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Posts posted by T8NCruise

  1. On 5/24/2020 at 4:29 PM, sail7seas said:


    Yes but not now, correct? 


    Seeing    the Neptune suites no longer receive   the news papers,, I would be very    surprised  they are still delivered to  the library  Either HAL still gets  the newpapers in port for distribution or they do  not...  I sailed a "R" class ship  two  cruises  in May (2020)  in Neptune suite and never received a newspaper placed in my cabin such as used to be done.


    You did 2 cruises in May 2020?  Perhaps last year?

    Aside from that, I would like to see the Crows Nests returned to the way they used to be, with a bar, service, and music in the evenings.  It used to be a great place to gather pre or post dinner.

    • Like 2
  2. "Mask shaming" is ridiculous.  I walk a lot, and I don't wear a mask while walking, but I do give anyone passing a wide berth - we all do.  I do, however, always have my mask in my pocket, just in case I stop off at a store or whatever on my way home.  We wear masks at all times when in public places, such as stores.   Being outside in the fresh air is good for your health, as long as you take precautions against idiots.  Common sense.

    • Like 4
  3. 20 minutes ago, DaveSJ711 said:


    I posted the Northern Border Caucus letter to the U.S. and Canadian governments.  Rather than say I "don't get it," you might want to respond to the letter itself.  That would be more useful.


    Also, it seems Canadians generalize about their language.  Sorry.   https://www.queensu.ca/strathy/sites/webpublish.queensu.ca.stratwww/files/files/publications/volume8/Barr-Gillberry-Wp8.pdf


    Personally, I don't bother to read your links.  Your comments on your posts speak volumes. 


    I am kind of reminded of an old Bolder Patrol episode, where a US citizen got really upset about one of our laws which restricted his entering into Canada, and his comment was along the lines of how dare we have different laws and rules from the US, after all we are just another state. 

    It's fine if you don't like us, but we live and abide by our own rules, laws, ethics, what have you.  And we like us.

    • Like 4
  4. I think the heading of this post is deceptive, because it's not just Vancouver departures and Hawaii cruises.  Some on the list are, for instance, FLL-FLL (Caribbean), San Diego-San Diego. and the European cruises, etc.  People who have not read the full list are still arguing on various facebook pages that it's only Vancouver based cruises that are cancelled, because they haven't heard directly from HAL.  I feel bad for everyone who was booked - this is the first year that we did not have a cruise already booked (usually we have at least 2) so we have been spared the hassle of refunds and rebooking.


  5. 35 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

    And, unconfirmed sources say that the Canada/US border closure will be extended beyond the current June 21 date.  Who knows?  But, like a lot of people, we're staying close to home.


    Well, it seems that the intent is to extend the closure to late July, "Canadian and U.S. sources said although the governments had not yet taken a final decision, a further extension was highly likely.  Especially given the huge spike in Washington state right now.  However, moves are being made to reunite family members.
    I think the general feeling here in BC is relief.  Once Washington state gets the better of the virus, we will breath easier.

  6. On 6/7/2020 at 7:50 PM, ABoatNerd said:

    Most Canadians are docile and are obedient in taking direction from their various levels of government without question, per socialist style. Hence general acceptance of government running all liquor sales and health care.


    The Globe and Mail and National Post co-share national newspaper distribution.


    Low population levels in many provinces and Canada's large geographical size make it not financially feasible to physically distribute a national newspaper.


    The CTV national news social media platform had an article last week saying that RV's are the new cruise ships and that RV sales are booming across Canada. 






    I can't say I've ever been considered docile, but then again it must be all that pot we smoke up here, LOL.

    Honestly, between you and a couple of others, the generalisations and total misconceptions are astounding. 

    • Like 2
  7. 11 hours ago, DaveSJ711 said:


    Canadians being deferential people, I thought they deferred to their politicians.  "Peace, order, and good government," or something like that.


    You really are having an issue with the fact that Canada is doing pretty good in this pandemic, aren't you?  Why not try to learn from us instead of wasting energy lashing out.  The New York Times article quoted on our Dr. Henry here in BC is a testament to the fact that we do, indeed, follow the science and place our trust in our medics, and not necessarily the politicians - though they have done a pretty good job, too, regardless of party affiliation.  Deferential?  Whatever.

    • Like 5
  8. 2 hours ago, Aquahound said:


    So what?  Have we forgotten what country is actually responsible for this?  China!  COVID is the fault of neither of us.   This cross-border finger-pointing crap is getting really old.  


    Why, at this point, does it matter which country is responsible?  There is already an investigation going on into that.  What matters right now is dealing with the virus and making sure the pandemic doesn't get worse, spread further, or get more spikes in infection.

    • Like 7
  9. 16 hours ago, SilvertoGold said:

    I would miss going to Hong Kong, both on cruises and land trips.  If the protests die down in time it might be much more like Shanghai for tourists, so not much different than now.  My friends from HK here in Canada think it is good move as it will bring "law and order" to HK.  Hmm.

    Sounds more like suppression!

    • Like 2
  10. 4 hours ago, iancal said:

    Canada may be one of the first countries to ban cruise ships through to the late fall but  I have no doubt that other countries are in the process of considering similar bans.    Their  Governments will be following the advice of their respective  public health professionals.


    I think it's all about common sense, and not undoing all the work that has gone into keeping Covid under control by opening up way too early to visitors who have not done as well, thereby risking another wave of the virus.  We have the right to keep our own country/province/state safe in whichever way we choose.  Canada has done particularly well, as has my province of BC, and while we are really hurting from the loss of tourist and cruise revenue in Vancouver, better safe than sorry.  It will take time, but we will recover.  Many of us are happy that the border remains closed and that cruise ships are restricted to very small vessels.  It is done for safety, not spite.

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