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Posts posted by CruisinCons

  1. 3 hours ago, wowzz said:

    Only ever used a 4 number pin in Spain , or indeed the rest of the world. I didn't even know 5 number pins were issued, as 4 number pins are the industry standard. 


    Here we can have 4 or 6.  Our bank assigns us 6, and if we want 4 we need to reset it. 

  2. Not sure how much this is prevalent in Spain as it is in Italy (we're making our first trip next year) but when my son studied abroad in Italy this past year he had to make sure all his pins were only 4 digits.  We also got him a travel credit card to avoid foreign transaction fees.  

  3. On 9/17/2019 at 10:06 AM, ravenrob said:

    Does anyone know if leaving from Barcelona on an 11:15AM flight back to Newark is too early.  We are on the Allure of the Seas on May 24th and arriving back on May 31st.  Thanks in advance.

    We're on the same sailing.  I'm just starting to research this sailing and look at air, hotel and stuff to do! 

  4. On 7/5/2019 at 12:36 PM, pjfnme said:

    Hi all.  Our cruise will be arriving in Marseille on May 28th, 2020 and we are scheduled to dock at 07:00.  I wanted to go to Aix on a DIY as we are doing tours at almost every other port, but I am seriously worried about time as we aren't in port very long.  I was able to find a picture of the free shuttle schedule (it doesn't even show that the shuttles are running on Thursdays in May) but if they are, they won't leave the port until almost 09:00.  I could always try to find a taxi at the cruise port to take us to the train station earlier, but I've heard they are hit or miss.  After that I'd have to get to the train station and take the train to Aix.  We would need to be back in Marseille no later than 14:30 to catch the shuttle back to the port as our boat leaves at 16:00 and my DH tends to stress about not getting back on time.  I'd love some opinion/suggestions from those who have done this so that I'd have an idea of just how much time we'd actually have to walk around Aix without feeling stressed at having to get back.   My only other tour option for this port would be to get transportation to the Old Port and catch a tour boat for the Calanques as I know that would be manageable in the amount of time we have.   Suggestions?


    We'll be there two days before you.  This is my last port where I'm trying to come up with what we want to do, as I know nothing about that part of France.  Day 1 of Marseille research has begun...LOL 

  5. We've sailed on both Adventure and Grandeur, and will be on Summit in October.

    Adventure offers you more to do; more venues - pub, etc and promenade instead of centrum.  Has mini golf, ice skating.


    Grandeur offers you views of the ocean from everywhere, less venues but the ones they have are bigger and have views of the ocean. Has rock wall.


    We loved them both - but they offered us different experiences.  We did Adventure with our college aged kids and their grandparents, we did Grandeur just the two of us. 

  6. I don't think you'll get an answer until the amp is done.  We really only know what's been mentioned in the promotional materials right now.  There will still be a dedicated area, it just won't be as big.  From my own teen's experiences, most of the space was always empty as the teens were out and about in other places.  They rarely hung out there but instead met up other places.

  7. 10 hours ago, CruiszBug said:

    There are 4 shows available to book as of today: Frozen in Time (ice show); Stand up Comedy (comedy live); Cats; and Stand up Comedy (Opal theatre). I imagine the Aquatheatre show will be added by and by. All of these were available for Dec 1, 8, and 15th sailings on Oasis.


    They finally showed up for us last night. 

  8. 17 hours ago, CruiszBug said:

    For those who are looking forward to a shortened version of CATS! onboard Oasis after the refurb, I just booked it for December and it is showing 2.5 hours in my calendar. That may change if indeed they are shortening the production, but if they are merely changing the cast... ?


    Which sailing are you on?  I'm on December 8th, and entertainment isn't showing up for me yet.  We're with a decent sized group, so I want to make sure we grab our reservations as soon as we can so we all get in on the same shows. 

  9. Just now, Ourusualbeach said:

    Must be from her first drydock 5 years ago because she sailed today and has one more sailing to go before she starts her current drydock. 

    Hmm the person who posted it is usually spot on with his information.  Oh well, my apologies. 

  10. 11 hours ago, timf2001 said:

    The dates now correctly align to the first sailing after dry dock.  I can see the card room just fine.  Look near the aft elevators, not the forward elevators.


    Yeah, I know.  It's just that the dates go away when I scroll down that far, unless I change the zoom to be too small.  That part of the deck plan was just for the dates. 

  11. On 8/28/2019 at 4:13 PM, Wine-O said:

    Hook up with another couple or two on your Roll Call and book a van for 4,6,8 people from the cruise port to BCN.  We use Ziptransfers. Very reasonable rates and always on time.  Departing BCN cruise port, no customs/immigration.  Just show your passport on the way out.  Zip transfers will take 4 people with 4 pieces of luggage to the airport for 37 Euro.  They have a variety of prices depending on the number of people/luggage you have.    I use them all the time from hotel to cruise port and cruise port to hotel or airport.  🍷

    Do you schedule this in advance, or are they waiting at the port and take first come first serve?

  12. 1 hour ago, travelingla said:

    thank you - that is what I am looking at so wanted verification I am on the right track.  I still find it hard to believe every single 'regular balcony' JS is under this busy deck!  😞


    Take a look at a picture of Majesty.  These ships were built in the late 1980s/early 1990s.  Very few balcony cabins on that class of ship.  As time has gone on, more and more balcony cabins have been added.  Empress is the same way.  

  13. 7 hours ago, Luvcrusn said:

    Yes. Just keep in mind you each get the choice of either the discount or the free 90 minutes. 


    Thanks.  We were going to pay the Cruise Planner price for my husband's surf only.  It's only $80 at the moment, so not a bad deal to us. 

  14. 21 hours ago, Luvcrusn said:

    They won't stack the 30% discount onto a sale, it'll be one or the other, but the 30% at the pre cruise purchase price will be your best bet most times. You don't have to wait until you're on board to purchase with the 30%, you can call Captains Club at 800-760-0654 pre-cruise and tell them you want your Elite discount (for DH, yourself or both) and they will take care of it for you. If you have any OBC from X, they're deduct from that if you'd like. You can purchase 1 package for DH and just take the free 90 minutes for yourself. You don't need to do anything ahead of the cruise other than make sure your Captains Club numbers are added to your reservation. Then once you're on board you just create an account and log on (and off when you're not using) for the free minutes.

    Thanks!  What I was planning on doing, since he just needs to surf for checking emails/work, was buying him the 1 device surf plan.  I was going to use both our free 90 minutes so I'd get 180 minutes of steaming to use throughout the sea days, then in St. Thomas I have cell service and again once in San Juan.  But if the price for the 1 device streaming with the Elite discount isn't too horrible, then I'll just buy that.  That's why I was wondering about the discount.  So I can call Captains Club and see how much it is with my discount, then decide?  Awesome!  Thanks!! 

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