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Posts posted by Jamericannn

  1. Of course living close to a port makes cruising easier and more affordable - and if other factors: employment, satisfaction with life style, etc. work out - why not? But, how much time do you spend cruising - and how many cruises per year would you take? Relocating means giving up where you live: which you probably chose for a number of reasons - so hopefully you would have more than just one reason to move to Florida ---- which is really only good for Caribbean cruises - how about cruises to Alaska, the Pacific coast of Mexico, Hawaii, Canada/New England, the Mediterranean/Northern Europe, trans-Atlantics?


    Once you had had enough of the Caribbean, you would still have to travel to cruise.


    Good points. I would definitely mix in some other destinations as well but maybe once every two years or so. Cruising is a major part of the move but I am also tired of the winter. I'm originally from the Caribbean so I miss the sunshine year round. Most of my family live in Florida so I would actually be closer to them. Cruises can be used for any occasion. For example, this past anniversary we were struggling trying to find a hotel close to activities that were nearby so we could book. We ended up booking a hotel near the casinos but after we got tired of the machines there was not much around to do. The ship has many options so we could have booked a nice 3 days weekend cruise and still have everything right there.

  2. I use to live in CT, and move to FL 15 yrs ago. Best move I ever made. I was tired of the winters there. I'm an islander. Same one you have in your name. It wasn't for the ports becuz I didn't start cruising yet. I live in central FL now and was blessed to start with the same salary I left CT with. Having so many ports to chose is an added bonus. Pt Canaveral (my fav)is only an hour away. Pt Everglades & Miami is only 3-3.5 hrs drive. The headache is which cruise, which port, which itineraries. Oh the hard choices :D



    Yuh haffi guh hook mi up.

  3. This is one of the ideas that I like to toy around with, along with the idea of living on cruise ships. These are things that I like to think about, but not necessarily things I want to do.


    But suppose you were going to move to Florida for the purpose of being close to cruise ports, which area would you choose? Would you pick a place equidistant from Tampa, Port Canaveral, Miami, and Fort Lauderdale? Or would you just pick an area in Florida that you like.


    Be aware that many locations in Florida, particularly in the Panhandle are still a long way from any of the cruise ports.


    OP, thanks for bringing up this discussion!


    You are welcome. I like Ft. Lauderdale (the area). I am open to anywhere in South Florida though. I just have to complete my research to look at schools for the kids, crime rate etc.

  4. We moved to Florida from southern CA in 2010. Did not move to be close to the ports but admit it is a big side benefit for us and helped naked the move much less painful. Took awhile to get used to the summer heat and humidity but it's all good now. Depending on type of jobs there seems to be very good job market, wages aren't the highest but cost of living is reasonable and no state income tax is nice. Property taxes can be high depending on location. Being close enough to drive to at least 6 ports is priceless, port Canaveral is my favorite.


    I am so jealous right now. I will start checking out the job market there.

  5. No it was just an added bonus. We lived all over the place for my husbands work and when he got out of that line of work, we picked home. Weather, cruising, closer to family, beaches. It was a no brainer. We have went out of every port in Florida. It's awesome to have choices. Depending on what area you want to be in, state jobs are there. Wages are comparable to other states we have lived in with the bonus of paying no state taxes so it's like getting a raise!



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    Sounds great. I prefer cruising out of Miami but I would like to live in Ft. Lauderdale.

  6. We have to travel from CT/NY all the way to Florida to be on the ships we love so my wife and I decided that we will sell our house within the next five years and move to Florida. We understand that this is a big undertaking and there are risks involved. We just know we would be able to cruise more often if we lived in Florida. We are still young and far from retiring so getting a good job is very important.


    Has anyone here moved just to be closer to the cruise ships? How was the transition?


    Would you move to another state solely to be closer to the ships?


    We don't like the crowd that ships from NY attracts.

  7. Very good point!


    Hey there Jamericannn! 146 days to go! :) I love to cruise, I love the experience, and bottom line - nobody is forcing them to work on a cruise ship. I wouldn't mind paying more so that the staff could make more, but the ones I have talked to seem content and happy to be sending so much money home. They also get free room and board. Some are only working for a few years then returning home with the savings. I have to assume that most feel that they are making enough money to accomplish goals.


    Sometimes the moral high ground is a slippery slope. If the reviewer feels so strongly - and they certainly have the right to their opinion - then they need to stay home in the U.S. because as was pointed out, people in other countries are not being paid as much as workers in America either. And they need to stop buying stuff from China and Mexico as well. We have no control over what is paid in other countries and Cruise ships are not registered in the U.S. (Probably for that reason, sadly). But the truth is, many could not afford to cruise if staff were paid at U.S. rates. I try to make it up by being very generous with cash tips above and beyond the mandated tips at the end of the cruise. (In all my cruises, I have only not tipped above and beyond once and it was a Steward that I rarely saw, never had personal contact with who didn't even bother to make the beds and tidy up one day or leave even one towel animal the whole 7 day cruise. Didn't ruin my vacation and the rest of the staff were great, but I didn't feel he deserved anything above the mandated tips.)


    We probably can't change Cruise Ship policies, however we can all make a difference by being generous with those we come into contact with. Carry $1 bills around and tip cash for that drink instead of putting on your S&S, and tip your Steward, wait staff and even that favorite bar tender generously at the end of the cruise or even as you go.


    That's just my opinion, which along with $3 will get you a small coffee at Starbucks! ;)



    146 long days :). The bottom line is once we treat those who are serving us nicely, they will reciprocate. That's all that matters on the cruise. Doesn't make sense investigating people's business that is not ours such as salary.


    Have you booked any excursions? I don't book with the cruise lines. I get better deals when I book independently.

  8. After going back to their original post, I think you are correct. My apologies to the OP for my sarcastic reply...


    Sent from my Galaxy 4


    Ok. I won't report you anymore. Lol. Just kidding. It's all good. We can all easily misunderstand something when it's written.

  9. I don't think that is what the OP meant. I believe that he was saying that the reviewer who he quoted should read this thread in order to receive an education about the way things work instead of just swearing off of cruising for reasons that largely don't exist.


    Thank you sparks1093. I am glad you read with comprehension. I like the point of view from everyone so I was saying I hope the original reviewer can see others point of view and maybe he would change his mind because of the informative information he receive from the thread.

  10. Actually large business do pay according to the cost of living and what other companies pay. So yes if they are doing business in a low cost of living they will pay less then if they were in a higher cost area.



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    The question was... Say you own one single business, would you pay the workers based on their addresses or would you pay based on position and experience?

  11. They are not working in the US or on a US flagged ship either. But my question is, why do you care how or what a company pays it's employees?


    Quite honestly I don't really care. First of all I would NEVER ask a cruise worker what they are making. I would not even as my coworker what they are making. The reason why I made this post was because the reviewer say he/she will not go on a cruise again because workers are underpaid.


    I agree with what many people said earlier that the workers weren't drafted or compelled to work on cruise ships. I am sure that for many of them, if not all, working on the cruise is the best option they are offered. As long as I get good service for my cruise I am happy.

  12. So what country would you say they are working in? With the numerous countries cruise ships go to they have to base pay on something.


    A business owner would have to pay the federal minimum wage regardless of state or the area a person lives in. Of course wages will be different across the country based on cost of living but there is a minimum.



    As far as your two questions:


    1 - I think it's fine. I don't think it should be based on the US because they operate to many different countries around the world.


    2 - I don't feel as if they are underpaid IMO. They do work hard for the money though!


    Points taken. As far as what country I would say they are working in, I think it's either the country the ship is registered to or the port the ship is leaving from. I would narrow it down to the country the ship is registered to seeing that ships sometimes cruise from different countries with the same crew.

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