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Everything posted by Denversail

  1. Labadee was hot and crowded. We lasted about an hour before coming back to the ship. We were at Adrenaline beach. Looks like I took some pics upside down again. 🙃 Mom got a labadoozle or something like that.
  2. Breakfast was fine. We are in Labadee and we should be getting off in the next 30 minutes or so.
  3. Made it to Johnny rockets for breakfast. It is pretty muggy out. We got a maple bacon shake. To our surprise breakfast shakes are not included in the drink package. They are only included during lunch and dinner.
  4. We do but we will likely just switch to sushi. We still haven’t done that or the bbq. The long meals get old when the service is slow and not flowing.
  5. My mother in her wisdom declared last night she was making an executive decision that we will be going to breakfast at 9 am. Well it is 8:30 and I just informed her that any good executive would check the schedule before making such decisions. It is now a mad dash for everyone to jump out of bed and try to make it to Johnny rockets before they close at 9. The breakfast times change drastically from day to day.
  6. So I guess 150 got worse after I left. They waited over an hour for dessert. I personally would have just walked out. They said a couple sitting next to them was waiting over an hour for appetizers. A lot of unhappy people in that restaurant last night. My mom said she felt like she had to wait to sign the slip. I told her next time to just leave and I would deal with any issues later. We are scheduled to eat there one more time this week and the family is demanding I change it to another restaurant. 😱
  7. It was CP 150 for dinner. I very much enjoyed the food. The guys both got the halibut and really liked it. The service wasn’t great. I require a lot of water due to all my liquor intake. I managed to squeeze 1 1/2 cups of water during the 1 1/2 hours I was there. I left prior to our dinner plates being removed to get something for my developing headache. I again attempted the ceaser salad. I requested grinder pepper but this is also not available in the specialty restaurants. I thought the salad tasted the same as MDR with the difference being he made it table side and threw an anchovy on top. I think the dressing is just too bland.
  8. So we had one disappointment today. One of our favorite things to do on the ship is shuffleboard. Well I asked 3 crew members where it was, two had no idea what it was, the third told me to check in the gift shop.🤣🤣 We thought we scored when my son found someone who informed us it was on deck 6 behind the aqua theater. So we headed over and found it no problem. Unfortunately it was roped off. It was just not meant to be. I asked another crew member and he said he has been on the ship for months and it is always closed. He said he has no idea why. This was a huge bummer for us. 🙁
  9. I got my first dessert of the trip. Warm chocolate cake. Also featured is the meringue key lime pie and red velvet cake. They were all good.
  10. Chops was for lunch. Appetizers were good. For entrees we had filet, chicken, and salmon. My son ordered both the filet and salmon with no issues. All was good except the salmon. The first few bites were good but it was a very thick cut. Once you got away from the edges if was cold and pretty raw. This was from one extreme to the other as my salmon orders in the MDR were very over cooked. I prefer mine to be more of a medium.
  11. How can one forgot their mom being held upside down and shook by a stranger? 😂
  12. Good morning, it is our first sea day of week 2. It is 8:30 am and crowds are still snoozing. Family is getting dressed for the day. My guess is we have an exciting day that will involve some cards & trivia mixed with a lot of food. I often joke with my family that all they really require is a hotel bar for cards and a decent restaurant within 10 feet no need for the whole ship. They swear they are going to mix up the bars this time but I found them in the same schooner bar as usual yesterday. Creatures of habit. we have lunch at chops today followed by dinner at cp 150. I guess I’ll have to get fancy tonight and break out the jeans. 😁 I’ll try to get mom down the dry slide later. I’ve been unsuccessful at such things since I tricked her into that huge wooden rollercoaster at the Nevada/California state line about 15 years ago. 😂
  13. We are on deck 10 port side aft. My stateroom is very warm compared to the last one. My mom has the adjoining room and was saying hers is cold. 🤷‍♀️ The ship feels packed. Crowds everywhere and slow elevators. It is an early night for us. Everyone is tired. We are going to rest up so we can enjoy our sea day tomorrow. I think our first port is Labadee on Tuesday.
  14. So dinner tonight was Giovanni’s. The filets that were ordered got their plates cleaned. I had the chicken piccata and thought it was okay. The breading was nice but the meat texture was a little off.
  15. The onion rings and buffalo wings were a big hit. The hamburger patty on my burger was burnt.
  16. It all worked out quickly. They made it on the ship around 11. First stop was playmakers for lunch.
  17. So I didn’t mention this to my already struggling family but they stopped me when I was reboarding. They said I wasn’t checked in. They made a note and let me pass. I suspect this has to do with me being b2b but not my son. 🤞 he doesn’t have issues boarding. I think his patience is gone.
  18. We are not off to a good start. The turnaround process took a lot longer than I expected. Some people just don’t want to get off the ship. Next time I will not show up earlier than 9:15. I went to deck 5 to make our dinner reservations for the week like I was told at about 10:15. No one was there to do them. I went back to the promenade and was able to make them there. I had to go to Izumi to make the hibachi reservation. If I had known I would have just gone there. my son has already declared he is never traveling with my mom again. They got an Uber and the driver didn’t speak English. He dropped them off at terminal e and refused to bring them to the correct terminal a. Last update I got was they walked to terminal D and hopped into a taxi. My new steward is Ian. My room was ready at 10:30 just like he said it would be. Looks like all my stuff made it. I got a little nervous when Shawn asked me 3 times for my new room number. I decided to attach my tags to assist him just in case. fingers crossed things go smoother from here
  19. Good morning, it is about 7:20 am. We are back in Miami. I was asleep but I think we got in around 3 am. They started letting off self assist at 7 am. My family has arrived in Miami. They are sitting at the airport bickering. Can’t wait for them to join me. 🤣 Family fun week!
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