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Posts posted by SailBreakaway

  1. I'd like to maybe add perspective. If you think this is pointless or a waste of a .05kb of space on the server, just ignore me.


    Our world and the marketplace is changing. It's changed for centuries and more. Granted the rate of change is probably greater. With that we're going to see what we used to know as better or normal become abnormal and different. For 21 year old today cruising on his or her own for the first time on a cruise on spring break, what he or she sees now (what we are saying is changing and crappy)will be normal. When he or she is 40, he or she will look back and tell a child, I remember when and post about it. I work in aviation safety, seeing to it that passengers get there safely. I see airlines making drastic changes in customer service standards (not speaking of safety) from the 80s when I was a kid and wanted to be an airline pilot. What will it look like in 20 years? Who knows. As long as the safety of the cruise lines (unregulated for the most part unlike aviation) doesn't degrade, as long as system safety and a culture of conservative compliance and decision making endures, and maintenance, training, etc doesn't fall, were still headed in a right place. Some cruise lines MAY be safer than others, MAY have newer equipment, longer and more stringent training, but that's up to us to decide who we entrust our money and more so families lives with. So please keep this in mind when you consider lines to travel with. I do.


    (A different perspective and comment to this thread... But I still think it's crap that the UDP is gone [emoji12] )



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  2. UDP no longer is being sold. Those that already have it can use it, but you no longer can purchase it. You can purchase SDP, but even that is subject to numerous upcharges.





    Time to change my screename. That really ticks me off..



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  3. Our thoughts, That being the case, UDP is the answer. Dump the MDR and just dine at Cagneys, Le Bistro, etc. UDP now becomes a worth while investment. Agreed though, we're moving toward that airline a la carte philosophy, not a good thing.



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  4. Hey guys. Booking yet another cruise on the a breakaway, however this time we were thinking of rolling the dice with the "Guaranteed" balcony rate, the one where it's cheaper by a little bit but they pick the balcony two nights prior to sailing. You can either get one with a balcony that looks at a wall, or get a leftover primo room.


    Quite simply, what's been your experience with this? What kind of room have they chosen for you? If I know the odds ahead of time it will help me decide whether I roll or not. I'll leave the blind and random luck for the slot machine on board!





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  5. I'm back online - was without power for 22 hours. we were in the last 1/4 to be restored.




    Joaquin wasn't bad - well, the aftermath wasn't bad at all - as compared to both Fay and Gonzalo last year.




    Bermuda has recovered. The waters are calming down as the winds disperse.




    Bermuda will be fine and welcoming to Breakaway on Wednesday!




    This morning the seas were too rough so it was good that the 2 ships Carnival Sunshine and RC Liberty OTS went elsewhere.




    Long wet windy storm but minimal aftermath, thank goodness.



    That's great news. Sounds like those on board should have a good week after all!!



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  6. Was hoping to hear from some folks on the boat. Should be getting Into the thick of it about now. I'm just trying to understand, and this is just me talking, if we booked this week I'd be onboard, but why push it and take the folks through really rough seas, no topside time, and even some extreme borderline risky conditions to rush out to get to an island that JUST got whacked with a hurricane and is without power, trying to recover, and get even a little bit back on their feet. Why dump 4000 people onto that island and situation after going through all that at sea. Even the harbor staff sent a message, don't rush out here, and that's exactly what they're doing. A trip up north through New England like RC or Carbival did might have been more enjoyable for everyone. Anyway, just my $0.02. Remember the worse day on that beautiful boat is light years better than the best day here!!



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  7. So, as much as I love that boat and trip, I'm not sure what those on the bridge and at the crystal palace in Miami are looking at, but from tonight straight through tomorrow, almost immediately after leaving coastal waters forecast calls for 15-20 foot seas and as you sail further from mainland toward the island 20-30 and higher!! and not forecasted to subside until the 6th. There's no real way to circumnavigate due to the storms size and wave pattern from the center. All I could think is you may burn fuel out there just off shore of NJ for a while, but I'd be surprised if that happened (too costly)


    Again I'm not sure what those with operational control (more than just Captain) are looking at, or what safety margin they are applying, or if revenue is driving this decision, however a 2am push off the dock is in my personal opinion not a safe call.


    Buckle up. Wish you safe travels.


    If anyone on board wants to update this thread with "the plan" and a how goes it, I for one would be interested to hear.

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