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Posts posted by Defender1791

  1. Update: Ok, so on a good note, the debarkation process for FTTF checked baggage was a success. We received priority "3" tags and accompanying letter last night. It was seamless and fast. Other than having to fight through all of the d-bag passengers jamming up the stairwells like seagulls waiting for breadcrumbs for their number to be called, instead of actual waiting areas where Mike told them to be, it was a pleasant experience.


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  2. Update: Verizon service in Cozumel on September 15th was just fine. As soon as we turned off airplane mode, we received a text from Verizon saying welcome to Mexico, reminding us that our talk, text, and data was included there. The signal icons on all our devices showed up as roaming. We had service while out on the boat during our all day snorkeling trip. I didn't use the data. But, my son was able to Livestream on Instagram. Who knows what the quality was on the receiving end. Anyway, there's some more feedback for Verizon in Cozumel.


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  3. Ok, so there IS evidently a process that's supposed to be followed. Maybe $3 a bag isn't enough to remind some Porters to put this sticker on the already obvious FTTF tags? Who knows. Thanks guys for the information!


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  4. Do you get a partial refund on FTTF if your bags arrive to your cabin late?

    No. I didn't ask, and it wasn't offered. Guest services sent a message via computer somewhere to have the 5th bag looked for.

    The only bag arrival time I was a little upset about about was the 5th bag arriving sometime after 5:45pm.


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  5. That is why FTTF is a waste of $$$$$$$$$

    Wow, such an insightful response! I totally forgot that the post asked for "opinions" from people who clearly didn't read the entire post! Congrats on adding one more to your post count ticker!


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  6. Does Carnival not have an expedited luggage "que" for FTTF guests, similar to the way they do boarding?


    I ask because, we've purchased it twice, and both times, our luggage didn't arrive for a few hours.


    I've seen it on the carts just buried amongst all the other passenger bags by the elevators. This time, 4 of our 5 bags (Family of 5) came between 3:30 & 4:00 pm. The 5th bag got there sometime after 5:45pm and a visit to guest services, since it was delivered while at dinner.


    The time from the curb dropping off our bags with a porter, to our room has been no more than 15 minutes both times. (Porter was tipped $15)


    The luxury of having my room ready upon boarding, along with priority guest services, & tender alone is worth it in MY opinion. It's great to lounge in my room instead of navigating the ship looking for an empty seat while I wait for my room.


    I just haven't seen the advertised benefit of having my luggage promptly delivered. I know that it's pressing to have it processed and delivered by the time I've gotten to my room in 15 minutes. But, I would think that luggage would at least be separated and placed on "priority" carts for, yes of course first for the Platinum/Diamond, and then for the FTTF cruisers.


    Anyway, my disclaimer here is that I'm not mad or even griping. Just sitting here in Montego Bay, waiting for the wife to get dressed for the MDR, and figured I'd ask. I will continue to purchase it as long as it is offered. I'm just sharing my experiences with FTTF, and inquiring if my experiences have just been flukes, or if it's the norm.


    Happy Sailing to you all from the beautiful Carnival Breeze!



    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  7. For those with the Verizon unlimited plans, the plan says we are covered in Mexico. It shows Cozumel to be covered as well. Just looking for feedback as to the quality of the cell/data there. We're going to be there Friday. Thanks guys.


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  8. We're going to be in the "buzz kill" parent category on September 10th sailing of the Breeze with our 3 kids. The April cruise that we went on without them on the Liberty reported almost 500 kids.

    There will always be a few hundred regardless, for different reasons. It's just not going to be a complete kid circus like I'm sure summertime cruises are. Never been on one. Something about paying +2X the price makes me not want to! :)


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  9. 52 long days. I always book 2 or 3 months out. Don't know how people can wait 200/300 or even 400 days. I'd go insane. Lol


    Well, I'm here to tell you how it is done then... First thing you do is... :loudcry: YOU DON'T EVER DO IT! EVER!!! We booked 502 days out! They've been the longest days of my life! We booked that far out because we're a family of 5, booking connecting balcony rooms for our children's first cruise. So, to get what we wanted (cheaper too), I needed to do it that early. We're down to 89 days now. Sept. 10th on the Breeze... Never again, unless there's others booked in between somewhere! We'll never go Platinum at that rate!;p

  10. It's per room and a waste of $$$$.

    I didn't think it was a waste. We ate breakfast at a local restaurant, and then headed to the terminal around 11:00, in no hurry, or needing to be there, sitting around waiting for a certain "boarding time" window with who knows how many other people. We gave our bags to the porter and walked right past a couple hundred people in line outside, and then past the few hundred inside the terminal waiting in lines, with no wait at all at any check-in station, we got right on the ship. From the sidewalk, until we stepped onto the ship, it only took us around 10 minutes. Once on board, rather than join the hundreds of others sitting in/on whatever chair we could find with everyone else, holding our carry-on luggage while we waited for our room to be ready, we boarded the ship and went straight to our room to drop off our carry-ons, freshened up a bit, and got to the fun faster. That's the purpose of FTTF. To say it's a waste of money is False, or True, depending on who's eyes it's seen through. If a passenger reads the description, likes what it is, pays for it, and gets what they want, it was worth the money.


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  11. Take a taxi or the Hop on Hop off bus to Doctor's Cave beach. Minimal cost, nice beach right in town. When you are done withe the sand and sun, you can walk about 6 blocks down the hip strip to the Port Pit. It's just past Margaritaville. If you are hot from the walk, or if the kids want to hit the water again, stop into M'Ville, Mom & Dad have a drink on the deck and watch the kids do the slide or play on the water toys (if they are still there). Then head to the Pork Pit for some authentic jerk!! After that catch a cab back to the ship. Fun, easy and inexpensive day.

    Yes, the Pork Pit is on our itinerary for now. I've wanted to at least stop by Margaritaville and have a drink. That seems to be simple enough. I've never been, so I don't know the layout, or know where to find a "tourist" map that shows stuff like that. However, we may wait until Grand Cayman for our beach day. We are chartering a snorkel trip for Cozumel. So, no beach day there.


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  12. Wow, what a nice bonus that came along with switching to Verizon last month! Didn't know​ anything about it. I did some browsing and found out how to sign up for the rewards program. I logged in and got my 2 $500 cards yesterday evening when the post was 11 minutes old. $100 saved, plus $18 worth of travel miles. Not bad...


    From the way I understand it from reading other posts is that they run out of these?


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  13. Thank you guys. I'll look into all of these some more. My daughter (10) swears she would love to Zipline. I'll figure something out by September. I'm just really not looking forward to the drug dealers. If I can somehow avoid them all together, AND enjoy an excursion where we're not packed in like sardines, that'd be great. If not, I gotta find out sooner or later the pros/cons of staying on the ship (with kids) while in port!


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  14. Buy an all day pass to Sunscape resort. You won't regret it. The kids will love it. All you will need to take with you is an empty stomach and bathing suit



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The Sunscape Resort looks amazing. I'm probably not looking in the right place. But, all I've been able to find are the prices for actually staying at the resort. Do you happen to know how much the day passes are? Thanks!


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  15. I wish I wouldn't have told our kids until it was time to go. They were really excited about it at first. But with kids, 1 week seems like eternity! At this point, the excitement has gone away. They're mostly just like, "I'm ready for the cruise already." I'd love to see the excitement, and the experience happen all at once when they find out the real reason why we stayed in the Airbnb the night before!


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  16. I'm looking for some opinions/suggestions on Montego Bay. We're a family of five cruising in September. Kids will be 17, 13, & 10. I'm really leaning towards staying onboard while in this particular Port. None of the excursions look appealing to me. And, from what I've seen on YouTube, several look like we'll be packed in and herded like cattle. Excursions get expensive really quick with 5 people. And I'm trying to save the bulk of the excursion funds for Cozumel. I have considered trying to go to Scotchie's. I've also wanted to take the kids to Margaritaville. But, the reviews are mixed just enough to concern me. I just can't decide if it's worth it getting off the ship just to eat. We've never been there so I don't know much of anything about it. Anybody got anything they could share on this place? Thanks y'all!


    Sent from my Moto Z Droid.

  17. Well, to start, it is Carnival we're talking about. So right there, the number of children is increased. Even during the school year there are lots of parents who take their kids (half the $ of a summer cruise). Children are everywhere. Don't plan on swimming without there being loud and hyper kids around. So, your best bet is to stay on the Serenity deck to drink, and use those hot tubs. That's the only real guaranteed place to avoid kids. As far as eating without them, I don't know of any "adults only" eating spots other than your stateroom.


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