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Posts posted by TNTLAMB

  1. I wasn't aware baileys was a premium liquor, but that aside. Well drinks are well drinks. They pour the house liquor. That goes in any bar. If you request a specific brand and they have it and its a well class, they should pour it.(Note I used baileys with a small b. Its sorta like kleenex) A premium Irish Cream is a blended drink not a pre-mixed liqueur. (once you have had the real thing you will never go back.) Not trying to be snobbish, that's just the way the beverage business works.

  2. Not that it adds anything to the conversation beyond being interesting. But there were previously 7 known Corona Viruses that effected humans 4 of which are directly related to the "common Cold" two others are rather familiar: MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV. Physical Control (exactly what is going on now) is what brought those two under control. As result Only two patients in the U.S. have ever tested positive for MERS-CoV  infection which has only ever infected 2 US citizens. This isn't the "experts" first Rodeo.The Wuhan Corona Virus has several ways to go. While its fun to speculate here, these guys have it.  Most likely iThe Wuhan Version will either become seasonal and/or mutate to a different form. Things have changed rapidly in the vaccine world.  It sounds as if there will be a vaccine in Stage 1 trials within 3 mos. - a process that used to take 5+ years.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 minute ago, ed01106 said:

    Yes I believe it will expose thousands.  Not thousands would necessarily catch the disease. The logistics of transporting, housing, feeding and securing that many people would be a massive undertaking that would put the Japanese people at much greater risk than leaving everyone on board.  Plus it would demand a huge amount of resources that might be needed else where.  E.g. the hazmat suits that bus drivers would be wearing.  


    There is one major thing Princess should be doing to minimize risk of spread on the ship  — cease buying ingredients and preparing food on board.  They should buy prepared meals rather than risk a kitchen employee potentially infecting the entire ship.  But that is on Princess not Japan.

    You probably should educate yourself on a couple of things that have been covered in multiple press releases. Starting with where the store are coming from and how they are being prepared.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, npcl said:

    You probably will have new symptoms and cases develop.  If you look at timing and incubation.  You have a set that was infected by the original passenger that boarded on Jan 20 to 25. So any that he infected should develop symptoms any time up until Feb 10 (14 days after he left on the 25).  As we know he did infect others because we have 61 examples. But those people could have infected others up until isolation commenced so one could expect new cases right up until just before isolation end.


    If so then their cabin mates would have their quarantine time reset up until 14 days after last contact with that person.  But the rest that have been isolated should not be reset.

     That's correct. I was referring to the ship quarantine and failed to make that clear.


  5. 8 minutes ago, npcl said:

    ...the Japanese Minister of Health who has final decision authority.


    As long as isolation is not broken it will end on the 19th, except for those that are in the same cabin as someone that develops symptoms between now and then.



    Exactly and it is importanat to note the Japanese Health minister is supervising the "whole show" including the deck visits of inside cabin pax. Not likely the isolation will be broken as even food is under their control...

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, npcl said:

    the 18th would be 14 days (incubation time) since they entered quarantine.  Symptoms could develop from people infected prior to quarantine right up to that time frame.

     You are correct its the 18 the 11 was a typo and I did a poor job of proofreading

  7. Actually I was thrilled that the OP was able to clear up the spread of this virus by laying it all at the feet of the Evil incompetent Carnival corporation....... Shut 'em down = problem solved. WHY oh WHY couldn't multiple country's ministry of health, WHO and CDC have seen it as a Carnival Plot from the git go. Why of course Carnival would forego millions in revenue and spend millions more to spread a virus that clely instea if being named after a Mexican Beer (sic) should have been called the Carniva Virus. Thank Goodness the word will soon be spread world wide by individual effort on social media ROFLMAO

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  8. 8 minutes ago, fragilek said:

     That's what I don't understand as the who said the following but I keep reading elsewhere it won't be a reset.


    "The coronavirus quarantine that has kept some 3,700 people aboard the cruise ship is currently set to expire on Feb. 19 – but that date would be reset if any new samples from people on the ship test positive for the virus, Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of WHO's Health Emergencies Program, said Friday."

    That is confusing. Yes a rest is possible but what is missing from the statement is what a reset means and what is likely leading to confusion is the assumption that a "reset" is starting over. Its not.

  9. IMO It wouldn't be a "restart" if the quarantine needed be extended. Her removal might be enough of she has had no other contact with PAX. From what is known it would -2 days from her husband being removed. However if she hasn't developed symptoms by now, she's not likely to. Granted its been a few years since I worked in that area and my expertise was bacterial not viral transmission. The two are very similar but different.

  10. 6 minutes ago, bluesea321 said:

    Did you bother to read the article before replying? The Executive Director of the World Health Organization said:

    "People who are quarantined aboard the Diamond Princess in Japan have been wondering how long their isolation would last. On Friday, a health official gave an answer they might not like: the quarantine will be extended every time a new case of the Wuhan coronavirus is confirmed on the ship.

    The coronavirus quarantine that has kept some 3,700 people aboard the cruise ship is currently set to expire on Feb. 19 – but that date would be reset if any new samples from people on the ship test positive for the virus, Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of WHO's Health Emergencies Program, said Friday."

    Thats correct BUT if everyone maintains their "cabin quarantine" that time would likley not have to be extended as there would be no new cases which is what NPCL was trying to explain. There will be an end very close to the 19th. Its really very simple statistics.

  11. 8 minutes ago, bluesea321 said:

    Assuming the pax maintain there distance from each other and "follow the rules" They should be fine by the 11the or so. There is a quarantine within the quarantine. If it was just the ship everyone could go anywhere and the buffet would be packed lol.


  12. 1 hour ago, kent9xxx1 said:


    I'm not criticizing Princess.  I'm criticizing how Japan handled this.  Japan is a big country, they handled much worse crisis in the past.  

    Japan seems to be handling it quite well. You are aware they are taking care of the effected people both on and off the ship including supplying the meals and stores to the ship right?

    • Like 3
  13. 1 hour ago, kent9xxx1 said:


    ........Btw, how do you know the Diamond Princess plumbing is sound....

    Ship plumbing is not gravity fed with back flow controlled by p-traps but rather presssure control. Think the difference in flushing a toilet on the ship and flushing a toilet at home....

    • Like 1
  14. 14 minutes ago, frugaltravel said:

    Actually tips are for good service AFTER the service is performed.  Tips reward past prompt service, not to insure future prompt service.  Do you tip at a restaurant before you order?


    Bribes are for hopes of future good service, which is what CineGraphic implied:



    Actually after the service would be a gratuity (only in the US are the terms two the same although the IRS considers them different.)  Over the years they have become the same in most eyes although tipping the bartender and the ensuing advantages is indeed a tip not a gratuity LOL


  15. 4 minutes ago, Tedferg said:

    Sorry to be a Grammarian, but if that was true it would be a TEP - To Ensure Prompt Service.


    4 minutes ago, Tedferg said:

    Sorry to be a Grammarian, but if that was true it would be a TEP - To Ensure Prompt Service.

    The abbreviation has been around man many years and insure is correct. The p howeve is either "proper" or "prompt" depending on the locale. The ensure/insure discussion is a recent bit of Internet trivia for internet grammarians much like the Oxford Comma. Going to the old fashioned Websters Unabridged you will find insure is correct: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/how-to-use-insure-vs-ensure-vs-assure  as ensure falls sense 2.

  16. The best way to describe a mini-suite is a budget motel room similar to  Red Roof Innor cComfort Inn Club Class dining gets you anytime dining without waiting. The difference in price isn't worth it for 4 depending on the "sale" at the time. You can prolly score two standard cabins or a suite cheaper  and be a lot more comfortable. 

  17. 45 minutes ago, Daniel A said:

    There are portals in various public areas that you can use to access some of the features of Medallion Class.  I don't know if you can locate others in your party but I believe you can.  Otherwise shout the person's name really, really loudly. :classic_tongue:


    Yes, phone or tablet stays in airplane mode and connects to the ships local network only.

    You can use the screens to locate IF the others have accepted.  It's the medallion that's tracked. If you just want to get away, you can turn off the locator function temporarily.  I love my family but every once in awhile my wife and I wanted a quiet drink and listen to some amazing jazz....

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