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Posts posted by clairebearinaus

  1. I have multicharger thing (sorry don't know what it's called!), it has one electricity plug and a box with 4 USB points for connecting multiple chargers.


    I hoped since it's not technically a powerboard that it might get past any cruise ship restrictions. I didn't bother to take it on my first cruise because it was so short I only had my phone with me, but it would be useful in future.


    Has anyone successfully brought these aboard, without having to sneak them in?

  2. And if a child can't control themselves and the parents refuse to, there are other vacation choices for them as well.......camping in the middle of the woods comes to mind so that only the animals will have to listen to the screeching of a small child. :rolleyes:


    I am a crotchety old thing, and sometimes have to try REALLY hard to find my inner peace in the face of other humans and all the annoying stuff they do.


    But I recognise that's largely my problem, and one I have to deal with if I'm going to climb onto a boat with a few thousand others in close quarters.


    So I while I understand where you're coming from, I disagree. I think it's actually the people who can't hack sharing a public space with other humans, and those unpredictable and sometimes outrageous things other humans do, who would be better off camping in the middle of nowhere.


    I've decided not to ever let those things ruin a well earned holiday.

  3. Hi,


    I'm considering a mini suite on the Golden Princess, dolphin deck for two adults and two kids. The website only allows me to book a few of the mini suites for 4 people, and I found a deck plan online which says those cabins have a fourth bed, a pullman, in addition to the usual queen and sofa beds.


    If you've stayed in a cabin like this I'd love some info about how all those beds are configured. I'm guessing the pullman is above the sofa?


    Any advice much appreciated.

  4. Not all trams in the "City" are free, which is what the poster said.

    If the free city circle tram now travels within the new extended free area, then I stand corrected.


    Yes, that was the bit I was referring to, apologies if it appeared I was arguing with everything you wrote.


    You might be happy to hear that the signage for the free area has improved - it's printed all over the ground at stops - and they announce over the PA when you are about to leave a free area so no need to keep a lookout.

  5. I just booked a repeat next year :D


    This time 4 of us going to appease the two who missed out last week and haven't stopped harping on about it. (And who can blame them...)


    It's 3 nights this time, but I'll be watching carefully for sales because it's pretty exxy, over $2000 for four of us in a balcony cabin. I might have to chuck it if the price doesn't come down but the 4 berths were selling out fast so I snapped one up and will worry about it later.

  6. I jumped in to share my experience on the Golden to find it's already been quoted!


    The pork belly dish isn't cured pork. It's a fairly common ingredient in Australia. Twice cooked (i.e. slow braised, then under the grill for the crackling) is lovely and works well with Asian flavours.


    The Curtis Stone version was more traditional, served with some apple and potato.


    My son complained that his chicken and leek pie had gristly meat, but he's a fusspot so I wouldn't take his review too seriously!

  7. During my first cruise, last week on the Golden I was surprised to see a bunch of things in the Anytime Dining room which I'd been led to believe were inappropriate.


    Shorts were one of those things, along with manky old jeans and rubber flip flops.


    I must admit I spent about 30 seconds being mildly annoyed, having gone to considerable effort and expense to find 2 x new pants to fit my tall skinny DS, who grows like a weed and will no longer fit them when our cool weather returns. Then I remembered I was on holiday, and forgot about it :)

  8. I get a very mild version of motion sickness, just a faint headache and sense of lightheadedness if I try to read. On my recent cruise I really noticed the difference when I put a Sea Band on and then again in the morning when I forgot, and the feeling came back. They either work or are a very good placebo!


    My DS is more prone to carsickness etc so I went the full gamut with him but like you wanted to avoid drowsiness, he is unbearably cranky when tired! So in addition to a Sea Band he had ginger/herbal based tablets during the day and just a Kwell overnight. He reported a couple of mild waves of nausea while indoors but they didn't amount to anything.

  9. Our disembarkation from the Golden went very smoothly on Friday, though it was a little late due to the welcome curtains fanfare.


    We were one of the first groups off, and carried our own bags, so this probably helped a lot. It was also a domestic cruise so no immigration and customs at the end.


    We were asked to wait in the Explorer's lounge which was a) hot and stuffy and b) had no mobile reception even when tied up at the pier. I've learned my lesson and will hang around in my cabin or on an outside deck a bit longer next time and only move to the lounge at the last possible minute, and after I've contacted my ride home.

  10. I did some quick sums in my head and worked out that to come out in front of the beverage package, I'd need to grab a coffee and a bottle of water in the morning, a couple of beers by the pool during the day, sunset cocktail and two glasses of wine with dinner.


    It sounds like such a lot when I put it like that, especially add we're also bringing our 2 allowed bottles of wine onboard and doing the balcony dinner, but it's so easy to knock a few back when just kicking about on deck all day. The challenge will be getting my money's worth on the 5 port days.


    I'm going to come home a lot fatter that's for sure!

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