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Posts posted by gotscrapz

  1. Is the menu different in the speciality restaurants on elegant nights?


    I am a vegetarian and love Italian food and was excited to try the specialty Italian place on the Magic this August, until I saw the menu.... even the eggplant has anchovies...ergggg


    So I am wondering - any chance there is a different menu for elegant night?

    I have heard the food is great and happy to pay the upcharge...if there is something I actually want to eat lol



  2. Thank you all for your reviews.


    I can understand if it's merely a meeting point for some and that the activities probably vary around which kids show participate and their interests.


    I won't give my daughter unlimited freedom of course, but I am fine with allowing her to do various activities with friends she meets as long as I know where she is and she checks in and obeys any rules I set, which she always does.


    I am glad it can at least be a place to meet kids her age, and hopefully they will have some activities for them as well.

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