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Everything posted by toddcruise01

  1. Here is a great You Tube review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo-BF4KFY0k
  2. Thank you, it's nice to have help when you need it.
  3. Could you just push the chair button and tell me what it does????? Pretty Please?
  4. I've seen it but nobody has come up with the button on the bottom of the pad that shows chair, do I push that if I'm in one...anybody??? Maybe it just keeps the door open longer for you.....
  5. Or my choice Overlook, I can't wait to get in one of those pods.
  6. I wonder if you could put a little piece of Duct tape over the magnet?
  7. Way easier said than done, I've tried it and people are very impatient when you try to be careful about doing it and not hitting anything or body or rolling over toes. I am very considerate but they get annoyed anyway. I usually go to manual and push her in and pull her out, saves time and the stink eye! LOL
  8. Becci has been wondering what the ADA symbol on the elevator pad does, is there a dedicated Wheelchair elevator, could you check that out for us? She won't be posting for a few more days, she got spanked for her witchypoo emoji.......😡
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