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Posts posted by stumpmr

  1. Yes we did the Atlantis dolphin excursion...but it was without lunch.. Although the price is high...we actual 45 min interaction with the dolphins.

    The Atlantis has a man made lagoon (maybe 25 acres) with 42 dolphins..not the one or two we saw on some of ther other excusion reviews.

    You will be divided in groups of 8 or less and given wet suites to wear and a trainer and one dolphine to work with.

    As for the beach/water...being man made ...there were 4 beach areas with lounge chairs. The water depth went from shore to about 4ft @ 40yds out then the water turned deep blue. This is becuase the water drops off to 90-100 feet for the dolphins to be dolphins....swim, play and jump out of the water.


    Back to the timing...we left the ship @ 8 and to the bus left 8:15? Where a guide took us to the lagoon and we sat on the lounge chairs waiting and watching the dolphins play around. After 30 minutes they had us change into the wet suits and they provide lockers for your valuables. ..no rings, watches or cameras...dolphins are attracted to shiny objects.. they have their own photographer's which I advise to purchase the usb afterwards... $149??? They took more than RCI did for 7 day cruise. Anyway after the group sessions they brought the 4 groups together and they added more dolphins for demos...jumping, flipping...waiving good bye.

    Afterward we walked to Atlantis main tower and looked at the aquarium and lobby...and headed back to the ship...for drinks in the hot tub by 3pm. We could gone shopping but junk is junk... A pina colada and watching the fools almost miss embarkation. ..is priceless.




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  2. Boboanne1,

    Sorry for not replying sooner. I have been trying to post some pictures to the test site without any luck. I will attach a link some of my examples of what the camera is capable. The album has night, day, panoramic, and two pic's of standard and one telephoto of a ship sailing off into the sunset. All pictures were taken with the the fisheye lens/Polaroid CPL filter and monopod.

    Here is te link:



    I purchased all of products thru Amazon.. Note I bought everything but the close up ring.. The built in mircoscope function is great for tiny items which I use for work dealing with small injection molded parts.)


    Here are the links to what I think are the essentials to get started.

    Camera Pkg - Reviews state the Red frame is better in case you drop the camera and need to find it.


    Extra Batteries..nice charger and two batteries..video or transfering or GPS eats battery life.




    Filter Pkg




    Monopod Fitting



    I did my research looking both at Sony and Panasonic but wanting removable lens (old school) teh TG4 was the best solution. There are several great You-Tube reviews for the TG4 which show all supporting equipment and functions.


    I hope this helps..happy cruising and photo shooting.

  3. We bought our Olympus TG4 and the extra gear...fisheye, telephoto, micro lens, lens hood, filters and a monopod for our last cruise. Takes great pictures easy to use, durable above/below water.


    Great features that make it easy to use. It has everything from indoor, outdoor, snow/beach, sunsets, night lighting, portrait, panoramic, food, documents, time lapse, microscope and composite or if you want it has a full range of manual settings.

    The HD video is good. The micro lens has amazing closeup capability for flowers, bugs, jewelry etc.


    I would say the we used the fisheye and monopod the most.


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  4. Harmony and Allure have the same itineraries...they just alternate eastern or wes,tern legs.. So if Harmony is on the eastern caribbean ....Allure is on the western caribbean.

    Harmony sails on Saturdays and Allure on Sundays...so that may help you on your travel schedule.

    We just finshed a trip Dec 4 on Allure...they stated it was 105% booked but only 5962 passengers..max is 6400...not sure how they calculate 105%.

    The ship was decorated force Christmas which was nice..they had tree lighting ceremony and one night singing Christmas carols..

    I would book another trip the same time of the year.


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  5. Agreed...6ft is nothing for a1188' ship..but the sail surface of a 18 deck ship at that length will rock even with the stabilizers ... the captain stated the max seas he has piloted on AOTS has been 12' which was the maiden voyage when she was luanched.. He stated he would only be concerned if the waves were 30' becuase the life boats would start lifting off the moorings. ..

    Great ship and alot to do onboard..


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  6. We were just on Allure OTS last Dec 4...our cabin was 6532...starboard side...it was great...no up or down motion even in 6ft seas...we had more side to side motion due to the cross winds..

    The location was great to spa, theater or casino which we were able to use the stairs...or use the LONG walk down deck 6 when by-passing the crowds on Promenade deck... Also great for embarkation and disembarkion. ..luggage tags were 6 & 11 which meant on and off early...


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  7. See if your states issues a enhanced driver's license which states USA residency, that usually takes less than a week to get...It would be good for Canadian, Mexico or Caribbean travel thru ports or driving (not by air.) We use ours for Canadian border crossings and I have fellow employees use them on the Mexican border. Your old PP should be proof enough for you Secretary of State for proof of citizenship. They will expire the same time your drivers license are due, Michigan's are @ $40.


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