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Posts posted by Madmariner7

  1. I'm a rank amateur guitarist who has considered brining my acoustic for practice (I didn't just because I didn't want to lug it through airports etc) and I agree that you should always be respectful of your neighbors regardless of where you are, what you're playing or how loud it is. Having said that, any acoustic guitar, unless played violently and/or accompanied by loud singing, is going to be less intrusive that a jacked television, a screaming child, a drunken adult argument, or music played too loud on a portable system - all of which I've had to bear. I'd suggest asking the crew about a meeting room (most or all ships have these; there's two on Pearl near Stardust), which are almost always empty, or just do it anywhere after asking those impacted if it's OK. ECCruise is right - common sense and common decency (courtesy) should be the rule. There are plenty of people on cruises lacking both without guitars. Have at it.

  2. VZW used to have a global data package for NCL fleet ships - while at sea (not anymore,) and that 100MB for $25 was fine for the "smart" users familiar with tweaking & tailoring background data usage & staying away from media streaming. It is available if you cruise with another line at sea, but not with NCL at this moment, AFAIK.



    I used it on Pearl last week. Everything else you said was spot-on.

  3. +1 Correct. Ultra expensive !! @ $20.48 USD per MB data used - under its Global Roaming plan when on the cruise ship, rates varied and are set differently in non-US ports. VZW used to have cruise ship coverage at "reasonable" rates but it has been discontinued and no longer offered.



    For the GEM/Dawn sailing to Bermuda, VZW's trip planner showed voice calling at $2.49 per minute, 5 cents for incoming text msg/SMS, 50 cents for outgoing text/SMS, 2G data speed is billed at $20.48 per MB used (thus, 100 MB would be $2,048 USD as in two thousand and forty-eight US dollars - not a math error or mistake)



    All true but Verizon's global package ($25 for 100MB) can be less expensive IF your data needs are limited. If all you're doing is checking email, 100 MB goes fairly far. I used it on an 11 day cruise and it was plenty. If your data needs are higher, the shipboard WiFi is the way to go.


    Don't under any circumstances turn your cellular data on at the per-MB rate, as mking so well illustrates above. And if you're using a cell or tablet even with a data package as I did, make sure data-hungry background apps are disabled!

  4. question- can someone please explain to me if those little hotspot devices( Verizon) work? Do they work on the ship ? Do you need to connect to the ship or can it connect to a satellite, do they work in port? Do you need to buy one of the internet packages for these to work? Dawn Boston to Bermuda. Using with a cell or tablet..


    thanks for the knowledge !!





    They should work, if you mean the Verizon cellular hotspot devices. Go to myverizon.com and make sure your device is suitable for one of their global plans; you will use the ship's cell capability (not direct to satellite), which U.S. cell companies treat like foreign roaming. I added (for my phone) a plan that included 100MB data, 100 minutes voice, 100 outgoing texts and unlimited incoming texts for $40, works on board and in foreign ports. I think it would have been $25 for the data only - if you go over 100MB, they will charge you another $25 for another 100.


    Without a plan like this, I forget what they charge for data per MB but it's cringe-worthy. Also, the data will not be 4G on the ship - I think it's 2G at best. Verizon has a chart with what you can expect in the different countries.


    If you do this, you will not need a shipboard internet plan. All the charges come through your cell plan. If you are using a lot of data, though, the ship Internet (through wifi) may be less expensive if you manage your minutes well, doing as much as possible offline and then connecting only to send/receive.

  5. As of last week, the Unlimited plan was not available on Pearl, and the 250 minute plan was still $100. I found the speed improved a lot over our last cruise (Jade 2012). Still not up to broadband of course, but Jade reminded me of dial-up with a 1200 baud modem (yes I'm old).




    With all the concern about passing the virus to fellow passengers, I'm also surprised that they didn't shut down the hot tubs by the pool.



    I didn't use the hot tubs on Pearl so I'm not sure, but typically they are bombed with chlorine, which would make them pretty low risk.

  7. NORO IS NOT CONTAGIOUS. It is a hoax, it is controlled by the HVAC system. These breakouts are manufactured by the cruise lines when too many people are overeating at the buffet. They release the pathogen into the ships ventilation system to slow down food consumption. Another cost saving measure by the cruise lines.



    Not the HVAC, silly. They coordinate with the airlines to fly over and release chemtrails. Please keep up with the most current whack-job conspiracy theories; you've lost all legitimacy now.

  8. We just debarked Pearl. It's unfortunate (and never completely avoidable) that this happened but NCL did everything right in response and it didn't lessen the experience for anyone who wasn't ill (my thoughts go with those who were). It says a lot that only 7 out of 1100 crew members got sick. you're really concerned about illness on a cruise ship, wash your hand - a lot - and stay away from the buffet. That's by far the #1 transmission vector. The HD confirmed as much during our CC wrap up yesterday. The Pearl hadn't had an outbreak since last June, BTW, which is a pretty good record considering the music charters it carries.

  9. Sorry, meant diembark. Does anyone know how the Pearl disembarks passengers in ports? Is there an specific order, do they go by excursion times?


    Sent from my SM-T310 using Forums mobile app



    We just returned from Pearl S Caribbean. All of the NCL excursions met on the dock, not inside the ship. Other than priority disembark passengers (Haven etc) I think it was first come first served.

  10. I lived in San Juan for a few years. Both forts are wonderful and to tour them both will take you about 3 hours if you're so inclined. Skip the shopping - almost everything there (especially jewelry) can be had elsewhere for less (even in NYC if you shop around!). There is one artsy store on Plaza Colón that's nice. Visit Cafecultura (Pl. Colón) for the best coffee in OSJ and great sandwiches and bites. If you are with 4+ people, have tapas at Barú or Dragonfly (both a bit pricey, both worth it). And one less-visited place is Casa Blanca, a grand old house which was built for Ponce De Leon but he never got to live there.

  11. Look at this thread, you will see the cord that you can get in post number 6, you can also see some nice pictures that coyboy1971 posted. hopefully i can paste the link: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2097782


    You do NOT need anything, the cord is supplied with the Bose.


    Thanks - to be safe (and because they take no room, and I have them) I'll bring a stereo phono to stereo phono cable, and a stereo phono to 2RCA cable.


    Since my original question, I've decided to take my laptop for music - after converting to MP3s from my music server at home (I have everything on a drive) it's way too much to take up space on my phone or iPod. With the two cords I mentioned I think I can handle either style of input even if their cords are not there for some reason.


    Thanks again and we'll hope for Maxi!

  12. We stayed in the Pearl DOS, H2, Deluxe Owner's Suite, 15000. It is similar to the Gem but not the Jade. This was for 11 days in Dec 2014, it was AMAZING. If you have any questions about this Suite, quote this post and I should be notified and will gladly answer your questions.




    We'll be in 15500 in late March (and immensely excited). Technical question here - I understand these rooms have a Bose music system of some sort - do you know what the input(s) is? Stereo mini phono plug, iPod dock, USB?


    May seem trivial but I need my music!

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