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Posts posted by Kate-AHF

  1. 21 minutes ago, pinotlover said:

    I have a question for those that are either on, or recently got off , one of the 1100 passengers cruises. In Europe this summer the cruise lines had strict capacity controls on elevators. I believe max was four people. Is Oceania enforcing any limits, or is it still all you can stuff in?

    While we were cruising in Europe, the elevators were restricted to 4.  Once we began the crossing, it was no longer limited, and masks were optional on board.

    • Like 1
  2. Unlike Seabourn, who asks you in advance what liquor you want in your cabin, Oceania doesn't do that.  Just see what they put in there, if anything, and tell the butler to swap it out for what you prefer once on board.


    Yeeeaahhh... the luggage tags.  I'm joining up with Marina on 11/2 and JUST got my blue book/tags by mail yesterday.  36 hours before we are to leave.  Thank heaven they didn't mail them to our TA to send to us.

    • Like 2
  3. 30 minutes ago, Harters said:

    I understand the issue of the single day visit. It used to be an issue, years ago, when we were driving through different countries. Nowadays, most member countries of the Union use the Euro so it is much easier. In your example of Croatia, my guess would be that Croatia receives more visitors from the Euro zone countries than it does from, say, America. As such, a tour guide will probably be more accustomed to being offered euros as a tip, rather than dollars.


    Here's an interesting article on the Croatian tipping custom, written by an ex-pat American.



    It is so much easier with the euro, isn't it?  I got a taste of how it used to be when we circumnavigated South America in 2019/20.  That made for an interesting currency order before we left.  Blew the collective minds of our backwater bank branch in "Where am I?" Virginia.


    Great article on tipping.  Many thanks!

  4. Just now, Flatbush Flyer said:

    The O invoice is important. Having it (and copies of pre-purchased item receipts) in hand once onboard is always helpful if there’s any discrepancies on the docs you find in your cabin upon your arrival. 


    I thought that was why the O Trip Summary was for.  And I keep every email documenting pre-purchased items.

  5. 3 minutes ago, LHT28 said:

    I have  a DEBIT card connected to one account  & keep a small amount in it  when travelling

    I can go online & transfer more $ if needed to that account  from another bank


    Have had our VISA hacked  but not the debit card




    Interesting.  I do take a debit card for the "travel checking account" with us, with a small amount of cash in it.  But never do I take the main checking account debit card.


    I wonder why the difference for you.  They will both be chip and pin, both just as easily skimmed I would think.


  6. 43 minutes ago, Flatbush Flyer said:

    Unless a TA outright purchased them as a “gift” (though perhaps at a discount [I really don’t know this level of detail]?), you will not see their gratuities listed on an O invoice. If, however, the TA gave you an allotment of pass through incentive funds from O and/or a TA consortium/O agreement, you will see the gratuities on the O invoice with the notation “OCAPP” (Oceania Cruises Amenities Partnership Program). It is my understanding that O provides this for certain itineraries.


    If you are one who tries to negotiate a reasonable sharing of TA commissions,  it is good to know what is/not a TA amenity. And remember that the best “cash in your pocket” is not always the “best deal.” Some TAs may be able to work wonders in problem solving upon which you cannot place a price tag. So, IMO, a reasonable combo of commission sharing and “connections”/incentives is a good consumer target.


    I still haven't seen the invoice.  And it's an O invoice, it's one from the TA.  I'll get it eventually.


    And no, I've already stated on this board more than once that discounts are not the reason for our using a TA.  Problem solving is.  Though the problem solving worked much better when we were Seabourn clients and not O clients.

  7. 1 hour ago, ORV said:

    That's much like our MO.  I did manage to use up all of my spare Euro and more on our Sept of 19 trip from Amsterdam through Northern France and ending in Lisbon. It was a great cruise.


    What is your tour? I distinctly remember using an ATM in the Old town area in Dubrovnik to buy something from a vendor that did not take a credit card. 


    Okay, here is how much of an airhead I can be (particularly when my head is focused on the next two cruise, not on this one anymore). 


    To answer your question, I just checked to see what we are doing there and we will actually be in Croatia three days. The first day, in Dubrovnik, is a rest day after 6 days of touring (and this is our 4th stop in Dubrovnik).  The next is a visit to Trogir from Split.  The third is on the next leg of the B2B2B 4 days hence. 


    So I guess I will be dragging my tired carcass off the ship in Dubrovnik to find a bank ATM.  After having my card skimmed two times out of the last four trips - I only use bank ATM's now.

  8. On 10/22/2021 at 10:11 AM, Harters said:

    Of course. 


    When I tip a guide in America, it would never cross my mind to offer sterling.


    But here is my problem..... I'm in Croatia for one day.  When I ordered currency from my bank prior to sailing next week, I did not order a small amount of croatian kuna... the fees were huge.  If I want to tip the guide for that one day, I'm going to have to find an ATM when I get off the ship and before I start the tour.  I have no idea if the guide would prefer euros or USD, or if kuna is the only easy option for them.


    This is not the first time we've been to Croatia, but on previous trips it's been more than one single day and I've not had a problem visiting an ATM for a small stockpile of kuna.


    What I don't think anyone wants on this thread is to end up with tiny amounts of currency from countries they may not make it back to anytime soon.


    I never worry about getting too many euros... that hasn't happened yet and if it should... leftovers can always go in the home safe to be used on another trip.

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  9. 25 minutes ago, Flatbush Flyer said:

    Actually, it’s the same department. And you paid for Regent’s included bizclass air in a fare which is far more expensive than O’s fare for a similar cruise (and included coach air).


    Basically, O and Regent are a similar experience except that Regent’s “extras” (whether you want them or not- though you can take an air credit), while O has a pre-Cruise “a la carte” approach.

    FWIW, I often do side-by-side comps of O and R (adding enough O paid options to equate the package). In every case, Regent “bottom lines” at a significantly more expensive cost.


    And an "ala carte approach" could be upgrade to biz class.  Fits in perfectly with the business model.  Don't want it?  You don't have to pay for it.  But that option should be there.

    • Like 5
  10. 44 minutes ago, Flatbush Flyer said:


    And I trust that most folks will agree that we want O primarily focused on the what they do best - the actual cruise experience (I.e., port selection and onboard life).


    I don't understand why you think it's an either/or equation.  You seem to think that improving the air dept would tank everthing else the line does well.  I don't get that.  When you rest on your laurels, you die as a company.  This attitude of "Oh, we're doing enough, so get over it" I just can't wrap my mind around.

    • Like 5
  11. 10 hours ago, Flatbush Flyer said:

    BTW: Trying to add two tours on the same day can get a “ conflict” message if the times are too close. 


    And you can still get the conflict message when O has cancelled the initial shorex, it's no longer listed as a shorex you are taking, and you are trying to replace it.  But  you can't because it still thinks there is a conflict. 


    Glitchy, glitchy, glitchy.

  12. 3 hours ago, CruiserFromMaine said:

    I have another question. When I selected my excursions, I was planning to the the YW option and selected more tours than the minimum of four for the 25% discount to kick in. But at checkout, the tour price was shown as the same as the YW price, so no 25% discount. What did I do wrong? 


    You did nothing wrong.  Before this upcoming cruise for us in a couple of weeks, I've never had a problem getting the online system to calculate the YWYW prices as long as I selected the minimum amount of shorex for that cruise to qualify.


    This time, I've had constant issues when selecting, and expecting, that 25% discount to show up and have been on the phone to O twice now to get what I needed.  They did get it done both times.

  13. 53 minutes ago, ORV said:

    Kate, do you know what source the PPG are coming from? Oceania, or your TA? 

    No clue.  I suspect it's an Ensemble thing, but I haven't seen the invoice yet.  I'm having issues getting the on-board booking credit perks applied, which we are entitled to as we are 24 days out of sailing.

  14. 1 hour ago, pinotlover said:

    For those folks that just signup for new 2023 cruises this week. Were any of your TAs offering consortium PPG on any of the cruises?


    Yes. Jun 2023 voyage on  Riviera.  First time in quite a few O cruises I've gotten PPG.

  15. 15 hours ago, ORV said:

    I'm only doing the 10 day from the 11th to the 21th, but I can see what I wrote makes it look like we're doing both. I'll fix that.  We actually have done most of the ports on the cruise after that one, with a couple of exceptions. We have also recently(well, pre covid, fall 19) done the itinerary that starts on the 1st of Jun. We prefer longer cruises than just the 10 day, especially since we're flying to Europe. Hopefully there will be some offers to add the one before or after last minute, we'd certainly do either again at the right price. On the other hand I'm not holding out too much hope for any offers as those are both popular and limited itineraries, but it's all post covid FCC(I think) with might reduce demand. 


    We are looking at the 11th - 29th.  (The itin for the June 1st leg we are doing Fall 2022 on Sirena.) Then maybe rent a car and do a little of the Wild Atlantic Way again.  The first time we did it we had to miss Slieve League as the fog was impenetrable.  But that time of year is much later than I like to be in Europe.  We are shoulder-season people.


    Just like you, we can't make ourselves fly over for just a 10 day - and 18 days is still too short.  When we retired our biggest thrill was never having to take a 7 day European vacation again. 


    First world issues for sure. 😳

    • Like 1
  16. 11 hours ago, ORV said:

    I haven't had time to reply to what you posted above and this post. I certainly can understand your frustration, I also went through a process for quite a few years until I found our current TA ten years or so ago. I basically read between the lines on posts here and realized who some really informed posters, some that are no longer with us, were using. 


    At least you see the value of a good TA, some here think just booking direct is the way to go, I differ. If that works for them great. 


    On your second comment about air. Keep in mind very few TA's actually book air, unless it's through the cruise line like Oceania. If you're doing independent air you're basically on your own. If I understand correctly most airlines no longer work direct with travel agents so there is no incentive for them to book air. As far as the rest of your wish list it's exactly the service we get.  Our TA only books cruises, some do tours and land vacations which is another kettle of fish. On your third comment that's exactly what our TA does, if we ask a question and she doesn't know the answer her reply is, "let me find out". I appreciate that as opposed to someone making something up or just saying "I don't know". 


    I have met people on cruises that recommend their TA because they get perks from the Travel agency for doing so. For some reason that never really set that well with me. 


    Are you currently booked on any cruises? Good luck in your search, if we're ever on a cruise together maybe we could talk. I always take a few of her business cards on cruises, but never proactively give them to someone, only if the subject comes up in conversation.  


    Thank you Orv.  Very helpful.  I was unaware of the reason for lack of TA air support.  I will strike that from my list of "must-have's".


    We have a B2B2B on Marina in three weeks, and another B2B2B on Sirena next fall.  Funny though, we are actually looking at a portion of the cruise you've mention in your signature, so it's possible our paths might actually cross.

  17. 9 hours ago, mauibabes said:

    Kate and others,

    I’d like to share a bit of what I have learned while sailing with Oceania over the last 14 years. I have looked for an agent who is professional, extremely helpful, accurate with their information and works with me and for me. I am paying the booking that generates their income so I have every reason to expect outstanding service.  If I dread talking to the TA, then I have the wrong TA. If they are not honest with me, I have the wrong TA. Some TA’s think they own their customers and that is flat wrong and they are not my TA. 
    An Oceania Connoisseur Club member is definitely a person who knows their product. They will always try to maximize your Oceania cruise benefits and amenities because if you are happy with their services, you will come back for more bookings and bring friends along. Oceania always provides all the contract information, insurance documents, and everything you need for your fabulous cruise. Any TA that can not attach that information to an email does not deserve you as a client.  
    Some posters on these Boards and Roll Calls try to emphasize how they have received major discounts or rebates and that is why they use that TA. I can tell you Oceania and many other lines have an Anti-Rebating policies and I for one have too much respect for that TA to ask them to jeopardize their relationship with their Agency and most importantly Oceania Cruises.  I want a TA that respects their clients and treats them with integrity and respect. If I can spend $10 to 20,000 or much more on a vacation, I am not going to ask the TA to give me their livelihood.


    Kate, you deserve a great Oceania TA and I hope you find yours real soon, they are out there.  Maybe one day our paths, or should I say seas, will cross and over a glass of something special, we can talk. 
    Ciao, Mauibabes


    What a wonderful post.  Heartfelt thanks for sharing this. 


    I think this part is so important:

    " If I can spend $10 to 20,000 or much more on a vacation, I am not going to ask the TA to give me their livelihood."


    Exactly.  Discounts, perks or rebates have never been a factor for us, and the TA needs to be compensated for what they do.  I don't expect them to do this for free, and with all the pandemic cancellations, rebookings that are  also then cancelled, and then rebooked again without a dime coming in - income has plummeted.  In some cases TA's lost status commission tiers with some cruiselines because of drop in volume during this period.  Stimulus must be the only way they have survived, and that's gone now.


    I do hope our  paths cross over that glass Mauibabes.

  18. What do i want from a TA.

    • I do not care about perks, or discounts.  I want someone who knows the product.
    • I want help with air. ("Oh, we are a mom & pop agency.  We don't do air")
    • If I ask a question, and you don't know the answer (particularly in  these challenging, constantly changing environments) I want you to ask.  Though I have rapidly decreasing confidence that what the TA is being told is actually true.  See: constantly changing environments, and very confused O employees.
    • I want at LEAST a link to the current cruise ship travel contract and conditions when I book, so I can print them, and I don't want to go looking for them myself.  If you think everyone gets this, yeah... no. They don't.
    • I want some kind of assistance from the TA if things go way-bad-wrong on our cruise.  I don't think they can fix everything, but I want them to at least try.
    • I want an accurate invoice.

    I've asked three people on the last two cruises who their TA was.  They were not sharing.  If they evade or change the subject, what do I do?  Polite society indicates I accept the dodged question gracefully.


    Though we have a new argument above "give the newbies time to learn their job".  Which already absolves the TA from my point 1.


    Pinotlover seems to think that most people have control issues.  Trust me, I didn't used to.  Having balls dropped by others over the years has enlightened me that I need to take responsibility.  Funny how it's "control issues" until there is a problem, then it's 'you have an obligation to keep informed".


    Okay, off my soapbox for another 2 years on this subject.

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