me that my "Welcome Aboard" Kit has been mailed and on it's way ... Now, that was a nice email to wake up to ...


    What is this? Is it actual 'hard copy' cruise ticket (documents) rather than E-Docs? I prefer to have those rather than e-docs. Seem more 'real' and gives us a souvineer to hang onto. Hmmm....wonder if my TA can score some of those for us?


    Kathy in northern Maine

  3. auducky, did ya happen to notice that on 99 days before your cruise you made your 99th post on CC? Pretty cool!


    Kathy in northern Maine


    Well for a while I wasn't too excited because we were going to Disney first. I just did some basic planning like printing out info on the ports (Europe cruise), buying some books, etc. But now that Disney has come and gone, I am super excited! Joined this site, been posting like crazy, booking tours, etc. And today marks my double digits, 99 days to go! :D
  4. When I sail for the first time 10 years ago I gained 5 pounds in a week. When I sail the 2nd time this past Jan. I actually came home 1/2 pound lighter then when I left home. I ate and I ate all that wonderful food, even having more than 1 appetizer every night, BUT the Carnival Glory is a HUGE ship and I walked and walked on it running from one activity to another at different ends of the ship, took shore excursions with lots of walking and quite often we took the stairs instead of the elevators. Elevators were only used when we were going up more than 3 or 4 decks. Believe me I was tired and slept very well at night!


    Kathy in Maine

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