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Everything posted by PinkSandGirl

  1. Warm but cloudy and rain cooled it off. 🤣 Ugh..we said we might need to put an X (not celebrity) on the Beyond. Last time and this time = rain. 😝 Thankfully the rain stopped. Breeze helped. If not. Walking on land today I think would have been wicked. 😝 St Maarten was clouds then pouring rain so those two cooled it off. 😆 Temps like 82° - 84°. Humidity less than 80% daytime. Night higher. 🍹
  2. We enjoyed it. Went twice last cruise. Going twice this one. Luminae has hits and misses. 🍹
  3. At least we are docking here. When we left. We Had a loooooooong treck. All good. 🍹
  4. More to come ...but so worth it. Crazy start but... Pitons. Amazing. Swam at the base of the pointy one. 🍹
  5. Day 5. St. Lucia arrival later this morning. Woke up and peeked out of the curtain and this was my view. 🍹
  6. Randy, Hi! Glad you enjoyed Fine Cut! It sounds like it was a great evening. Isn't it wonderful when the service is exceptional along with the food? We have been fortunate as well with some great waiters. I know! We haven't seen each other since the first day. Maybe we'll run into each other now that we've both said we haven't seen each other. =). Thank you and yes, have an enjoyable time as well. Kelly =). 🍹
  7. You used to be able to order Uber XL and have a Suburban but now need the Premier. Thankfully the vehicle type came up to confirm. 🍹
  8. After my bee sting drama I took a shower and we went up on deck in the back. The Sunset bar area is nice but gets filled up. Got a drink from the Mast Bar. Circled around a bit and decided to sit within the Rooftop Garden. 🪴 🌿 🪴 It is nice there. I needed a snack so we went for pizza. After the pizza party we went to change and then went to the Retreat Lounge for cocktails and a quick snack. Luminae. Seated right away. Sommelier came over for drink order and then brought the drinks. Then...I think they forgot us. 😆 Eventually a waiter came over. Not 'our waiter'. He was busy. The one tonight was great and funny. Nice guy. The assistant waiter was great as well. Dinner took a loooong time. Seated at 6:52pm. Got up at 9:21pm. Retreat Lounge then for water, cocktails for some and then to cabins. We have an early start tomorrow in St. Lucia and a long day. Packed my bag for tomorrow, put out the breakfast room service card and have been rocking on here. 😂 I feel like I am on a ride. I'll post food pics and day details. Getting sleepy. Vacations are a lot of work. I never go to bed this early. 😂 🍹
  9. Rocky, Rocky. Rock a bye baby. The Beyond is rocking again. Can hear the waves again and wind. The cabin has slight creaks. I tell so many people that haven't cruised that you hardly feel a thing, usually don't even know the ship is sailing. Well, not this time. It is the most and most consistent that I have felt noticeable movement. 🍹
  10. Hi! Uber Premier SUV. I used to use a small business transportation company but had a problem in '22 and ended up getting Uber so now we just use Uber. I like using local, small businesses but after the last one, Uber now. At home we use an independent small business. 🍹
  11. Currently on the Beyond. Day 4. Day 1 and 2 no sounds. Day 3 the cabin started creaking. It was very windy. My mom and dad's cabin next door, extremely loud. Both Sky Suites. Will post cabin #'s once we're off. The sounds don't bother me but they are definitely there. Experienced the sounds first time I sailed on the Beyond October '22. 🍹
  12. They had the IV's sitting out in the reception area the other day! I thought ...this is odd on a ship. 🍹
  13. Yes. I have a lot of first aid items I bring too, besides band-aids and neosporin. I was going to put some band-aids in my bag this morning and didn't. They are going in for tomorrow. I should have packed my bag last night and didn't because it wasn't a super early start. Lesson learned. Yikes! Multiple stings at once! 🍹
  14. Stung by a bee while in the pool! Once when I was little and now. Felt something. Looked down and saw the bee. Shooed him away and then saw the stinger in my chest. Pulled it out. Ouch! Talk about pain. Got a little panicky. Out of the water. Texted everyone. Went to cabin. Called for some ice. My dad also brought me ice. Washed it with soap and water. The welting has gone down a bit. Warm and red. After I shower I will assess if I need to go to medical but I think I'm OK and not allergic like my dad is. He does have an epi pen with him. It is starting to sting a bit, nothing like when it happened. 🐝 Our friend as we were leaving lunch in St. Maarten she skinned her leg. Bleeding. I was going to bring band-aids with me today and didn't! Restaurant didn't have a first aid kit. They were so nonchalant as she was sitting there bleeding. I had antibacterial wipes and clean napkins. Once she got it to stop/slow down we left. Found a store with band-aids, small but at least a band-aid. Then after the water taxi back, in port found more things. She brought first aid items but wanted to get more. We said she should go to medical to have them clean it out. She said she will be fine. 🍹
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