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Cathy p

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Posts posted by Cathy p

  1. You could be me and everything you eat comes flowing out. So carb, sugar whatever. I am so tired of this chit, sugar, honey and iced tea!!!!. :D I am the queen of label reading and my downfall is pasta.. Someone suggested Deerfields that is good so I shall try.


    Chat later and catch up in the morning.


    Thanks for all the well wishes.

  2. Good morning, Breeze buddies!


    Well here it is hump day and I still feel like chit. I am now into the Immodium and my head is still clogged. Oh well at least working takes my mind off it unless I have to leave my desk all the time.:eek:


    Heidi, I have a griend that has Type 2 and is also on insulin. However, he does not take care of himself and eats all kinds of mess.


    I use to go to the Garden Ridge in Virginia. They do have all kinds of stuff in there. I went to their grand opening and I still have the big umbrella they gave me that says GR.


    I really try and be good with the foods I eat. I can have like 45 carbs a meal and 30 for snacks.


    Sue, I love the cow and motorcycle story. I can just imagine the modern day cowbow riding the motorcycle.lol


    Rick, I drink 2 beers on Saturday and that is it for me. However, on a cruise I like different stuff so my doctor told me to eat alot while drinking and then do lot's of walking. This should be interesting.lol

    Wow 5.6 how wonderful is that!!!!!

    Dave, I have to admit the Immodium finally worked last night by 8 so I did get a good nights sleep.


    Renee, get that cruise booked for sure and it is always fun looking at excursions.


    Char, so glad that you had a good time. I also want to see that movie sooner or later. Hope you are feeling better.


    OK time to motivate, chat later.

  3. My Diabetes class and my blip sheet I got with the Metformin says it should only be used for type 2 Diabetes and those not taking Insulin. Mine is an extended release tablet and I have to take one with breakfast and 1 with dinner. We shall see how it works. I already take a zillion other drugs for various things and my doctor said I should have no reaction with the exception of a little loose number 2's. lol:eek: Ok that was probably more than anyone needed to hear.

    Ed, I don't blame you for lurking after what I just said.:D

  4. OH WDW I was thinking in airport terms. Like MCO for Orlando, etc. I forgot about poor ole Mickey that I love dearly. Wow my grandkids have always jumped at the WDW suggestion from when they were little to now at teen years and up. The price has gone up for sure.

    Sue, I love my beef and would never want to see it go away.

    Just got back from the doctor and pharmacy. Along with my antibiotics she put me on Metformin for my diabetes.:(

  5. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    Started feeling really chitty yesterday afternoon with a headache and sinuses so I knew I was in for the quarterly sinus infection. Got up early this morning to call and make sure I could see the doctor since i have the 37 hour shift coming up. Thank God I can get in at 10:20. I love my doctor as she has in my record if I call because I am sick they are to make room for me. I have so many issues they don't want to take any chances. So the pool is out today.:(

    Rick, I don't really like air conditioning. I would much rather have fresh air and if I can get several hours worth it is fine by me. We are having a cold snap today only 88 for a high. Of course the humidity will probably feel like 100 but it sounds good anyway.

    Dave, I have thought and thought but I can't seem to come up with what is WDW? How old are your grandkids?

    Well shall lurk for a bit and chat later.

  6. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    Goodness I am gone for a day and everybody is typing away. Whew my eyes are pooped.lol I came home from work yesterday and was just dragging. I laid on the couch all afternoon and night trying to take a nap as I did not sleep at all the night before with cramps in my feet. Well no nap only watched the Food Network and QVC. Went to bed at 10 and got up at 10 this morning. I feel so rested.

    It is a bit hot here with the humidity and last night we had a beautiful heat lightning show. I have seen alot of those in my years but that was amazing. Not a rumble of thunder to be had.

    We are going to do the chill and veg kind of day today and then tomorrow will hit the pool. I start my 37 hour work week Tuesday and will be by myself doing the girl next to me's job as well. Her last day was Sat and she will be back in 6 weeks after surgery. I think I have it down to a science but I am still nervous.:eek:

    Donna, I love Rod Stewart and when I lived in Georgia we use to go to a bar named Rudy's Bar. One of my drinking buddies use to look just like him. It was so funny to watch new people walk in and just look at him.

    Rick, I think it is just wonderful what you do for people. We do the Toy's for Tots drive and I do the supplies for school children.

    Kathi, put that $25 down on the deposit and then you have until Aug of 2013 to pay the balance of that part. Lots of time to save. We want the Kathi's, Kathy's Cathy's and Cat's to rule the cruise.lol

    Sue, YEA!!!!!! You are finished haying. I am so excited for you that I feel tired just thinking about all you have done. My heart sank when I was reading you were thinking of selling again and then no not now. Whew! I thought I lost all my wonderful ranch stories.

    Renee, how wonderful for that young man and we will keep praying for sure. Yea, another newpid will be joining our group. I am so happy to hear that.

    Heidi, thanks for updating the list. It is nice to know that I am up to date on names.

    Well time to turn on the air, I am beginning to sweat.:eek: Will chat later.

  7. Good morning, Breeze buddies and happy Friday to all!!

    I looked and looked and finally found us on page 6.:eek: Ok any of you lurkers out there that have signed up for this cruise let's hear from you......Plus don't forget if you have not signed up, you need to motivate on that one. How's that, Heidi, did I do good?

    Busy day yesterday at work and I think I now have the other job I am going to be doing down to a science. Today will be trying to answer the phone and do her job.:eek:

    Sue, yea, the baler is fixed. I hope it did not rain so you could get it done.

    Yes, I have some wonderful memories of my little girl and then I have those teen years...:eek: which I would gladly do over again.

    Char, I hope I did not upset you with talking about my pictures. That is the last thing I would ever want to do.

    Heidi, speaking of corn, we have alot of stores both in the paper and on TV talking about how many different items have corn in them. There goes the prices again. Oh and the good ole oil went up over $2 yesterday so here goes the prices on that one.

    Rick, I am sure they will get you cruises fixed for you. Give them a jingle.

    Well not much to do this morning before work so I will just lurk a bit. You'll have a great weekend.

  8. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    Sorry I missed you all yesterday but before work Kenny and I went thru a bunch of pictures as my DGS' sweetie is trying to get a bunch together for him. So I looked at pictures and cried and cried and cried. It was really hard looking at my sweet Tina and remembering all we use to do. I went to work and my coworkers wanted to know why my eyes were swollen.:eek:

    I was telling my DS about that and he says I don't even have 1 picture of my sister so here I go again today.lol I am getting pictures made of my great grandma on down so they can have a bit of a tree.

    Heidi, sorry for your heat and the stupid peeps that throw those butts.

    Dave, glad you are home safe and sound.


    Rick, glad they did not do that pledge in Virginia or my parents would have moved back up to Connecticut.lol


    Mimi, hey you slacker, you STILL owe me an email.


    Sue, I am so sorry about your baler issues and that you might not make the BBQ.


    Nice to hear that you have only had 1 murder in 5 years. We seem to get the high profile ones here like Casy Anthony and now George Zimmerman killing Travon Martin. Such a shame.


    Happy to hear that Staci and Brian will be moving into their brand new home.


    Char, have fun at the BBQ. I also want to see Batman.


    Jenny, don't be a stranger, keep us informed on all your happenings. It is going to be so much fun to meet everyone.


    Well picture time and then I work 12-5 so will chat later.

  9. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    Happy Tuesday to all and my only day off this week. Kenny is making corn beef hash and eggs for breakfast. We are then going to the pool so I can walk off the fat and carbs.lol


    Robin, I use to love garage sale. When we lived in Virginia I use to go and have them all the time. You would be surprised what you can find. Congrats on the making of lots of money. I see more spending on the ole cruise.lol

    Donna, if it is not one thing it is another. Sorry for the air. I remember those days in the middle of the summer with a Tropical Storm or Hurricane and no air.:eek:

    Rick, I took Kenny to Gettysburg, Pa. as a surprise weekend several years ago. We stayed at a beautiful Bed and Breakfast and he had a ball going from one place to another. I never walked so much in my lfe and it was Feb so it was cold. Then the Sat we were hitting all the places it started to snow and we got like 9 inches. I had a ball just watching him so excited but I could not wait to get back to the hot tub.lol

    Well time for breakfast so will chat later.

    Have a super day!!!

  10. Sue, gosh not only do you have great ranch stories now you have wonderful wedding ones. That sounded wonderful. I am so glad you got to see everyone.

    Donna, I am so sorry to hear what your poor mother has been thru. I know what you are going thru as my mother was sick for a long time before we found out she had TB. My prayers are with you and your family.


    Nothing to do the rest of the day but play on the computer and lurk a bit on the ole CC. Chat later.

  11. Good morning, Breee buddies!

    Well short day today with a 7-12 shift. I love this shift as I feel I still have part of the day after.

    Char, I love Mexican food especially cheese enchaladas. We only have 1 good one around here. Yes, Butterfish is a white, mild fish with no fishy taste. I don't remember seeing it for sale anywhere.

    I love that show house hunters. Well that is about it so shall chat later.

  12. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    Sue seafood was great. I had baked Butterfish. It was the first time I have eatten that. It was delish with a jalopeno sauce.

    Robin, I agree with Hells Kitchen, however, love both of the shows my Gordon is in.lol


    Donna, Christine seems to be the best of the girl. Although I like Barbie also as she is the underdog.


    Char, What did you have for dinner when you went out?


    Heidi, glad Eric is having a better time and at least has water.


    Renee, thoughts and prayers for you godson.

    Sue, good luck with the baler.


    Yesterday was just a hang out kind of day with Kenny. Enjoyed it as I will be working more hours soon so taking advantage of our together time. Today is watching QVC's In the Kitchen with David show and flipping back and forth with NASCAR.


    I hope everyone has a super end of the weekend and will chat later.

  13. Good afternoon, Breeze buddies!

    We just had a few storms roll thru and since this is July nothing unusual for Central Florida.

    We are going out to eat with the people across the street. Since we are driving it was their turn to pick the place. Fried seafood left and right.:eek: They do cook their fries in peanut oil so that is better.


    I sent an email to my DS in hopes that they are going to join us. We shall see. I told them they had plenty of time to pay for it.


    Char, I am looking forward to meeting you as well.


    Donna, glad to see you have returned. I hope you are enjoying your camping. My hubby use to have a camper thing bob in Carolina and I just could not get into that. Marriott or above for me.lol


    We time to go to lunch. Chat later.

  14. Sue, it's not bad enough you are having all those issues with the baler and now smoke. I have asthma and COPD so smoke really bothers me.

    Rick, I think that is wonderful what you are doing for those children.


    Glad to see more people can take advantage of the $25 rate. I hope we get alot more. I still have room on my list to put people down with their screen names.lol


    Time to lurk a bit and then off to get my nails done. Chat late. Oh by the way GOOD MORNING!

  15. Hi, Breeze buddies!

    I am pooped today as I did not have to go in. I was going an extra 5 hours just to train with the girl next to me so I can be ready for her job when she leaves for surgery in 2 weeks. So she did not come in and I was free.:)


    Sue, sorry about all that cost but really enjoyed the calf story.

    I missed the info that Staci got the house, congrats to all of you..

    Heidi, sorry also to hear about Eric. I hope he is better soon.

    David, thanks for the info and look forward to chatting with you soon.

    Off to lurk.

  16. Good morning, Breeze buddies!

    I rec'd an email from Erin this morning letting me know it was only for people not booked by Aug 1st. She said I was just fine as I booked in May. YEA!!!!!

    David, thoughts and prayers still going out to you and the family.

    Robin, sorry to hear about your Great Uncle's death. I have been to Cherokee Reservation before and their slots were so very tight.:eek:


    12-5 shift today and then off tomorrow so shall lurk a bit, chat later.

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