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Cruise 4ever

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Everything posted by Cruise 4ever

  1. Hi, has anyone been on a cruise starting from Oman and visiting India, Sri Lanka? I’m confused by the visa situation. Do we need visas for Oman as only going from the airport to the ship. In India do we need individual visas or if we go on a ship’s trip are we covered by a group visa? ( this happened when wevisited Russia) thank you
  2. Good luck if it’s a TUI Dreamliner, I have just returned from a holiday to Jamaica. The Dreamliner had no IFE on the way out on 12 November and still no IFE (same aircraft) on 23 November. I returned on an A330 owned by AirTanker and it was much better than the Dreamliner.
  3. Hi, has anyone been on a cruise starting from Oman and visiting India, Sri Lanka? I’m confused by the visa situation. Do we need visas for Oman as only going from the airport to the ship. In India do we need individual visas or if we go on a TUI trip are we covered by a group visa? ( this happened when we visited Russia) thank you.
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