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Posts posted by FLArmyWife

  1. We booked a cruise last April for this coming November on the Vista. My husband and I will be cruising with our soon to be three year old daughter and about a dozen other friends and families. We both had stable jobs at the time having been with our respective companies 8+ years each. In March, my husband unexpectedly lost his job. Luckily, my job pays well. But even so, we've lost 40% of our monthly income very suddenly. My first thought was that we had to cancel our cruise! But after looking more closely at our expenses, income and savings, I think we can make it work. I put together a spreadsheet showing all of the costs including the "extras" we would do on a cruise under normal circumstances (Cheers, excursions, photos, etc.). We had already bought and paid for airlines tickets and the full deposit amounts. So we would be out quite a bit by cancelling now (no, we didn't have travel insurance - no lectures, please - we knew the risks :D). I've been squirreling away money here and there and our savings is pretty healthy if we need a bit extra. Worst case scenario - we'll do a bare bones cruise without many of the extras we normally do and I'm sure we'll have a blast. My husband's been taking classes become a certified home inspector with plans to start his own business. After the drama of losing a job and stress of learning a new industry, I figure a nice, relaxing time away with friends and family will be just what we need!


    While our circumstances are different, we each have to make the choices that are best for ourselves and families. It sounds like you are doing just that. I hope you are able to make it all work out! Best of luck!


    Thank you very much. I hope you are able to get all the relaxation you deserve on your cruise.

  2. I just want to tell you, I have nothing but great hopes and prayers that all will work out for you. With the cruise, with finances, schooling, jobs, etc. In one of your earlier posts you said family would be helping with your child while you were on the cruise, so I figured they lived nearby.

    My mom has sick days stocked up and if she doesn't use them by the end of the fiscal year (Oct) they she loses them. She has 20+ days so she offered to come stay in our home to watch the baby and our dogs


    Just giving you the type advice I'd give my own children if asked. You are probably in the same age range as some of my boys. Since you shared with us your struggles, I took that as you looking for some advice.


    Please keep as posted as to how things work out. ❤️

    Thank you

  3. I think the more you explain to us, the more you need to bring your husband into this decision. The surprise idea is wonderful, but unless you know how your husband will react 100%, no 1000%, I would not risk it.


    I'll throw out one more thing - you won't like it, many others won't either, but as a stay at home Mom with family in the area, and with this idea to spend money on a cruise (not a necessary living expense), I would have found a part time job at least. Our family is 2 hours away


    2 of my 3 sons served in the military, one still is. So I understand the sacrifices. All 3 started going to daycare also at 8 weeks old, continued until school age, and have lived to tell about. :halo: We were a 2 working person family and I know tons, at least in my age bracket, that have done the same. Sacrifices are one thing but everyone needs to make the choices that work within their buget and try to help themselves as much as possible too.

    When you apply for assistance there is an interview process where you discuss things like jobs. Even the DCF representative said any $$ I'd make for a job would barely cover child care and would actually probably put us more in the hole rather than be helpful.

    Maybe talk to your parents again and in-laws and just see what they really think also. We are all strangers and I feel you need better advice on this. I feel for you and not trying to be hard, just realistic.


    If you did decide to get your hubby's opinion- I still think having this a secret for so long is amazing and he will be so happy to know you've been planning a trip just to make him happy.


    So, whether you decide to figure it out on your own, or let him in on it early, I still think you should be totally pleased and proud of yourself.


    And about the second job thing- I personally see both sides. If I were to guess, I would assume you and your husband have talked about the option of you working before and decided on something that fit your lifestyle. I also know the benefits of a second income. Whatever you decide to do- I hope you have a great time celebrating his graduation!(:


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Forums mobile app

    Thank you.



    When we moved back to Florida I tried to get a job for 6 months, and went on 5 interviews. Because it is a right to work state they were able to just simply not hire me though I know for a fact it was because I was pregnant. With my husband's schedule and no family in the immediate area (plus all our families work full-time jobs and wouldn't be available to babysit) it was decided I would wait to look for a job.

    I DO have a seasonal job where I work 2 weeks at a theme park. I put ALL that money towards bills. I also do surveys and such during my son's nap time earning money for Christmas. For the last 3 years by the time Christmas rolls around I have $400-$500 available to spend that does NOT come out of paychecks. So I"m not a freeloader just sitting on my butt all day doing nothing but taking advantage. We usually do just fine, the summer months are just harder because my husband's GI bill doesn't pay as much housing during the summer. He also hasn't had drill in months so we've been missing a $300 paycheck since Feb.


    I am VERY frugal making sure to coupon, take advantage of sales to stock up on items, and don't spend 'frivolously'.


    Anyways, I am respectfully choosing to move along from trying to justify myself.

    Some things changed overnight and all is well financially now.

  4. I got an email with a tracking number. Mine shipped Tuesday (5/23) from Ohio and will be delivered to me in Florida tomorrow (5/26).

    hmm... I haven't gotten an e-mail but good to know it's coming from Ohio



    Shipped from Rewards for Good, Streetsboro, Ohio

    Thank you


    cccer- that is strange.

  5. Where are you finding shipping information?

    click on account.. it'll list your current transaction history. if you scroll to where you made a purchase click view details

    in the details it'll tell you what you ordered, what you paid, status (mine says shipped), ship date, then it also has a space for shipping method and tracking but mine has no tracking information available.


    kendra, that's great! Was there a return address with a city/state?

  6. Thumbs up for this post. When one can't afford to feed one's child or meet other living expenses without public assistance, the expense of a cruise is definitely something that shouldn't be added to the balance sheet.



    Thank you for pointing out that those who are struggling after protecting their country don't deserve to do something nice with money they've saved up for over a year

  7. I don't want to be the only one that says maybe you need to reconsider, but I guess I am. Of course we don't know how much your cruise is and we certainly don't know how financially strapped you are at present, and what the cruise cost will do to the situation either, only you know that. Is there a possibility that your husband would be upset at you making a tough situation worse without his input to the problem?


    If getting a new job is going to happen when school is over, will other large expenses come up then? Moving again, housing, etc? Do you think as a graduation present you could let him know you will celebrate his first annual leave or something like that instead? It could still be a graduation present.


    And if you decide to still do the cruise, just enjoy it. Skip the massage, don't worry about excursions, certainly don't waste money on specialty dinners, etc., keep a handle on the costs so you don't both end up regretting the situation later. Just my 2 cents worth.


    Thank you. I like when people are real and upfront


    I just typed up a long reply to your message only for my internet to crash and erased it. :loudcry:


    The jist of it was that I in no way would make it where we would be in a financial situation of NOT being able to make minimum payments for bills, just means it'll be a lot of pasta, pb&J sandwiches, and cereal instead or me making shepherd's pie, lasagna, etc. Also means hubs would go without his daily gatorade to take to school and such. Small things cut can go a long way.


    as for after graduation that is one of the things I'm waiting on hearing about. He applied to another school program so if he gets in then we are staying put for a while but if he doesn't then we'll have to have him figure out if he wants to look for a job elsewhere or try for a small tech school and us stay put. Part of why I didn't pay the cruise off a while back was because I was hoping we would know if he got accepted or not before final payment is due.

  8. All day I've been crunching numbers.. constantly stopping in the middle of playing with my toddler and thinking 'well, what it I do X'. I am at a 90% sure I can make this happen, but I have a few things I'm waiting to see what happens (ie what our utility bill next month will be since it's been so ungodly hot here and the air runs constantly even set at 82).


    With each passing day I also am finding it harder and harder to keep the secret. I just want to scream it out already!

  9. When is final payment or are you already past it? What's the total amount due and maybe you could take that number, divide by three (3 months) then see if it's attainable. Something we do is cook stuff out of the freezer, pantry whatever. Just don't buy groceries and there is some extra $$$. Hope it works out for you!


    Final payment is due next Tuesday. the total amount due is pretty much the entire thing because I booked during an early saver which meant only half of the deposit was due

  10. I have generally ordered on a Saturday and received them on the following Friday. They don't ship on Saturday or Sunday so that adds a little time.


    Mine say they shipped Monday.... but I know the purchasers location in relation to the company's location can make shipping shorter or longer.

  11. misfit- I know my mother-in-law was looking into purchasing things for us through carnival (water package, $$ to put towards drinks, etc) but unfortunately no one is in a financial position to help. I'm trying to stay optimistic and will be doing a lot of number crunching. I remembered I have a few visa gift cards I've received for holidays/birthdays so I might see how much that totals too and if that'll help. I did manage to snag $300 in carnival GCs from the aarp rewards site so knowing I saved $$ there is helpful too.

  12. The special card we put it on (specifically made for medical emergencies) does 6 months free financing which is why I'm slightly optimistic about being able to make things work, things for us are just always financially strapped. Hubs is a full time student and I am a stay at home mom. The only $$ we make it what he gets for attending school which barely covers rent, utilities, and other required bills. We receive WIC to help with food for our toddler and we WERE receiving food benefits but that just expired and we are unable to complete the required paperwork to requalify. Just a lot to figure out. We have savings, just a matter of seeing if there is enough in savings to help cover us for 3 months.

  13. I noticed in one of the other excursions that it stated you needed closed toed shoes. When looking at the big 3 one (WILD RIDE & CHALLENGE COURSE, BEACH & LUNCH) I didn't see any mention. I did notice in the pictures that people were in 'regular' clothing for the challenge course but then of course they were in beach attire in the other photos.


    So my question is can you take a bag with beach wear to change into? Should you just wear it under your 'regular clothes'. Are closed toed shoes a must?

  14. as for where to find the quizzes and such.. there may be another way but the one I use is going to aarp.org, when you're signed in click "rewards for good" at the top towards the right. midway down the page will be a list of quizzes

  15. rewards.aarp.org


    You have to sign up (but don't have to be of a certain age. There you will see points you earn (you can earn several thousand through your welcome e-mails). The carnival cards are located under the travel section. You have to have points in order to redeem for the discounted giftcard

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