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Everything posted by jam19872016

  1. Love the improved pizza service. 2am pizza timer. And i got mushroom.
  2. Hit the casino for a minute and M hit for about 600 which put her back even. Heading to the nightclub now.
  3. One more then I'll pick up M for some comedy. Rump shaker 🎶
  4. Dinner was very good again tonight. The only new item for me was the vegetable wellington which was delicious. So many great choices on this first night. Service I would expect to be a little slower with two people than when I dine solo. Even still, it dragged on a little long with long gaps in between courses. Formulating a plan for the night. If M gets sucked into the casino, I am probably going to head to the piano bar until the comedy show tonight which will be in the main theater. If I can get her out, I think we will probably do the rockband as that was what she seemed most interested in.
  5. Definitely has the potential to cause a delay. I saw the situation on Vista and I imagine that the weather this week has caused there to be at least two distress calls, that we know of. The situation is strange, if the scuttlebutt is to be believed. Apparently there were two people on a small fishing vessel. Small enough we had to send a life boat as our wake would have capsized it. The one refused to be rescued and continued on. Meaning the boat was sea worthy. It sounds fishy, like they knew if you send out a distress signal, a passing vessel has to pick you up. Wait until a cruise ship headed stateside is nearby, and you are good to go. Of course, that is all heresy and I could just be something someone with too much time on their hands made up.
  6. Shockingly, she is not ready. Someone just won a 10k jackpot. It wasn't her.
  7. I'm not sure what happened to cause the security guy to be placed outside the room down the hall. There was nothing major that I was personally a witness to. It's Miami, on Carnival, on a six day cruise and by those standards, I still see a lot of improvements as a result of Carnival's security enhancements. The pot smoking was worse this trip than I have noticed recently. There were a lot of loud people who you could tell don't get out of their own neighborhood too often. But they were not obnoxious for the most part. Just clearly unseasoned and more so than the first two weeks. It was especially helpful in the dining room since this was not a sit down at a restaurant crowd. No fights, no hallway shenanigan's, elevator etiquette was pretty well followed. All the big ticket items were fine.
  8. We played our game for a little while just outside Ocean Plaza. I did not win. That will happen a lot, she is better at trivia than me. If I still needed a ship on a stick she would come in handy. Since I have one already, I will defer to her if we end up winning 🙂 She wants to go to the casino to get herself established and I need to charge my phone, so I am letting her off the leash already but only until 630 then we will head to dinner. Or she will be on a roll and not want to leave, could honestly go either way 😆
  9. Here is the most recent. Just the first half, I was solo for the second half.
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