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Posts posted by Rgo772

  1. Hi everyone! I need tip on how to get off the freedom fast in Freeport. I book on off site excursion with pat and dianes and they need me off the ship as fast as possible. They have two ships in port that day and the other arrives 1 hour before us. They said they would wait for us for the early excursion if we can get off fast. Any tips to help us would be great. Stuff like where to line up to get off. I don't mind waiting early to line up this is just our first time on a cruise and any advice would be great. Thanks everyone.

  2. It's not the coast guards job beyond 1-2 miles from the coast. There have been people recovered from the ocean that have been out for many hours beyond 12 before. It's kinda silly to not make an attempt.


    Carnival must not want to pay out everyone's FCCs of 20-30% from people whining about missing a port.

    I was is the coast guard and we saved people all over the world not 1-2 miles out. My ship passed many cruise ships while on patrol. The coast guard is never that far away and the navy has ships and planes around also. If someone is missing I guarantee they would be looking.

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