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Posts posted by FloridaTourist

  1. Forgot to tell about dinner last night. I had the pan seared red fish and DW has a chef salad. Both were very good. The thing we have to live on HA is there fruit crisps for dessert. First night DW had the banana crisp last night we both had the blueberry mango crisp. Both were super good. This morning we had breakfast room service. Got everything we wanted even the special things we wrote down. And it was super hot. Great attention to detail. Our lunch is always the same - salad bar. It allows us to do dessert at dinner. But currently we are sitting at the outside pool soaking up the sun and happy hour with a daiquiri. Buy one get another for $2.






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    SO -- is there now Happy Hour at the Sea View Bar?




    No. It usually is in the crows nest but they had a special even in there and they had it at the Lido bar. Quick walk from the pool



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  2. Forgot to tell about dinner last night. I had the pan seared red fish and DW has a chef salad. Both were very good. The thing we have to live on HA is there fruit crisps for dessert. First night DW had the banana crisp last night we both had the blueberry mango crisp. Both were super good. This morning we had breakfast room service. Got everything we wanted even the special things we wrote down. And it was super hot. Great attention to detail. Our lunch is always the same - salad bar. It allows us to do dessert at dinner. But currently we are sitting at the outside pool soaking up the sun and happy hour with a daiquiri. Buy one get another for $2.



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  3. Yesterday in Kiel we opted to take the train to Lubeck with 2 other couples we met on cruise critic. The weather was wet and cool especially being from Florida. High was around 60. Glad we brought had puffy Jackets. Using the train was easy and the info to do it on cruise critic was accurate. But had to say I wouldn't do it again. It was very commercialized. Big town, lots of shopping. Some old churches. I heard the folks who stayed in Kiel had just as much fun. Plus we had a little experience. I now understand why some folks only do tours from the ship. While the train was easy, modern and clean we did have a problem coming back. We boarded the faster train at 4:06 that would take us back in and hr. The train went one stop and stayed still for a long time. Of course the announcements were only in German and not everyone in this area speaks English. We found someone to translate and apparently a tree fell across the track and we would have to wait an hour for it to be cleared. An hour later and the track was still closed and the train went backward to Lubeck. The option was to take the train to Hamburg to Kiel and that would now be 3 hrs. Except that would cause us to miss the ship. So we all crammed into a small, very small, 6 passenger taxi that cost $200 cash only cab to get us to Kiel. Did I say the taxi was small? My wife and I being a bit younger then the other 2 couples climbed in the way back. I'm 6ft and it was not easy getting back there. Did I say the taxi was small? So the driver gets us to the highway and it was closed for some reason. Now we are getting nervous. He takes the back roads and the traffic is awful. The hr drive takes us 2 hrs and we barely get on the ship with an hr to spare before it departs. We stopped at the bar on our way to our cabin. A drink was needed at this point. Oh and by the way I had to be pried out of the back seat. All in all Lubeck was nice but not worth the chance. I would never do a venture on our own again away from the port. Today is a sea day but we also had the cc meet and mingle at 9 am. We moved our clocks ahead 1 hr and we also went to sleep at 130. So it is currently 1050 is what ever time zone we are in and we are back in bed. Tomorrow is Tallinn.



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  4. Got up this morning and did breakfast in the concierge lounge at the Marriott. One of the nicest concierge breakfasts we have ever had. We that walked to city hall to talks the Copenhagen free walking tour for 2:45. Tour started at 10 am. We had Magnus. He was great. He gave lots of details and cracked a few jokes. Never realized how the Danes hate the swedes. Turns out he took us to many of the same places we had been but we didn't know what we were looking at till he explained it. This tour was free but would have been worth paying for, so Magnus got a nice tip. We walked 4 miles in total this morning. We than took a cab back to the Marriott. Got our *...t together and took a cab to the port arriving around 145pm. Two other RCCL ships were parked next to us. We literally got out of cab they took out bags, walked right up to the check in and onto the ship. Total time from cab to on ship was about 3 minutes. There was literally no one else in the checkin pavilion. Was kind of weird. Went to our cabin and the ship seemed empty. Walked all around. Found out later most arrived around 1130 even though checkin said starting at 1pm. Ate in the Leido Deck...our favorite is the salad bar. Toured the ship. The room seemed tired and in need of updating. The rest of the ship was nice but also a little tired looking. After it comes out of dry dock this fall I'm sure it will look just as good as the Oosterdam that we sailed last year. We are by far one of the youngest couples. The average age is probably around 70-73. But that doesn't bother us. As long as the people are fun. Tonight for dinner we did Any Time dining. First time we have ever done this. Sat with 2 nice couples. I think this will work just fine. Before dinner had drinks in the Pinnacle Bar. Dinner was for me app of scallops with bacon and avocado purée. DE had Tomato basil soup. Our mains were lasagna and eggplant Parmesan cannelloni. Both excellent. Dessert Banana crisp topped with vanilla ice cream and apple strudel with vanilla ice cream. After dinner visited the BB King and the piano bar. The Northern Lights were empty. In the morning we are going with 2 other couples we met on cruise critic and taking the train to Lubeck. 1e79e10252f97378d9314257391f2267.jpg



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  5. Spent last night in the Nyvan district (the area with the painted buildings on the water). Was lots of fun. Had the best vice cream at Wafflebageren. Had a soft serve vanilla dipped in chocolate. So creamy. Of my gosh and so good. Had dinner in a food hall across the river from Nyvan. This is a place for locals. Not many tourists. Literally thousands of people. Music, lots of beer, great place to watch sun set. Tables inside and out. Got our food at the place which had the longest line. Marrakesh Street Food. We shared. We than walked back to the hotel. All in all we walked over 10 miles in one day. We are walkers so it was fine for us. Others might need a cab at this point.


    Forgot to say earlier that around 330 people start gathering on the boardwalk along the river. They take off their shirts and lay in the sun. They use it like a beach. There are areas of the river they jump in and swim. We are not talking a beautiful crystal clear river. Matter of fact I compare it to more like the Potomac in DC. Kind of nasty to me. But then again I am from Florida we I am spoiled by beautiful beaches. We never swim in water were you can't see below the surface. Plus that water had to be freezing. the women change in to bathing suits but the men many wearing their boxer briefs from under their work cloths. 61f5a243c91303fea3b9cf1f49f50ffa.jpgview from our room. Notice the people in the riverca3375b95a370831b49feb618daaab12.jpgNyvan district.



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  6. Landed in Copenhagen right on time. Short 1 hr flight. It was a Delta code share on KLM. Was weird because KLM let's everyone board at once. Mad rush to be first so you can get overhead space. Took cab to the Marriott. Cost approx $40. Of course even though I am Marriott Gold and wrote the hotel twice no room was ready for us to check in early. So we walked into the old downtown area. For people with mobility issues the walkways are cobblestone and rough. Had breakfast at 1045 in English was the Little Yellow Coffee house. Great food. The rye bread is not like what we eat in the US. was more like a sprouted grain bread. The hot chocolate was really warmed up chocolate. Really amazing. This little cafe which was quite casual and looked to just be a normal inexpensive place ended up costing almost $40. Finding out that food here is very expensive. Even coffee. While we were eating, hotel sent me a text that the room was ready. Found our way back the long way to the hotel. By this time we are pretty tired. No sleep and we really wanted to get out of our travel clothes. The rooms in the Marriott are VERY spacious. Beautiful room with a view of the river. Concierge lounge is open to midnight. Never in the US would that happen. We were so tired we went right to bed. Matter of fact DW is still sleeping. Would post a pic but the divorce would be bloody if i did that. I slept 2 solid hours. I'm ready to go out but wife wanted 4 hrs. So I will let her sleep. I will try to add pics at times when I can. Below is a pic of breakfast. No pics of us as we looked pretty bad In our travel clothes. a08bdab57eb5c4f901b3a68fa0181809.jpg

  7. Arrived in Amsterdam 35 min early. Just note that even though you aren't staying in country you have to stand inline for border control. Didn't expect that. Didn't sleep much on the flight. Had economy comfort. Lots of room. But because we left Detroit at 4pm and basically arrived here at 1130pm EST it was hard to sleep. Actually didn't see many sleeping. Did watch a movie, watched 2 episodes of Master of None and read 90 pages in my Ernie Johnson book. Detroit airport by the way was very nice, clean and modern. Lots of food options in the international terminal. First time ever there. Amsterdam on the other hand is not so nice and just and FYI - my DW and I have been to 2 different bathrooms and they were nasty.



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  8. Creating this thread to write live as we head to the Zuiderdam from our home in Orlando.


    Little about us: We are both in our mid 50s and very active. Been married 34 years. This will be our 3rd HA cruise. Last year we sailed on the Oosterdam right out of dry dock doing the Adriatic Sea. We had an amazing time on what was our first trip to Europe. Decided to make HA our preferred cruise line. Although we did sail on the Oasis with DSs in June as they wanted a ship with tons of stuff to do. We will be leaving on the noon flight on Wednesday from our home airport Orlando>Detroit>Amsterdam>Copenhagen. Arriving at 9am via Delta. We will be staying at the Marriott. I'll try to be funny along the way so you all can have a laugh. Please forgive my terrible typing. I'll try to update nightly when I can or early morning. You can always look up my other live reports and see if my writing interests you.


    Anyway!!! The bags are almost packed. Hold on to your seats and come along for the adventure!!



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  9. Here's the link to the app from the Travel Luebeck website: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/itour-lubeck-english/id857735284?mt=8




    This app was not available when we went to Luebeck in 2015, so we paid for the tourist office's audio tour. It cost 10 euro was pretty perfunctory. I hope the info on the app is better and, if not, at least it didn't cost you anything.




    And I recommend the Travel Luebeck website--some good info there: http://www.luebeck-tourism.de/




    Unfortunately the app does not work on the latest OS for iPhones. But the other link is viewable. Thanks for sharing.



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  10. We were on the Baltic Cruise aboard the Zuiderdam in June If you decide to take the train to Lübeck, to save some walking do not follow the blue line from the Otseekai Terminal to the Hauptbahnhof. It will lead you through the shopping district plus a longer walk. Leaving the terminal turn left towards Düsternbrooker Weg and keep the waterside to your left. Stay on the same walkway as it turns to Wall, and then to Kaistraße. The train station plaza will be on the right after about a 1.5km walk.

    There are two trains per hour and the Old Town of Lübeck is about 0.5km from the Lübeck Hbf. We were lucky as there was a festival being held in the square during our visit with live music.




    Thank you. That's great info



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  11. We are on the same cruise as you (Zuiderdam Aug 11th) and are thinking about taking the train to Lübeck. If you are interested, we could go together and take advantage of the group train ticket - Kleingruppenkarte. Have you seen the app that's an audio guide for Lübeck? It might be helpful if a taking a guided walking tour isn't for you. Let us know what you think.




    Where did you find that app? What's the app name?



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  12. Sailed on the Oosterdam last year not Alaska but it has a great pool. If you want to use the pool and it's 5° or 85, who cares. It's your vacation do you what YOU want to do. have a great time



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  13. My wife and I are In our early/mid fifties and we sailed on the Oosterdam in the Adriatic Sea last year and had an amazing time. Do the late dinner at 8pm. By the time dinner is over the older folks are in bed and the venues are less crowded. We found lots of others our age. we never went to our cabin before midnight on a very port intensive cruise. We loved it so much HAL is now our preferred cruise line and we are doing the Baltic this summer on the Zuiderdam.



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  14. We will be stopping in St. Petersburg, Oslo, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Tallin, Berlin and Stockholm. is there anywhere we cannot/should not wear jeans(denim)? I know shorts aren't necessarily acceptable, but coming from Florida I think we will be fine in long pants so that's not an issue- but most of our long pants are jeans...




    Not talking about dinner clothes, purely off the ship... jeans in churches and museums.







    We are doing the same ports in August on the Zuiderdam. And funny thing is we to are from Florida. We have read (in Rick Steves book I think) that shorts are seen as beach wear and not acceptable in those Baltic cities. It also says "tourist" all over it. Just makes you a target if you know what I mean. Since most of those ports have an average temp in August of about 70 for a high, pants or jeans will be comfortable.



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