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Posts posted by CWcruisers

  1. There are no facilities on Lover's or Divorce beach. No restaurants, lounge chairs etc. They might be a vendor selling beverages.


    On Medano, most of the bars/restaurants have lounge chairs. The Office does not, Billiygan's & Sand Bar for sure do and they are the more sedate places if that is what you are looking for. Sand Bar is a favorite among locals. Tobasco's also has lounge chairs but there is some controversy, some say they charge for them, others say they don't.


    Right now, thanks to Category 2 hurricane Newton, there is not much beach in front of any of the restaurants. Hopefully by November, that will improve.

  2. Breathless is a new, adults only resort on the marina that offers day passes.


    You might also try the Tesoro, they used to offer day passes, not sure what they are doing now.


    Both are on the marina. Breathless is on the far side of the marina, a bit of a hike, but you could take a taxi if you're not into walking, especially since September is the hottest month of the year.

  3. I just spoke with a Carnival Rep today and they said because of immigration/customs regulations, you must be back on board. I know not all reps are 100% reliable and I'm thinking that you can make arrangements just like you said.


    Thanks for the info


    I think I would call back and speak to someone else. You might put the question on the Carnival board and I bet there will be someone who has done it and knows the procedure.

  4. You can stay overnight in Cabo, you just have to arrange it ahead of time with guest services so they are not looking for you when it's time to sail the first night, and they have to let the customs people in Cabo know.


    The Finisterra would be the closest AI to the tender pier. Marina Fiesta is about a 30 minute walk and is in the heart of the marina. It sells an AI package. There is also a new adults only resort, Breathless. This is on the far side of the marina with great views. You'll be able to watch the ship sail away.

  5. My only dispute with Bruin Steve's post is calling Cabo a city. It's really a small town, yes, there is construction going on, but not like the other two. I can't go anywhere without running into someone I know.


    November is some of the best weather in Cabo. The problem is if you are on Princess, you probably have a very short time in port, so you would have to choose between sailing and beach, which are both great. Google Cabo Sails which is very near to the tender pier for a sailing expedition.


    I will agree with Bruin Steve that Cabo is one of the most expensive, because the Mexican government built it as a resort town. It has a beautiful walk around marina with some fantastic yachts to look at.

  6. Yes, once you get off the tender and through customs, head straight rather than right which takes you to the marina. There is a shopping area there, a parking lot, ambulances, and pedicabs. They may actually be standing at the dock, but sometimes us locals don't know everything. I know I see them parked in an alley beside a big flea market.

  7. I've always just walked it.


    It Isn't terrible at all for my wife and I.


    That depends on the time of year. OP is sailing Sept 24. I would not recommend walking, it will be extremely hot and humid. Winter, perfect, a very nice walk, but I don't do my normal walking during the summer months.

  8. Is the snorkeling at these beaches much better than at Medano? (Which I realize is sometimes not swimmable, but assuming it is...)



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    There really isn't much snorkeling at Medano. I see people out there, but I don't think they are seeing much. There is more snorkeling at Lover's Beach.


    It's rare that Medano is not swimmable.

  9. There is a new resort in Cabo, Breathless, that sells day passes. The price changes but I think currently, it is 2 for 1 for $110.00 USD. It's an all inclusive, walking distance from the tender pier, although, I would plan on a 45 minute walk as it is all the way on the other side of the marina.

  10. Hope that's the case... Although Sand Bar also sounds like what we're looking for!



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    It's my understanding that Sand Bar has some of the best prices on the beach. Why not check out both? How long are you in port?

  11. We ended up going to Tabasco's. It was... perfect! No charge for the loungers. (This was 8 weeks ago. Not sure if you're talking about a more recent visit.) The service was wonderful.. food was good...beach was exactly what we were looking for. Not a "party crowd". Just a nice, relaxing place to chill for the afternoon, have some drinks, and swim. I'd definitely recommend it!



    Maybe they changed their tune. When I was there this winter, November-April, it was reported by more than one person, that they were charging. A little loss in business may have brought them around.

  12. Tobasco's does indeed charge for loungers. $20.00 is what I've been told. Many local gringos have abandoned it for the Sand Bar. Tobasco's also has a new manager that just doesn't care about customer service. The lounge fee is charged whether or not you buy food.


    Any of the restaurants on Medano Beach have swimming. The other more mellow ones besides Sand Bar are Omega Sports Bar and the Office, although I do not believe the Office has loungers. I used to advocate Billygan's, but they have also had a change in management so I'm not sure what the current venue is like. I know they raised their prices when I left in April and it can be an expensive day.:eek:

  13. I live part time in Cabo. Unfortunately, we have corrupted the Mexicans and they celebrate Halloween more than the Day of the Dead.


    Business as usual, everything is open. There is a small display at Puerto Parasio Mall and the town square, that's it.


    I can't speak for Mazatlan, but I would imagine it would not be much different.

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