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Sue L

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Posts posted by Sue L

  1. I saw that too.;) My Mom's email came about 10 minutes after that article was posted. She really didn't say much other than they were delayed. From the position of the ship, I really don't see how it could have sailed when Ms Martinez said it did.


    I have been tracking the ship since it left Harwich and was very surprised this AM not to see it on AIS. I am just glad there weren't a lot of injuries and hopefully, the crew member recovers soon.


    I will post if she emails again.


    Hope mom is having a ball!!!

  2. I do carry all my formal wear, and my formal shoes. I figure I can get shorts, t's etc anywhere but I put in too much time and effort finding formals that are easy to travel with.


    I know that doesn't help but I would suggest you call corporate. I suspect by now the people who grabbed your bag instead of their own feel terrible and are trying to get the bag back to their rightful owners. Hopefully you two can track down each other. Also call the port authority in case they called there instead.

  3. So are there two sets of aft stairs? One shown on the deck plans and another secret one???


    Back to my original question: So the general consensus is that I should stay with mid aft (9260) instead of corner aft (8168)?




    Hmm, yes there is another set of aft stairs but again they are for CREW only, so I think I will need to save you from yourself and not divulge the exact location. :D;)

  4. Yes, I am happy and a bit :cool: about the great ship we will go on. DFW will be spoiled for her first cruise and maybe expect this for all our future cruises. Maybe I should get an inside room on the Monarch for the one after our honeymoon cruise to her to experience the full spectrum.


    I am shocked that they left the aft stairs locked on the Radiance, especially the fact we are supposed to use them for emergency purposes. Even if they unlock electronically as soon as abandon ship alarm goes off, there is chance that mechanical will fail.....I am a former volunteer firefighter/EMT and I know from experience how important seconds may be in an emergency situation....

    there are other stairs that were for emergencies, not those in the aft. The set is forward in that hallway about 15 rooms up or so in the middle section. Not an issue.

  5. Alas, I just cannot wait for our honeymoon and the terrible stateroom we are in........:p We had a hump (no pun intended :eek:) cabin before and I am SOOOOOOOOOOO glad these aft cabins opened up. Though the DFW has never cruised and is :confused: at my excitement about different staterooms.....



    You will love the Serenade, I have other pictures in my signature.

  6. Keep your deck 9 cabin...only 2 flights to the pool deck...pretty easy.

    It is a loooooong walk back and forth to the cabin, so don't plan on making lots of "back and forth" trips, but you'll love the space! Enjoy!


    It is SOOOO worth it for the view of the wake!!!



    It is like a 3 minute walk and I have lousy knees and hips, actually the afts are AWFUL..... leaves them for me.:rolleyes::p

  7. Can you tell me how long the long walk will take? In minutes?? I think if it's anything over 5 minute TOPS, I will take my chance and just use the crew stairs. After all, (just like speeding a bit) I don't cause any significant harm to anyone.... What I find ironic is RCI decides to show these aft stairs on the deck plan instead of blocking them out. I understand that these stairs are to be used during emergencies (and obviously therefore should be shown on the e-vac plans); however, I do not understand why they show it if we are not supposed to be there....besides maybe to make the cabins towards aft of the ship more attractive for sales


    they were locked from the hallway on the Brilliance as my ever inquisitive hubby had to try the knob

  8. High Season is summertime, holidays, and springbreak/easter time. Low season is sept/oct (mid hurricane season) and jan/feb. There are some great deals to be had during low season. That is when we cruise, and we love, love, love it!




    This is true now, but years ago when cruising was more elitist the winter months of Jan, Feb and Mar were high spring and late fall, value season and summer through mid fall(hurricane time) was economy.


    Basically since cruising is much more of an affordable family vacation now anytime the kids are off is high season.

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