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Pops, Esq.

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Posts posted by Pops, Esq.

  1. I will let you know how it goes for me in Port Canaveral this Sunday. I will be carrying three bottles of wine and 8 cans of ginger ale and 4, 20 ounce cans of energy/vitamin drink.


    Might want to look into smaller cans of energy drink:


    "A small quantity is considered a maximum of 12 sealed, unopened cans/cartons of 12 ounces each or less per person."

  2. Could you use them to buy Carnival Gift Cards at your local grocery store (Kroger or Tom Thumb have them here)? That way, you convert them to a medium that you know can be used on board. And, as an added bonus, you get gas points for your purchase at the grocery store.

  3. On both ship and excursion reviews, like to read the reviews (good and bad) so I can get some concept of what I want to do and what I want to avoid. I take both the highly positive and grossly negative with a grain of salt. Someone is either straight-up drinking the kool-aid or has an axe to grind. I also disregard those with lack of detail, as I am not here for the ultimate opinion, but rather for the details the review provides. A mixture of reviews (good and bad) pretty much tells me it's probably more of a what-you-make-of-it situation. It's only when reviews start to skew heavily in one direction or the other that I begin to think there is a good or bad thing going on.

  4. The only problem with the spreadsheet is that you are violating Carnival contract by attempting to take on a bottle of rum or vodka from the store. Just an FYI.


    Pretty sure that $80 bottle comes from the ship's store. Otherwise, the price would be cheaper (unless they like really high-end booze).

  5. Maybe if one of your guests are only bringing on a bottle of wine, maybe they would be willing to carry on an extra thing of juice boxes for you.


    I don't think it is an either/or proposition. I read the rules to say each person (over 21) can bring a bottle of wine (750ml) IN ADDITION to the 12 cans/cartons of soda, etc. Although I concede that is not clear in the rule, so I could be wrong.

  6. I just prefer Fuji brand water because it tastes so good! I will probably get the water package for our cabin and the DS's cabin. It will be nice not to carry it on-board as I'll already be bringing on a couple of six-packs of soda and a couple of bottles of wine. I'm not complaining...I was just curious how it was being handled. I'm just glad they aren't disallowing passengers to bring on soda and wine. Now that would be a bummer because I'm addicted to Pepsi:eek: and I like my own special wine/champagne.;) It's all good for now!This picky little mouse is just happy to be cruising again:D


    While not exactly the same, try a half pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt in regular bottled water. It adds a broad spectrum of minerals to the regular water. Not too much or it tastes salty. Nearly so little that you can't see that it would do much. It gives regular bottled water a little bit of that taste of Fuji. Yes. It sounds odd. I know. But, if you can't bring your own water, you have to make do with what you got.


    Or, you could just drink the stuff they sell on board. Unadultrated. Straight out of the bottle.


    If that fails, try mixing the water with a little Scotch. Makes even the water they sell on board taste really, really good.

  7. I can't say that this is how it would still go down, but I do have some experience attempting to "import" Cuban cigars sans bands. (Albeit through the mail). Back in the day (well beyond any statute of limitations, I am sure) I would occasionally order some Cuban cigars from a Canadian company. The company would take off the bands and mail them separately, then mail the cigars in a non-cuban box. Yes, there was a certain amount of trust involved in the purchase that the cigars were, indeed, Cuban. Most times, the box would come in, no problem. One time, however, I got a letter from customs. It said, to paraphrase, "we have confiscated some cigars that we believe could be of Cuban origin. If you have any proof that they are not of Cuban origin, please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx."


    I would expect that they could employ the same tactic with walking them through port. A sales receipt or something similar would, perhaps, satisfy them. Perhaps not. Just be aware that this is not a court of law. It is not "innocent until proven guilty." You are attempting to import a product into the United States and they can make you prove the provenance of the items.

  8. [With tongue firmly planted in cheek] Okay, as a soon-to-be first timer, let me make sure I have this right. To summarize the replies on this topic:


    Things to splurge on:





    Fruity drinks






    Things to skimp on:



    Balcony (can't live without)


    Fruity drinks






    Thanks guys! Anything I missed that I just have to do while, at the same time, avoiding doing it? :)


    Everyone seems to agree to no more than 1-2 photos. At least I have that. And tips, we all want to splurge on tips, if they deserve it.


    Seriously though, this is a very informative thread, despite all the apparently contradictory information. Especially when people say WHY they splurge or skimp on certain things. When you post the reasons you do/don't spend your money on certain aspects of the cruise, I can more easily identify which things I would likely want to throw my money at.

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