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Posts posted by Glyn1947

  1. We're visiting Tortola next February (Ventura). There doesn't seem to be much to do on tortola. So I presume we'll go to the beach. Which one is recommended and how long will it take to get back to the ship?


    thank you



  2. We don't know what to plan. A part of me wants to go to Orient beach, have a good lunch and go back to the ship. Another bit says we should have an experience of the dutch side as well as the French side.

    How do we travel without spending a fortune?

    What do you recommend?


    Thank you



  3. We will be visiting Antigua in January aboard the Ventura. We would like to visit Nelson's dockyard and a nice beach. What are peoples experiences of this sort of itinerary:


    1. bus or taxi or hire car or cruise excursion?

    2. The beaches on the West coast. Which is the best?

    3. What are peoples best experiences for a day which includes a beach and something touristy?


    Thank you



  4. We are visiting St Kitts in January (Ventura). We would like to visit a beach for a few hours but also take in a bit of sightseeing. South frigate bay is South of Basseterre and The Brimstone Fortress is North of Basseterre. Could I ask the community the following:


    What is the best (cheapest) way of travelling around?

    What suggestions do you have for the day?


    thank you



  5. We are visiting Martinique in January. We would like to go to the beach at Les Salines and have a lunch in, or near St Anne. I speak French. We would like some help with the following:


    1. What are the different experiences of getting from Fort de France to Les Salines or Ste Anne, by bus, or taxi , or hire car?

    2. How long does it take? particularly on the return journey.

    3. Any recommendations for a good restaurant in Ste Anne?


    Thank you



  6. Our cruise ship (Ventura) was due to stop in Grenada on a Saturday and we were looking forward to going to the spice market. Unfortunately we are now visiting on the Sunday. We plan to go to Grand Anse for most of the day. We would like some help with the following:

    1. What is the best "touristy " thing to do in St Georges on a Sunday. I have read that the island is very quiet on a Sunday?

    2. How easy is it to go to and get back from grand Anse?

    3. It seems that Grand Anse is very large. Which is the best bit where we can rent sunbeds with some shade?


    Thank you


  7. In January we will be visiting Barbados for the first time and we intend to catch a bus from Bridgetown to the Speightstown area and sunbathe on a beach for a few hours and then go to St Nicholas Abbey for a tour and a bite to eat and then finally go back to the ship (Ventura). It would be great if I could have help with some or all of the following:


    1. Which beach near Speightstown is recommended?

    2. We would like to catch a bus from Bridgetown to the beach. How feasible is this?

    3. Can we get a bus from the beach to St Nicholas Abbey? Or should we take a taxi?

    4. How long should we allow to get back to the boat from St Nicholas Abbey?

    could we use a bus or do we need to take a taxi?


    Thank you in advance for any help.



  8. We are going to St Lucia in January with the Ventura. The cost of their catamaran excursion on catamaran to The Pitons is £45, about $70. This seems like a reasonable price as I don't see how an independent arrangement would cost much less than $50 and the extra $20, in the grand scheme of things, is not such a bad deal. Can you please tell me how much a locally arranged trip would cost? Also is the p and o excursion a good one? Lastly what should we do in the afternoon when we come back from the boat?

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