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Cpt Pugwash

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Posts posted by Cpt Pugwash

  1. Years ago i travelled on the Azura and the first Solo meeting consisted of inviting everyone on a tour of the ship but though i didn't fancy walking round ship for a hour or so i noticed that the Elderly, Infirm and those with Disabilities were just left to there own devices which is wrong.

    Now i know you can't arrange things to suit everyone but being Disabled now myself and will NOT be able to do a walk round the ship even if wanted to i want to know is this what they do on Iona & Britannia.?

    If so i'll be known as a 'Trouble Maker' as i will be reminding them that they happily take bookings from Solo Disabled passengers and of the Disability Discrimination Act when all they offer is for the Able Bodied.

  2. On 3/28/2023 at 11:21 AM, david63 said:

    What is this "free" parking?


    I thought that the offer for parking/OBC/coach transfer when making a booking was factored into the price!

    No the Free Parking cost comes off your OBC, i expect the coach will be the same though never travelled by coach cause for me coming from Scotland then stopping to pick up at other places it takes forever and a day.

  3. i could write a long list why you should go as a solo passenger but i won't. I've always travelled as a solo passenger (being Happily Divorced)😁 and love it.

    This year i have 2 cruises booked and will be my first Holidays since having a Leg Amputated in 2019 and now use a Prosthetic Leg, which makes me not count when it comes to dance partners as FangedRose says.

    There is meetings every day for solo passengers to get to know each other and to discuss what there doing that day.

    The people you get to meet in my opinion is a big part of your Holiday like my first cruise where i don't think i had laughed so much on a Holiday.

    Go For It, you won't regret it, unless the ship sinks then it will be a different story.🤪


    Phew Checked the spelling before posting this and noticed i had missed a letter in the 'count', don't need anybody to get me into trouble can do it myself'.😄

    • Haha 7
  4. 19 hours ago, paulatsea said:

    Maybe a stupid question - but does the highest bidder always win  ? Or is it a lottery ? Can you increase bids ? 
    like eBay - keep bidding if you want to win ! 

    If it's rules are like that Omaze we all see raffling houses on TV for Charity it will be pot luck if you win, Omaze check winners online profiles to see if there 'respectable' enough to receive first prize if not the winner doesn't get it. 

    If P&O started that they would make me sleep in one of the Life Boats and charge me extra for a Lifejacket. 😆

    • Haha 5
  5. 11 hours ago, Selbourne said:

    I thought they were now called “stitch and bi*ch” 😂 

    Are you trying to say women need to be able to Stitch to Bi*ch now. Didn't know many women that couldn't Stitch in my life time but knew plenty that could ******. 🤕

    • Haha 1
  6. On 3/26/2023 at 9:54 AM, goodclicks said:



    On 3/26/2023 at 9:54 AM, goodclicks said:

    I’ve finally booked to return to P&O in May this year, this time as a solo cruiser with a straight female friend. When I saw this objection by a fellow P&O passenger (and a few supporters) about special interest meet-ups I now wonder if I have made a mistake.  

    You haven't made a mistake booking a P&O Cruise because 1. I went my first cruise and became friends with a Gay Guy and didn't even know he was Gay until he mentioned organising a Gay Meet, and that was in 2012 and 2. I will fraternise (big word for me) with anyone except people that look down there nose at others and the old P&O Forum was full of them so much i was going to cancel because i thought this was the general type of people that Cruised and me being a quite little thing 😇i would have said something. But others on the site talked me into going and i had probably the best holiday ever socialising with and laughing with the kind of people i would not normally socialise with e.g those who think 'there is only one way things should be done 'My Way'.

    Anyway it doesn't matter what subject is being discussed on any online site now you will always get people saying things they would never say  out loud.

    Go and enjoy yourself and like everyone else does if you don't 'click' with someone Gay or Not don't bother being in there company.

    I've done it myself and i'm not Gay, i'm not perfect i'm not everybody's 'cup of tea'  but nobody should change who they are to suit other's.

    It's your life not there's.

    • Like 6
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  7. 1 hour ago, Bowtoo said:

    Hi, just made my first cruise booking and forgot to select the free port parking, do I have to cancel or can I just ring up P and O to get them to change it?



    68 days left until I sail

    Another bit of useful info P&O don't tell you if you do take free parking you have to book it online or phone yourself.

    You don't need a voucher number or anything like that just your booking No.

    Enjoy and be prepared to become hooked on cruising like most people do after there first cruise.😄

    P.S 68 days to go are you on Britannia B314.?

  8. 32 minutes ago, besberry said:

    On the Arvia maiden there was an LGBTQ session every evening.  Unhosted.  First day 4 of us met up.  There were other people there but not sure if they part of the meeting or not.  It sort of dwindled on the vine after that, though I did end up with a drinking buddy. 


    When I was on a P&O cruise a few years back, we were told we couldn't call it a 'Friends of Dorothy' get together as it was considered derogatory.  Not that they asked us!  Same goes for Battle of the Sexes, I dunno what it's called now, but you get a kicking if you call it by the old name.

    It always comes down to the same thing it's peoples personal opinion especially these days when a thing cannot in any way be derogatory someone will make out it is.

    Be Proud of what kind of person you are folks no matter what, it's you life live it your way Not the way others want you to.

    No doubt some people would not agree with my opinions on subjects but why should i change them to suit them, you are doing yourself a disservice if you change  to suit others.  

    • Like 2
  9. I came in contact with all kinds of people during my working life from the man in the street to the Business Owner and i always have gone by the simple rule 'Treat others as they Treat You' and it did upset some (which i must admit i enjoyed intentionally annoying them) but you notice that they have no interest in you as a Person but only want to feel  'superior'.

    Everybody would get on better if they looked at  what kind of Person they were talking to Not there gender, religious beliefs or anything else.

    Unless someone is doing you harm what difference should it make to anyone what someone else is like.

    Sadly today as you can see in many subjects many people want to be part of a 'flock' that says and thinks the same way as they do and everybody else is wrong, think for yourself Not what the 'flock' wants you to think.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, zap99 said:

    I deserve to have a superyacht in the South if France.

    Well could you keep a look out for me in one of the little blow up dingy's you get in seaside shops with P&O Cruises printed in the side for some free advertising they would give me. 🙃 

    • Like 1
  11. 21 hours ago, Bill Y said:

    This comes up from time to time as people wish to be regarded as super elite and then demand more benefits. 


    Well said one of the most common questions on the old P&O Forum was 'how long does it take you to get your new tier badge' people were so desperate to think they were more 'important' than others.

    But a post by a lady who represented a American Company here in the UK blew all that out the water (if you will excuse the Pun), she only had two weeks holiday every year which she liked to go on cruise and relax always getting the highest grade suite available to spoil herself, she made the point that though she probably spent more on that two week cruise than people that didn't work that went on say two or three cruises a year went up a tier when she did not.

    Just because someone has spent a lot of nights onboard does not make them any more special than the first time cruiser no matter how much they want to feel. 

    Just like these people who have met the Captain on a Cruise, many seem to think there 'personal friends' with them now.

    Wonder how many people a Captain meets on a single cruise never mind a Year.?

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, pharaohmcr said:

    Hi guys, newbie here! I've tried to find some information about the following online, but haven't managed to find anything useful so far.


    I've booked on a Norwegian Fjord cruise in September and the cruise number is G332P. I was looking at similar cruises around the same time and noticed that these largely had codes Gnnn (i.e. without the 'P' suffix). Looking on the website, I noticed a few other cruises with different letter suffixes.


    So I was just wondering - does anyone have any idea what these suffixes mean? Curiosity has really got the better of me here!

    Here is another Baffling bit of info about cruise ships i never ever found out the answer to, the deck No's go up the way and the Deck letters go down the way. So beware in lifts.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Cpt Pugwash said:

    Sadly it is a topic where everyone can be pleased with having so many opinions. The people who are anti gay i'm sure the gay people will be able to spot them a mile off and will have no interest in talking to them, nobody has the right to decide who ANYBODY socialises with, if you enjoy there company whoever they are Enjoy, if you don't like someones 'Type'or whatever the correct word is ignore them, your not Forced to spend time in there company.

    People should be more tolerant, i have the occasional cigarette then you have the Anti Smoking Brigade as i call them who would ban it all together, there is something that happens on cruise ships i am fervently against on land but doesn't mean it should be Banned just be cause i say so.

    Live and let Live, and i would say to all these people who are Anti Gay the same as i say to people who do not like people of a different colour 'You wouldn't be bothered if you needed help especially if you or any of your family took ill'.

    Happy Cruising everyone Gay or Straight or any of those fancy names people use.

    Sorry that should read 'cannot' be pleased. i'm loosing it my old age.😫

  14. Sadly it is a topic where everyone can be pleased with having so many opinions. The people who are anti gay i'm sure the gay people will be able to spot them a mile off and will have no interest in talking to them, nobody has the right to decide who ANYBODY socialises with, if you enjoy there company whoever they are Enjoy, if you don't like someones 'Type'or whatever the correct word is ignore them, your not Forced to spend time in there company.

    People should be more tolerant, i have the occasional cigarette then you have the Anti Smoking Brigade as i call them who would ban it all together, there is something that happens on cruise ships i am fervently against on land but doesn't mean it should be Banned just be cause i say so.

    Live and let Live, and i would say to all these people who are Anti Gay the same as i say to people who do not like people of a different colour 'You wouldn't be bothered if you needed help especially if you or any of your family took ill'.

    Happy Cruising everyone Gay or Straight or any of those fancy names people use.

    • Like 3
  15. On 3/21/2023 at 11:36 PM, Selbourne said:

    John has answered most of your questions, but Formal nights are almost always on Sea days. I might be wrong, but I believe that 7 day cruises on Iona will only have 1 formal night. I’d put money on it being the 2nd night (first sea day). 

    Correct the part where they talk about what to wear they state the Formal night will be on the first sea day which is the case on the G312.

    • Like 1
  16. With all this talk of marking your case with straps or yellow ribbons which won't work if more than one person does the same i remember watching a customs program where a guy who had a Red Rope tied round his case and could not open it and said it wasn't his case.

    Customs didn't believe him but surprise surprise t was not his case and someone else had tied a Red Rope round there case and had lifted it.

    Not trying too worry you or anything. 😇

  17. 2 hours ago, wowzz said:

    Cruise ships have been sailing around the Baltic for over a year with no issues. Not sure why there should be any change now. We are off to Tallinn in July (amongst other ports).

    I have no worries whatsoever (apart from travelling down the A34!)

    Don't say that i'll be driving down the A34 for the first time in a few weeks from Scotland for the first time.

    Used to fly down to Southampton but since became Disabled a few tears ago easier for me to drive. 😘

  18. 1 hour ago, Merry25 said:

    Thanks everyone for the replies.  I think my main concern was just the idea that someone else could take my luggage (inadvertently ot not)  if it's all there together and you yourself are not there yet -  if you see what I mean?  At least at the airport you all get off the flight together and are usually at the luggage carousel together, so you'd see if someone nabbed your case in error.  I have no idea why I thought anyone would want to steal my suitcase full of older lady clothes!  Perhaps I should label it as such!  😂

    There is lot's of cheap luggage tags for sale online which you can get with your name printed on them, tie it to the handle then the chances of anybody lifting you case is very remote.

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