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Posts posted by eddiesgal

  1. How many of you get involved in the cruise critic roll calls? I've been to many and sometimes they make a great bit of difference in the enjoyment of a cruise and sometimes not so much. Any feedback on your feelings towards them?

  2. Hello everyone....sorry I've been away so long....DS had his wedding this weekend and now I can concentrate on the task at hand, which is getting back on track with my diet.....I can't believe how bad I looked on the wedding photos:( Oh well, I have until October to see what I can accomplish weightloss wise.....



  3. Hello all:) Sorry I've been scarce on the boards...getting ready for the big wedding of DS 7/19:eek: We also have a good friends wedding the following weekend and I'm making the favors:eek: What was I thinking:confused:


    Putting it nicely, my diet has sucked lately:( I've not managed to take off an ounce but I guess that's good considering I've cheated twice! I'm not trying to make excuses, but am soooooooo stressed with everything going on and really won't be able to truly relax until all of the weddings are over.


    Hope everyone's doing well and has a great holiday weekend!



  4. Good Morning All!


    Jean....sounds like fun in Nashville for the reunion! Have you looked for the oopsie rolls yet? Be certain to remember to check them out when you have time.


    This weekend DH and I are remulching the front hillside so with the 90 degree weather we've been having, I should sweat off an ounce or two...LOL...other than that, not much planned.


    A big hello to everyone and keep up the good work!

  5. Jean...welcome home from what sounds like a totally awesome trip!!! So glad you had such a great time and not even a weight gain! How terrific is that!!!


    As far as the oopsie rolls, they are an induction friendly food that take the place of bread or a roll and are sooooooo delicious and easy to make...eggs, cream of tartar, cream cheese and whatever you want to flavor them with......just google oopsie rolls and you'll get lots of info on them..I totally love them and they've really helped stay with the program...let me know how you like them.


    I got on the scale today and lost 2 pounds which officially brings the total to 10

    pounds....still a lot to go but not as many as before.:p


    Have a great day everyone!

  6. I can't believe it has been a week already!! I did gain 2 pounds last weekend at the race but as of this morning I lost it and a couple more pounds. My total weight loss is now 14 pounds. I still have a long way to go but every pound counts!! :)


    I did not get any exercise this week and I really need to change that for next week. I worked 58 hours this week and was just too tired to exercise at night when I got home. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. My boss finally hired an assistant for me. Maybe now I can start working my normal 40 hour weeks again. ;)


    I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!


    Donna....wonderful news on the 14 lb loss and the new assistant!!

    Glad to hear you'll be able to cut down your hours at work.


    I have weigh in tomorrow but I don't know if I've lost anything or not.....I may be up to the 10 pound mark but will know for certain in the AM...been making big batches of the "oopsie rolls" and they've really helped me to stick with the plan:)


    A big hello to everyone and hope you're enjoying the weekend.

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