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Everything posted by Denversail

  1. Some of the actors in this show have made some request in the last 24 hours. Mr. IT would like me to talk up his skills some more. Dupable doesn’t feel I’ve presented her in the best light. Let me be clear these are both great people. Our crew as someone called it just has a bit of a twisted sense of humor. It has taken years for Good Sport to even start to get used to it. We spend a lot of time laughing and yes we tease each other a lot. Disclaimer: This story is live and is all true. Some statements might be focused on more than others for entertainment purposes. It is a reality show. 🤩
  2. Towards the end of a conversation with Mr. IT just now he waved me off. He told me to go write some more s$#t so he has something to read tomorrow. So much pressure.
  3. Mr. IT came home which meant this one had to bolt over to his park to retrieve a toy. He doesn’t like to greet Mr. IT without a toy. I might be his person as in I feed him, sleep with him, snuggle with him. I’m not into long play times. I’m more of a 30 seconds and done. So 🤣 as where I’m his person Mr. IT is 100% his best buddy. This dog lives to play. He won’t stop until you stop.
  4. I’ve left the office for the day and made it home. Just three days of work to go. I’m starting to get really excited. Wolf’s dog just enjoyed some leftover steak from last night. Wolf just has two more days at work. He will be off on Friday. Lucky guy! A friendly reminder to folks like me that need it. You are not supposed to leave stuff especially towels in the washing machine. It will create disgusting smells. Gross I’ve pulled out the suitcases but I haven’t started putting anything in them. The second this little cutie sees me packing things will get really weird. I’m not ready to meet the stage 5 clinger just yet.
  5. So Dupable called me this morning to ask me if we are going to Hideaway Beach. This is the fifth time she has asked me this. I explained as patiently as possible that we are going to The Beach Club. She then started going on and on about how they make it so confusing. She doesn’t understand why they have to use Beach in all the names. Maybe cause they are beaches??
  6. Well I was trying to post a little bit ago but I kept getting this. I assume the update was required due to all the heavy traffic on my live.
  7. As promised after I ate lunch I headed to Sports fans. They didn’t have very many choices or sizes but I managed to find Chiefs shirts for both Dupable and Good Sport. That should keep her happy for five minutes.
  8. I’ve started to check out the weather forecast. I’m not excited about the incoming storm. Our flight is at 9:30 am. Hopefully we are long gone before it rolls in. I’ve been spoiled this winter as we haven’t had very many snow storms yet. This will be our 3rd one in 3 weeks I think. It cost us $50 every time it snows. I’m not sure why I live in a place that has snow. I don’t like it.🥶
  9. Just finishing up lunch. You know that sick feeling you get when you need to eat? Like your stomach has started devouring itself? That is how I felt before I ate. All better now. Went with simple Mexican today.
  10. I forgot to mention I’ll be receiving one of these beauties on our second cruise.
  11. I was just browsing CC and checking out some of the lives out there. You know seeing how others spice things up. The first thing I came across was a picture of a blistered foot. I mean it was a close up. Nope. Won’t be seeing that kind of thing here. I will not be sinking that low.
  12. I think I’m around 24 hours in and I’m at 11 follower's. I guess I need to spice it up a bit. I don’t wanna do it but y’all asked for it. This is a lot of work and I still need to pack!
  13. You can but you would have to walk down the stinky donkey steps.
  14. I wish tips just weren’t a thing in any situation. Work it in to the price. Hold your own employees accountable for customer service.
  15. Looks like we have a winner. That is a of lot steak. It is already more than half gone while I type this.
  16. Mr. IT has started cooking the steak. I’m not sure why Wolf got cheap and bought her this. I’m sure she would prefer a ribeye. She is obviously a picky princess. So Mr. IT has started reading my little blog here. So he very politely informed me that I shouldn’t be starting my sentences with so. So I’m going to start working on that right now. 😂😂 Mr. IT will eventually get to this post and I’m going to be in trouble. 😨
  17. So one of the suggestions was Amazing Duck. A nod to the ducks she was bringing. I thought this was a decent name. Dupable shot it down while insisting she isn’t a duck.
  18. So Dupable (name change still being discussed) called with disappointing news. No Chiefs gear to be found. Too late to get it delivered. This means I also won’t be finding any. I told her I would check the stores downtown tomorrow when I go to the office but I’m not hopeful. What a bummer.
  19. So our family text blew up early this afternoon. The topic was the alias Dupable. I don’t know how most family text are but ours goes from silent to explosion. So at this point Dupable requests a name change. The family has all sorts of opinions on what it should be. The first round of voting went with GO GO Gadget. Now this has a bit of a history. About 20 years ago we were playing cards and Dupable could never reach the cards. She has short arms. So my sister-in-law blurts out GO GO GADGET ARMS. Let’s just say it stuck.
  20. Came home to Wolf’s dog all hyped up. She did a sprint to outside. Then bolted upstairs to her room. I think she thought maybe Wolf was up there. She was acting hungry and hadn’t eaten today. I tried some cheese but could only get her to eat one bite. We don’t have much food here currently so I decided to maker some eggs. She hasn’t been willing to eat them lately but I thought I would try. She might look like she is about dig in but she isn’t. That was just the end of her growl at my other dog. So my dog got the eggs. She whined at me for a few minutes until I figured out she just wanted her blanket by me so she could snuggle. Wolf brought her home a steak last night. Mr. IT is the chef in these parts. She will have to wait for him to come home and cook it for her.
  21. Dupable and Good Sport are out getting Chiefs gear for the game Sunday. I meant to pick up something up for myself at lunch but you guessed it I procrastinated. Wolf has already stated anything we get for him will just go straight in the trash. I doubt he really would mind wearing it. He just gets satisfaction in thwarting Dupable’s plans. He already told her she isn’t allowed to hide ducks when he is with her. No I’m not a big football fan but I am a Swiftie. So go Chiefs!
  22. I decided that some lunch might help. Spicy chicken ramen. I know two things in this moment. 1. I’m unlikely to eat all this without my shirt enjoying some. 2. My next two pees will look like Mountain Dew. Every time with this place. Food coloring maybe?
  23. I’ve been a bit of a zombie this morning. I don’t think there is enough caffeine on the planet to snap me out of my walking coma.
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