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Posts posted by LadyMage

  1. Wow, just wow...


    If their prices for their latest attempted event are as outrageous as the ones that caused the cruise to collapse, they seem to be too stupid to learn from their mistakes! I agree with you about the failed charter cruise cleaning out their coffers, resulting in litigation, and running off their investors/sponsors. I don't say this often, but at this point I tend to think that the best ending possible is for the promoter to go bankrupt and disappear, so as not to continue scamming and defrauding the public!


    Oh, indeed. I would definitely like to see this promoter get some just desserts for this.


    Typically, if you fail at an event, the first thing you do is 1. Admit as much and, in conjunction, 2. Issue refunds to the customers. The fact that they'd rather delete the naysayers and "tactfully" close the booking is not the same thing as admitting, "Hey, this isn't working", and the longer that is delayed, the worse it looks for the promoter. Whatever reputation he had is now shot permanently; this will never be lived down.


    Hattack - plan on it!! CapJazz Cruise is nearly sold out and the lineup isn't even fully announced yet! I'm pretty confident the Maxwell cruise stragglers will be partying with us this year.


    And I'll check out the Tom Joyner cruise. If he rolls out a lineup I'd go to see, then I'm there! I love, love music charters.

  2. They just said that they are booking some of their other events which were several jazz festivals. The only one I remember off hand is the Cancun Jazz Festival. I didn't ask for any other details.


    I looked up the festival. Nearly identical lineup, and the prices are comparable to the cruise in their outrageousness. Just...no. Between hotel room, flight, tickets, it comes out to about $5K for a single person. NOPE. Not gonna happen.


    What I want to know is this: how will they afford to put on the Cancun fest when the cruise would've cleaned out their coffers? I cannot imagine the liabilities at the end of a collapsed charter, nor can I think that their investors and sponsors would have anything to do with them after the cruise.

  3. Guys - read back along this thread. On Page 7, you'll find it. Detr0itvsEverybody has contacted the executive offices at Royal Caribbean. The Maxwell charter has been canceled by RC altogether.


    It is not happening. Period. Not full, not partial.


    To note, I maybe pay $3K tops to get my single cabin at Capital Jazz SuperCruise. It's more than worth the money, and the only time I paid slightly over $3K is the one time I went with a porthole cabin.


    If I were booked on the Maxwell cruise, I'd be suing the living daylights out of them for not coming clean about the cancellation when it had taken place. They should NOT have continued to advertise after RC gave them the boot. I can't imagine they didn't know. I can't imagine they thought it would sell out at the prices they're asking. And it's making the promoter look worse and worse the more he prolongs giving people their money back.

  4. Yep, I know if I had paid signed up & paid their insane price - I'd definitely be counting on it being a full charter with the private celebrity chef and everything else that was promised.


    I'm betting the number of people who actually booked & paid their prices is minimal, which is good, since I'd expect them to be livid once they're on board and discover everything they paid for and are NOT getting!


    Oh, I'm expecting that the people running this charter are going to be deluged with phone calls, and none of them pleasant.


    I'd expect a free 90-minute hot-stone massage with that price nightly! I travel alone, so I'm at a disadvantage price-wise, but most of these jazz charters make it possible for singles to save some money. For what they're asking for a single, make that massage a 105-minute one.

  5. Hmm can they change the description like that, without notifying those who have already booked through them? I would think that would be a change in the contract.


    Also noticed that the private chef is off the website now too. I'm assuming some of their special guests will be coming down soon also, if this thing is still happening. The facebook page has now disabled the option for anyone to post to the page.


    You can thank me for the disabling... :D I called them out for deleting posts for the page. They didn't appreciate that very much.


    They took their entire booking system offline as well. If you go on maxwellatsea.com, you'll see there is no option to book.


    I think it's pretty clear that there's no way in hell that that charter will be sailing. At all. There is no Maxwell and the Seven Seas, period.


    Whoever is going on the Freedom on May 3rd, enjoy your cruise!

  6. My CJSC buddies and I enjoy having a running bet every year as the artists are announced on the website in terms of brackets (gospel, old school funk, neo soul, fusion,smooth jazz,straight ahead jazz, grammy winners, comics, music icons , which artists on previous CJSC will be repeating and lagniappe (artists you would never expect to see on a jazz cruise with soul)....when the Underground Lounge & Get Down Club artists are announce we check them out on Youtube, then order their CD's thru CD Baby


    With the cruise being 40 weeks away , by checking the CJSC website daily for new artists announcements it keeps us engaged and excited about the upcoming CJSC while we are dealing with this current winter freeze....the monthly newsletters should begin soon, which will make the time go quicker....the final newsletter that has the daily performance schedule is when I start packing :eek:


    This year, look for the girl with the big huge camera - that'd be me. :)


    I have a similar bet running with my friends. Some of the artists actually announce the cruise on their individual pages a day or so before the CapJazz page makes it official...and I watch my favorites very keenly to spot that.


    I love, love, love the Underground Lounge artists. They are always fantastic.

  7. Funny you mention Dave Koz...I was on the Smooth Jazz Cruise the year Koz & Wayman Tisdale (year before his untimely passing) were cohost and it was awesome...years later Koz went out on his own (Dave Koz & Friends) and has been a resounding success & I bet took alot of fans who followed him from the Smooth Jazz Cruise....I would love to do a Dave Koz & Friends Cruise in the near future


    IF the Maxwell Cruise cancels, maybe some of the favorite artists in that line up will be announced for the Capital Jazz SuperCruise 9 (most of them I have seen on CJSC 4-8)....but you are right, it will probably sell out of cabins before Valentine's Day.....they can always be the first to deposit for CJSC 10 :)


    I learned the hard way with CJSC: deposit the MINUTE the booking opens up! This way you get prime cabin choices, and the lowest prices! The lineup never disappoints, I always discover new artists this way, and talk about networking! (I'm a music photographer in the off hours, so hey. clients)


    I don't think the Maxwell cruise is an 'if' anymore. I think it's a matter of 'when' and 'how gracefully'.

  8. The full charter music cruises have replaced the brick & mortar Jazz Clubs where one can experience enough live performances in an 7-8 days/nights time span in an intimate setting in a cost efficient manner that it would take 3-5 years to do on land if you went to a venue, once a month to support your favorite artists.....it is 2 vacations (cruise,music) in 1...the bonus is that the well establish charters (Festival at Sea, Fantastic Voyage, Capital Jazz SuperCruise, Dave Koz & Friends, The Jazz Cruise, The Smooth Jazz Cruise, Malt Shop Memories, Soul Train Cruise, Legendary Rhythm & Blues Cruise) each have a very loyal & passionate repeat fan base, that sail year after year in part because of the music & artists as much as for the friendships that are formed and celebrated onboard almost like a yearly family reunion.....a frequent comment is once you have experienced a full music charter, one would find a regular cruise :eek:boring:eek:


    As a Baby Boomer, I grew up listening to Motown, Stax, DooWop, Funk Bands, Horn Bands (TOP, EW&F, War, BS&T) R&B, Jazz and the great Soul Singers being played by my Parents on their hi-fi while watching Soul Train on Saturday mornings...every year on the Capital Jazz SuperCruise I am reminded on how cruising & music are such a great combination and to be able to experience it with 3000+ like minded spirits


    I love neo soul...the Capital Jazz SuperCruise thru it's Underground Lounge & Get Down Club & Midnight Allstar Jam Sessions, showcases emerging neo soul artists has become my favorite part of the cruise


    I'm in the Gen Y/Millennial age group, but I was raised on classical, and jazz to me felt like the nest natural thing. I fell in love with it at 15, at almost 30, it's my most enduring love affair. :)


    I can't see myself not being on Capital Jazz. If I ever go on another cruise, it's likely the Smooth Jazz Cruise or Dave Koz. Likely Koz.

  9. Your post will probably be gone tomorrow, but it looks like you've alerted at least one clueless person about it!


    Oh, I got banned for it. Predictably. :D But once again, I got a screencap.


    It really, really doesn't make them look good. Too bad Capital Jazz Cruise is nearly sold out, the stragglers could have rebooked with us and had a blast.


    EDIT: they've not banned me, because I'm still able to comment on their posts... but they apparently disabled the Posts to Page feature so no one can post to their page.


    Either way, they pretty much confirmed it without confirming it.

  10. They don't check their page very often though! I posted 21 hours ago about it being fraudulent as the charter was cancelled by RCI in November, and my post is still there. LOL! Will let you know how long it lasts! :)


    Gone already.


    Too bad for them I have a screencap of it! I'll probably get banned from their page for this post, but I've had it. They're making other, better jazz charters look bad.

  11. Wow, I joined this cruise community to find out more about cruising since this Maxwell & The 7 Seas cruise would be my first! I was so excited to go on my first cruise, plus see many of my favorite artists at the same time, but reading this thread regarding charter issues, and not being informed by any travel agents regarding this celebrity cruise event, I'm starting to think that I should've never booked it at all! :confused:


    I really don't know how they're going to work this out since we ( me and my sis) were expecting to have exclusivity to the ship for the major price we spent for the cabins for this event.


    It's upsetting that this "all exclusive, full charter" Maxwell experience is going to be shared with customers who probably have no idea who Maxwell is!! It's going to take away from the experience of sailing with people who have the same musical interests as my own and I would be able to relate to.


    I really hope this gets sorted out, or they just cancel the whole darn thing so I can get over the $3,000 I spent for this cruise back, and use it for a more enjoyable vacation.


    Lovenharmony - first of all, sorry that this is the way you have to find out.


    If I were you, I would immediately start calling to get your money back. They will continue to advertise as a "full ship charter", they will not say anything about their charter being pulled. If you can get your money back, now is a good time to do so.


    I think there's little doubt that this is done and over, per this post:


    Hello everyone. Would just like to report to you all that has happened and that there should be no reason to worry in regards to this sailing date!


    After weeks of going back and forth with RC trying to get off this ship and price protect for another date, they refused. I ended up cancelling my May 3rd Family Promenade Stateroom. I did not stop there. I got in contact with someone in the executive office. She was able to clarify everything for me.


    At one point, back in May 2014, this ship was fully chartered. This charter was cancelled on November 13th, and RC started to release rooms on Nov 14th. The person I spoke with obtained this knowledge from "very high sources." We ended up reinstating our booking (at a great rate it seems). She assured me that the cruise experience will not be effected in the slightest. There is no partial charter, full charter, any charter.


    As far as the website goes, she told me their legal team has been notified and they will be working to take it down. Also, I was the one who commented on their FB asking if it was still happening, and they ended up deleting all of my posts so it seems fishy on their end. Glad I was able to get it all clarified.


    If you can get some sort of a confirmation from Royal Caribbean that this charter isn't happening, then your trip insurance should refund you the money. Or your bank, if you used a credit or debit card to book.


    If you really want a charter cruise full of music, please look into the Capital Jazz SuperCruise. It is a genuine full charter, it's sold out year in and year out, and the lineup is amazing for both jazz and R&B fans.

  12. I'm sure you're correct. Except what I'd say they have to lose is customer goodwill as this story gets out, and although I'm not a lawyer and don't even play one on TV, it would seem that by allowing this to openly continue for months after they apparently cancelled the charter and (assumedly) got access to the bond money, they're very possible open to being considered an accessory to the crime - and if so, THEY have the deep pockets that Maxwellatsea does not!


    Probably, RC didn't even know the MaxwellAtSea people were still taking bookings after the cancellation, and until their corporate offices were alerted, they probably didn't know about the false advertising. I just can't imagine they wouldn't have shut that down where it stands, if they knew the customers were under the impression it was happening.


    It also depends on their contract structure. If the contract declares the bond forfeit to RCI in case of cancellation, which I'm pretty confident most of these sorts of contracts do, then RCI has little to worry about.

  13. Agreed. I would expect Royal Caribbean to take a very strong stance on this. Though I should say, they're making out like bandits. They have money from the bond. They're selling the cabins independently. If they would still welcome the performers on board - any portion of the lineup - in their own right, then they'll get the entertainment part of it. RC has nothing to lose in this, financially.

  14. Usually the promoter of these types of charter post a disclaimer on their website...;)Talent Line Up Subject to Change Without Prior Notice;) and also places a disclaimer that ;)monies paid are non refundable (xxxx amount of time after deposit), so guests are encouraged to purchase trip insurance;)....also for full charters (and not groups on a regular sailing) the cruise line usually requires the promoter to post a bond equal to 100% of $$$ paid in escrow in case the charter cancels or has a major screw up....so if the case goes to court, there is a fund pool to draw on


    That's why one has to do due diligence before depositing with a first time or unknown cruise charter promoter, especially in this case...if the Charter cancel the bond should cover for full refunds for $$$ paid by guests prior to sailing.....however...it gets :eek:murky:eek: if the full charter is converted into a regular sailing and offers a different (or reduced) line up then advertised)


    Full Charters and large groups on regular sailings cancel all the time for a wide variety of reasons...we usually never hear about it because folks are refunded their $$$., (thru the promoter or trip insurance)and hopefully have enough time to arrange alternate cruise vacation plans...if not the case it would make for good tv on the People's Court


    Ladymage...please keep us informed how your friends make out in this situation...if you are comfortable, can you share what type of communications your friends have been receiving from the Maxwell folks


    At this moment, I really can't share as much as I would like. This may change.


    But what I can tell you is this: nearly everyone whom I spoke to about this charter was expecting this to happen just based on the price tags alone.

  15. But maaan, if the charter isn't happening and there's no musical guests, can you imagine how much crap RCI is going to get when the guys who booked at the astronomical prices find that out? Especially if they don't have trip insurance, or can't cancel for some reason? You would think RCI would do anything to avoid that huge headache.


    Typically, if a charter event gets canceled, it's up to the promoter to refund them the cabin fees.




    If the Maxwell charter is continuing to book rooms even though RCL pretty much pulled the plug on the entire thing, fraudulently at that, then I think the absolute last thing that people should expect are refunds.


    I really hope everyone had trip insurance.

  16. Hello everyone. Would just like to report to you all that has happened and that there should be no reason to worry in regards to this sailing date!


    After weeks of going back and forth with RC trying to get off this ship and price protect for another date, they refused. I ended up cancelling my May 3rd Family Promenade Stateroom. I did not stop there. I got in contact with someone in the executive office. She was able to clarify everything for me.


    At one point, back in May 2014, this ship was fully chartered. This charter was cancelled on November 13th, and RC started to release rooms on Nov 14th. The person I spoke with obtained this knowledge from "very high sources." We ended up reinstating our booking (at a great rate it seems). She assured me that the cruise experience will not be effected in the slightest. There is no partial charter, full charter, any charter.


    As far as the website goes, she told me their legal team has been notified and they will be working to take it down. Also, I was the one who commented on their FB asking if it was still happening, and they ended up deleting all of my posts so it seems fishy on their end. Glad I was able to get it all clarified.


    Thank you for letting us know!!! Really. This saves a lot of people a lot of grief, especially on the musical side.


    Sad thing is, I would've gone on that cruise, IF they weren't all but extortive in their prices.

  17. Last week someone posted on the Maxwell at Sea FB page asking if the cruise was still on. The Maxwell page responded and said yes, so I commented asking if they were going to adjust the description to exclude the "full ship charter" part as Royal Caribbean is now booking rooms for the public. It appears that the Maxwell page has now deleted the whole post. Sketchy!


    I caught that. :) They're very much in the habit of image control, which is not a good sign for any music production, charter ship or not. They've deleted more than one of my comments as well; I called them out for the completely BS inflation of the prices several times, and those posts ended up mysteriously vanishing as well.


    They're fooling themselves if they think it's going to work. If they're deleting negative comments, they're as good as outright acknowledging the comments ring true. It's basic PR 101: if the negative comments aren't true, then you needn't delete them, because you have visible proof to dispel them. If, however, you know the naysayers are right, you try to shut them up and remove them quickly without disproving them.


    I'm watching the entire situation carefully; I have several friends who stand to lose quite a bit if - or maybe when - this charter collapses.

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