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Posts posted by MrToblerone

  1. Sherri that is terrible about the grandchild ,there’s always one bad egg in every family.

    Cute dress Kat.

    We board the Azamara Onward tomorrow,I bid for an upgrade to a suite from our verandah but looks like it’s not happening 😞

    Cynthia will be getting excited as we get off and she gets on ,small world we live in.

    We have loved being in Costa Brava for the last 11 nights.

    Lois I hope your cough is gone soon .

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  2. The coughs sound terrible ,hopefully none on our cruise on Sunday .

    I seem to catch everything nowadays.

    I hope those of you who are unwell get better soon especially as you head into Summer.

    Totally get it about the parents as well ,we also have these issues .

    We have just been to Cadeques ,it was a lovely little town where we had a nice lunch .

    The sardines were a bit tricky to eat but very tasty.We went to buy some more fish for dinner at the shop but it closed from 1.30 pm until  6.30 pm ,we are gradually getting used to the Siestas they have here.

  3. Hello from Barcelona,it is a lovely temperature and not crowded like last August .

    I feel much better today as felt terrible yesterday after the 30 hours of travelling and jet lag .We went to a casual restaurant last night called Alfonso ,we’ve been before but this time there was a queue outside,we waited and had some nice tapas and the tomato bread .

    We were going to go to Monteresat today before we drive to Costa Brava but decided to have a restful day.

    I hope those who are traveling are enjoying their time.

    Ive never added a photo so thought I would see if it works.


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  4. I am on the flight to Barcelona with 5 hours to go . So far from new zealand . 
    i have booked a tapas bar called Tapeo which sounds good . 
    We land in Barcelona at 9am and really hoping the hotel will be able to give us an early check in after 24 hours traveling, we were lucky to have a shower in Singapore , makes a huge difference

    You implant reminds me of when I went to the dentist in Barcelona with pain before covid , it all looked very fancy. The dentist said nothing showed but when i got home i was told my tooth was cracked and now beyond repair and had to get an implant!


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  5. The camping sounds fun we never camped when  was young.Would love yto go to Yellowstone oneday.

    Lois you sound organised ,we leave tomorrow for our month in Spain ,ending with our first Azamara cruise in South Hampton when Cynthia gets on !

    I am packing and will now go and re look as I have a lot of clothes!

    I am fighting off a head cold which is annoying ,at least its not covid 

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  6. Kat that squirrel sounds so cute , loved the one we saw on our deck in Whistler

    Cynthia that is where and when we finish on the Onward !

    We start in Barcelona ,Valencia,Alicante,Malaga,Lisbon,Porto.

    La Coruna, Guernsey then South Hampton.

    I know you gave sailed on Azamara but have you been on the Onward? We have bid for an upgrade but probably wont happen as it looks almost full.

    Are you going solo?

    We have booked a air bnb after near Hampton court and yesterday we booked Hever Castle where Anne Boylyn was a child, love the history  


  7. Well done on your progress Melody ,Hawaii is a good motivator.

    Lois great you now hopefully what foods to avoid now .

    Im just about to go for my walk and my daughter and husband are trying to assemble a trampoline , doesn't look as easy as it should be!

    I have started to look at things to take away and cannot mind my EarPods ! 

    Find my EarPods is not helping ,sad

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