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Posts posted by srlafleur

  1. We just got off Diamond Princess a couple of weeks ago, and, while I'm pretty sure I didn't drink the full value of the package myself, certainly not strictly in cocktails, (well, I might have, but I didn't keep tabs on it), I'm fairly certain The Hubs did.

    Even if we didn't, it was really nice to have the fresh-squeezed juice every morning, the occasional (or more) espresso, macchiatto, or whatever coffee/tea beverage in the coffee bar, plus bottled water, in addition to the wine and mixed drinks, without giving the cost per drink a second thought.

    If it wasn't a win or a wash, it was still worth it to feel that much more...pampered? Special? Devil-may-care?...for the week.

  2. We are definitely not "joiners"! While there are always some activities that sound fun, (ukelele lessons on our Japan cruise last week sounded interesting), I just can't be bothered to get my head organized enough on vacation to remember times and places, which is why we prefer anytime dining whenever it's offered. We do prefer the MDR over the Lido for dinner, so we suck it up if anytime isn't offered. Nor do we want to fight the crowds for the popular activities.

    We didn't even go to MUTS, preferring to watch movies in the comfort of our stateroom (2 TVs in the minisuite!) and nap. Keeping excursion times straight is the extent of my mental exertion most of the time.

    I'm pretty sure I'd manage to participate more on, say, a transatlantic or transpacific sailing, though.

  3. I don't deprive myself on a cruise, but I feel like I manage to actually eat (almost) healthier than at home - not calorie-wise so much, but balanced and plenty of variety. There are so many more healthy choices than what normally resides in my fridge or my cooking repertoire! (There are plenty of unhealthy choices, too, but some are soooo good that an occasional indulgence is necessary,)

    When I look at the MDR menu to make my selections, I try to balance everything out over all the courses. For example, if my entree selection is going to be on the heartier side, I'll chose something lighter for an appetizer and/or soup/salad.

    If you want something sweet at the end of the meal, you don't have to stick with what's on the dessert menu - I've occasionally had whatever fruit soup was on the menu (okay, probably made with cream, but likely not as high calorie as some rich chocolate concoction) or even just a palate-refreshing fruit cup.

  4. At a restaurant in Morocco that we went to, there were 2 lines, one for the men's restroom and one for the women's.

    Or so we thought. There were 2 doors, but they both entered into the same room, which had 2 or 3 stalls.

    It was quite funny. I'm in one line, hubby's in another and we met in the middle!

    Otherwise, while looking a bit older, like a restroom at a state park or some such, the amenities were just fine.

    I do recommend tossing a nearly empty TP roll, flattened, in your bag, just in case. Heck, even in the US, restrooms run out of paper.

  5. I don't think I would even consider a beverage package on any cruise line if I were someone who sticks with one type of drink or, especially, brand.

    Not being a particularly heavy drinker, for me the allure of a beverage package is being able to try many different beverages without feeling obligated to finish a drink I don't care for. (waste-not, want-not mentality of my generation, I guess).

  6. Normally I wouldn't have, but there was something about the TOTAL package that for me, screamed air marshall. The clothes were only part of it.


    I know an air marshal. You wouldn't pick him out of a crowd, which is the point.

    On the other hand, by your description, it's possible you could think some of the people I work with, engineers and construction managers primarily (my hubby included), are air marshals.


    If you haven't checked' date=' both of our Japan cruises have reasonably active roll calls with good information. Your cruise date might also.[/quote']



    Our roll call is pretty quiet compared to others I've been involve with. The cruise was showing up as sold out quite some time ago...the whole ship!

  8. We booked air through Princess for our upcoming Japan cruise. We got a great deal (believe me, I comparison shop like a fiend), our choice of airline, AND once I had confirmation in hand (at the time of booking, nearly a year ago), I was able to log into my airline, choose our seats, and make sure they had our FF numbers applied. They even upgraded us automatically to Comfort+ (neither of us has all that many miles, but we do have the airline CC, so maybe that's why).

    The price didn't change for us, but it went way up on both the airline and cruise line sites (as I said, I comparison shop, beast-mode).

    Final payment was made at the same time as final payment for the cruise. Easy-peasy.

  9. While I understand your son being sensitive about it, you can assure him that many people, even folks twice his age, will get carded in casinos, bars, liquor stores, etc. It's very common, and even if he looked his age or older, it would likely still happen.


    I was carded buying beer at a grocery store just the other day. :eek: I'm 62, and while I might look a little younger than my age, I don't look THAT much younger! Their policy is to card everyone.

  10. this is the part the worries me (also a n00b). Am I supposed to notify someone on nights I find I won't be in the MDR? We have early confirmed but I know on our actual anniversary night I've made reservations in the steak house (Conquest).


    Other than that I plan to be in MDR every night at whatever my assigned table is (part of the fun! Maybe I watched the Love Boat too much as a kid lol) BUT it is conceivable we'll be tired from an excursion and/or just not feel like getting dressed up one night but it is against my nature to be a no-show when I know other people are expecting me and it might negatively impact their dining experience.


    If you know ahead of time that you won't be there, it would be a courtesy to let someone know that - your waiter, the maitre'd (ideally), or even your table mates. If it's spur of the moment, you can just call or stop by the dining room to let them know. It's not required, but it's the polite thing to do.

  11. Nope. No interest. I couldn't tell you the biggest ship I've cruised on, but it wasn't one of the mega-liners and whatever it was, it was more than big enough.

    I wish there were more smaller ships that could go to more ports.

    I suppose the monsters appeal more to people who cruise for the ship rather than the ports. I still have way to many places I want to visit before the ship becomes the destination.

  12. If there's a choice between 2 nearly equal options (same itinerary, similar class of ship), I will go with the least expensive, even if it means a few compromises: is the room a bit smaller, are there fewer choices on the dinner menu? Will either of those matter to me or will I even notice? (no)

    That would be my choice because it would mean affording a second vacation or have more spending money on that one.

    If all things aren't nearly equal, well, that's up to you. Are the differences between the pricier selection and a lower cost selection things that are important to you? That's something only you can answer. What might not matter at all to me might make or break your vacation.

    It's a very personal decision.

  13. We booked our EZ-Air flights from BDL to Tokyo Narita for at least $300-$500 per person less than I could find anywhere else.

    I like that:

    I still got a Delta confirmation number to be able to go to Delta.com for seat selection (and I automatically got upgraded to Economy Comfort Plus when I did).

    Even though I booked way in advance, I didn't have to pay right away.


    I can cancel my air reservation, for any reason, without penalty, should the need arise, up until final payment of the cruise.

    Plus, if something goes wrong with the flights, Princess has my back.


    Quite the bargain, even if the cost was the same.

  14. Sounds like everyone has had it up to their eyeballs with Sam. Of course not the judges and if he doesn't go tonight, they've lost all credibility with me.


    OMG, Sam and Isaac, get a room already! (or perhaps they have)

    I think Sam is used to skating by in life being flirtatious and cute. (If his back story is otherwise, I'd like to hear it) Apparently, he's a nice guy, but flirting and being cute get REALLY annoying to people you're with all the time, especially if you turn into a b*tchy little princess when people don't respond well to it.

    It appears that Alyssa may be over Sam.


    I agree with the winner.

  15. The designers who are so in love with jumpsuits should have to wear one for a night on the town, have a few drinks (maybe one too many), stand in a line for the loo, then try to get out of it (where are the closures for these things, anyway?) whilst keeping the jumpsuit out of the toilet and off the floor.

    Good luck with that.


  16. Oh. My. God.

    They HAVE to be keeping him around for the "show" of it. (Last night's outfit wasn't really the worst of the bunch. At least it was summery. Missed the mark on "badass", though.)



    Seriously, though? A hunk of white fabric held on with a belt was safe? C'mon!

    Dude looks like he doesn't even want to be there, standing there with a "shoot me now" look on his face.



  17. If I lose, I consider it entertainment I paid for.

    If I break even, I consider it a "win".

    That said, I have won a few bucks a couple of times (I've spent much more over the years than I've won). A friend of mine, who is much luckier than I, has won the cost of her cruise a couple of times. She's very much a lightweight when it comes to gambling, so she's probably ahead.

    Possible? Sure.

    Probable? Not at all.

  18. I've found European cruises tend to be a bit dressier than others.

    That said, NCL is freestyle, so you can wear what you want. At the very least, though, we dress as we would going out to a nicer restaurant.

    I always wear makeup, at least a little, so, yes to the makeup for me. Hair? I wouldn't go crazy - I wouldn't waste money for an up-do in the salon, for example, but if you want to fancy it up some, sure, go for it.

    I don't bother with heels, if I can help it, but, let's face it, some dresses would look funny with flats.


    Basically, whatever floats your boat.

  19. I've never seen bugs of any kind on board a ship. We always get a balcony and spend considerable time on it while docked, before and after excursions.

    I've never even encountered mosquitoes ashore, even when in the jungle. Luck? Good timing? Quite possibly.

  20. I selected "Deal Driven", but how we choose is actually a combination of two things. I want the best deal for the itinerary I want.

    Regarding itinerary: we're trying to hit as many different ports as possible, so it would have to be a unique (or extremely discounted) itinerary to get us back to the Caribbean.

    Cruise line selection is low on the list, although so far we've stuck with the most mainstream lines. Ship selection doesn't even come into play.

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