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Everything posted by Happily@Sea

  1. Good morning, Leanne, she is running early this am.
  2. Out in the basin. No cameraperson, but weather is not a factor.
  3. NA already past Thane. Crown Pr right behind her - supposed to be anchored, I wonder if they will slide her into AS pier blocking our view.
  4. With no cameraperson and no close-up, it is time to leave. Noordam almost to the pier. NA tomorrow - even earlier. 7:30-8 am AST Noon EDT. But she usually arrives between 6 -7 am AST. One viewer with me for this - thanks. Leanne, thanks for always providing a thread for us.
  5. She seems to be just sitting - waiting for line help??
  6. No cameraperson yet. We may lose sight of her when she swings around to come in with stern to the camera.
  7. Noordam almost in the clear of the basin. Here comes the noisemakers.
  8. Won't be long now. Weather says light rain - but camera is clear and no blockers.
  9. Noordam running early today. She is already passing Grand Island at 15.8 knots.
  10. As the last of her disappears, Noordam tomorrow at 10 am AST / 2 pm EDT - usually pretty close to on time. Thanks to the zoom on the cam - most of the raindrops were translucent. Thanks to Leanne for the thread.
  11. Camera is very wet, not sure how much we will see. At least no moving ships to compete with for camera time..
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