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S.S. Cruisers

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Posts posted by S.S. Cruisers

  1. So, the big boy went to the dawgtor yesterday for his last booster shot.  In about 2 months, he will go back to be neutered.  I was sitting in the lobby, no one else in there, whew, and a lady walked in, without an animal.  She beelined right for us, asking questions about Rockford.  He went under my chair and growled at her the whole time she was talking!  He has never done that.  The receptionist came out and distracted him with a cookie.  The lady was a little strange, I think Rocky knew something just wasn't "right" with her.  Anyway, he now weighs 35 lbs.  He unhooked his seatbelt, again, on the way home.  The fortunate part is he still thinks he can get to the front seat so he just stays back there and finds ways to entertain himself.  Heaven forbid he would play with the toys that I bring with us.  His new game yesterday was to pull the seat belts out from the seat and let them go.  That retraction sound was pretty fun!  Silly boy! 

    Hope everyone has a great day! ❤️

  2. So, Rocky went to first training class today at a new place.  There was an older gentleman there with a large black, hairy dog.  First thing the dog got loose.  After they captured him and we continued, I heard a loud, scary ruckus and the big dog had grabbed one of the little dogs and was shaking her back and forth like a rag doll.  The instructors ran and got the big dog to drop the little dog.  She is ok, other than having to go to emergency with 2 large puncture holes and gashes on her side!  Rocky was so scared he ran between my legs and stayed there.  Fortunately the ladies vet was the one on call.  Just as a side note.  The older gentleman was using oxygen, and could not handle this dog.  The instructors said "don't let this scare you. ". Most of you know, I am no whimp and I was scared.  Next week on start on the Thursday class.  I heard it is "just" different.  We also had a little girl around 9 with a big mixed, hairy dog.  When they asked her if she was training him or her mom, she said "my mom is scared of him."  "My dad usually handles him."  So I am thinking then WHERE IS YOUR DAD?  Especially in light of what happened later.  

  3. OMD, My two Nephew Boys (Horton and Oakland) are so handsome!  Like all of our pups.  I know I have said this before, but we all have a great group of good looking furkids!  

    I have already been fortunate with Rockford out in public.  He is allowed in Petsmart, Tractor Supply, Home Depot and Lowes.  I even had a little girl around 8 years old ask permission to pet him, before she did.  In Petsmart when he was training, I had an older gentlemen just stop in awww and comment about how beautiful he is.  He already has a "big head" and usually takes it in stride that people are fawning over him.  He is getting more and more silver (grey) every day.  His eyes are turning to the golden color,  but they are still blue, for now.

    He still has 2 training classes left with Petsmart and then I have signed him up for another 8 week training course with a local trainer.  I have discovered if I get his attention, he listens better.  When he gets his "wild" eyes going on, its time for a time out in his crate.  Anyway, enough talking about the boy! I am smitten with him.


    Jezzy Lou is being such a good girl.  She is tolerating him and usually only has to mouth at him and a lot less, biting him.  She is scoring treats when Rocky get his.  Not a good thing, Dawgtor already said she is a little "Heavy".  


    I better get going and get something done.  Hope everyone has a fantabulous day.   

  4. On 9/16/2019 at 7:01 AM, rangeley said:

    Omg Nancy!!! So glad you are ok. I wish my grandpuppy had gone away to boot camp. He seems to injure me every time I see him. Hes 2 now and still a terror, mostly because my son refused to have him fixed. He's a cute little peanut but wild!! 


    OMD, he has that look, "Yay, I'm large and in charge".  What is his name?  Rocky fluctuates from day to day.  He was the pawfect little gentleman today.  He is too funny.  He is a big boy now.  He is too big for Jezzy Lou's crate, to ride in the car.  I got one of the seat belt extenders that hook in seatbelt clip and the other end to his harness.  He mostly sits and chews on the strap.  Gets on the floor, turns around and put front paws, chest on the seat and fiddles around.  He doesn't need mom to walk him on his leash, he can do it all by himself!  Fortunately the yard is completely fenced.  The only reason he is on a leash is to prevent eating rocks.  Don't need him to swallow one and have it block his intestines.  Of course there is a gazillion rocks.  We are going to have artificial turf and pavers put down, then he can go out and run.  Yesterday morning he fell into the pool.  I was right there, it was right by the step.  I just scooped him out with his harness.  He seem unconcerned about the whole ordeal.  Shook off and just sat there waiting for a towel!  Need to get him in there to get him swimming and getting worn out.

    Forgive me if I have already said any of the above.  I am getting old and bumped my head! 🥴

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  5. Thank you, Roz.  Rocky may be going away to boarding school, for training.  He may be too much of a handful for me.  I really can't believe how weak I have become.  I can barely control him now, I know when he gets bigger I won't be able too.  There is a place in Las Vegas that I was referred to from a local lady.  It is pricey, but I think it is going to be a must.  He is doing good in his training at Petsmart, but not as accommodating at home.  You know like your kids behave in public but act like crazy people at home.  I love this little guy to death, but. Need to do what is best for him to succeed.  

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend.  We are finally at comfortable weather, although they did say 110 degrees today!  Just a little toasty!

  6. Going to try and send an updated picture of the boy dog.  Last Monday, at the vet, he weighed 28 lbs. and turned 13 weeks old on Wednesday.  Unfortunately, I took a tumble leaving the vet.  Tripped over Rocky, landed on my hands and knees and thought, Wow, doesn't even really hurt, not much of a scrape and the BOOM, then momentum caught up with me and slammed the right side of my head to the pavement.  Had a nice big ole swollen bump on my cheek.  Went to emergency just to make sure everything was okay.  You know us old folks, I have become weak and whiney!  Anyway, they did a CATSCAN and everything is a-ok.  Just a horrendus bruise down my cheek, slipping under my jaw.  If anyone asks what happened i just say ""You should see the other guy!"  Glad I didn't land on Rocky, he would have been renamed Flat Stanley.  

    Hope everyone is doing well. 




  7. Oh the neuter is already paid for!  I bought a puppy package at the Vet.  She will neuter him and put in the chip at the same time.  I was horrified when I asked her about the chip and she said, "Oh we wait until they are under anethesis (sp) because that needle is big that we use to put the chip in.  When I got Jezzy Lou at the shelter, they put it in her right then and there while I was holding her.  She was a little thing, maybe 10 lbs.  Now I want to go back to them and chip them!  She did squeal. Please, please tell me we didn't get Cujo!  I hope the puppy classes help.  He is smart little cracker.  He knows he has to sit down before he comes out of his x-pen or crate.  He knows "out' to go outside.  He goes to the door to go out and 💩 but we are working on the squat and pee whenever the mood strikes us! He knows "go potty".  So he can learn.  We have straight across handles on all of our doors.  Yesterday he jumped up on the laundry  room door (This is Jezzy's sancuary (sp) ) and pulled down on the handle!  Matter of time we won't be able to keep him out or in for that matter any of the rooms! Help me........We knew we would have about 18 months to 24 months of shenanigans, but the biting and barking are unreal.  He doesn't care what you say or do, he is gonna continue until he says he is done! 


  8. Good morning Ladies, Gentlemen and furkids, 

    My mom says I have to go to school tomorrow afternoon.  She says I have no manners!  What does she know? If I have something to say, I bark very loud and do not quiet down like she asks, because she doesn't know what I am trying to tell her.  I pick up rocks in the front yard and run from her.  Its my rock, why should she get to take it away?  Then when we go back in the house, I gently (!) (His words) nip her on the back of the legs and grab her shirt putting teethy marks in it.  I don't want her to leave me, but if she does, she can look at the holes and think of me.  Maybe she will come home earlier to see me! (Fat chance, my words)  Anyway, I hope everyone is safe from that BIG wind stormer.  When had BIG thunderboomers and electric skies, but I didn't even flinch.  I acted like it was normal.  Ha.  Well everyone have a great day, I have to get back to finding some more skin to chew on, its more fun than the gazillion toys I have.  Oh and Mom thought she would be a smarty and go to Tractor Supply (I got to go to and got treats and people owwing and awwing over me!) and she got me a big blue ball with a handle on it that is for  HORSES!  She says sometimes I act like a Horses azz!  I don't know what that means, but I think she likes me.  Any who, I haven't put a hole in the ball yet, but I have roughed up every inch of it with my razor teefers. ❤️ 

    Pee S's:  Mom took all the beds and put them up.  She says I don't know how to be nice to my things!  I say 😝 to her! BOL (bark out loud)


    • Haha 1
  9. Yes he does look chocolate, but is suppose to be silver.  He does have little black hairs throughout, also.  I guess time will tell.  He has the cutest little tuft of hair on the end of his tail.  It just puffs out in all directions.  He is too smart for his little boy britches.  That is what is so frustrating with the biting and barking.  I know he knows better, but just can't help himself.  He is trying to master the stairs, now.  Mom just cannot carry the little butterball anymore.  He had to be helped down them, then when I came back home, helped him up most of the stairs and he did the last 2 on his own!  Fortunately there are only 9 stairs.  The garage is lower than the house.  

  10. OMD (Oh My Dog)  I know I have said it before, but I think we have the most handsome and beautiful dawgs in the world.  Jezzy Lou is tolerating the obnoxious thing that moved into her house!  She has snapped him at least 5 times.  He is a slow learner when it comes to loving his sissy. He wants to play with her some bad he is beside himself.  It is getting better day by day.  Jezzy is allowed to go into Travis' room when she needs a breaks from the noisey little twit.  Jezzy actually brought one of her toys out and gave it to him this morning.  It was very cute.  Had to take it away from him because it is a stuffy and he will shred it.   Kong toys are on the grocery list.  

    That is soooo exciting that Cindy, John and Oakland will be cruising together!  What a very special cruise that will be.  ❤️


  11. How did you know to call "it" the little devil?  My arms and legs are scratched and bit up like no tomorrow!  I need a puppy raiser and then pick the little devil up when he's about 18months - 24 months old!!!! Here is the back view.  He was 8 weeks old Wednesday.  He is a very smart boy.  No 💩's in the house at all.  Now peeing is another story.  Good and bad days.  2 days ago, no accidents in the house, yesterday he was peeing machine.  The little booger can be so lazy, he goes outside , sits down and then pees!  I will have to take some current photos. 



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  12. We are melting!  109, going to be 113.  Rockford does not do the heat!  As long as there is a shady place he will go pots.  But if no shade, he bee-lines it back too the doer to get in.  I have to carry him clear down the side of the house, past the pool.  Little booger is getting heavy!  He is getting better and better every day, except for the biting!  Sharp, sharp, sharp nails and teeth!  He has Kong toys to chew on but that gets boring.  I put one of them in the freezer for him, he seems to like that.

  13. 9 hours ago, wizard-of-roz said:

    Congratulations Nancy and family.  He's such a cutie and a very lucky boy to have such a loving family.


    What are you going to call him for short?

    His name is not carved in stone, except for the "Rockford" Rocky for short.  We will have to mess around with including mom and dad's name to his AKC name.   We shall see.  Who knows what his actual nickname will be.  I'm  thinking Precious Pup! ❤️


  14. Well it looks like it deleted the whole second post, which is ok. His name isn't set in stone. They are using the Disney characters for the parents.  Wendi is from Peter Pan (I had forgot that) and I wasn't quite clear on what he said dad's name is.  It sounded like Soar or Zor, but don't find either when I google the characters.  Will wait until I see the papers.  Might change it to Wendi's Soaring Silver Rockford.  That sounds better.   

    • Like 1
  15. He will be 7 or 8 weeks old this Saturday when we pick him up.  Was so excited forgot to ask.  We were just inquiring, because they didn't have any pups left, right now.  They have a litter coming in August and 2 in September which would have been pawfect timing for us.  The guy called, sent a text and an email, the next day saying that the people that had reserved him had backed out, so SCORE, we get him.  


    I just realized I attached the same photo.  Wonder if I can delete one of them?  Will try. 

  16. 8 minutes ago, wizard-of-roz said:

    The "guilts" I get from Horton are triple what I used to get in raising my kids.  I'm constantly second-guessing what I do for him.  


    I can give myself the worst guilt-trips! :classic_wacko:

    Don't we all!  The difference with kids is that they can at least express themselves.  Jezzy Lou has been doing some out of the ordinary things.  It makes us wonder if she has/is getting dementia.  She usually does not let one of us out of her site.  Lately we find her in the den by herself.  She also lays outside of Travis' room and when one of us opens the door she will go in and stay with him, sometimes for hours. Never has done that.  She would go in and stay for a few minutes, check things out and come back out.  I went in to get her to lick the ice cream bowl and she wouldn't even come out for that.  Now this girl does not miss an ice cream bowl lick.  I keep watching her.  ❤️ 

  17. Cindy, 

    You and John are some of the best furkids mom and dad.  Like you said it is so hard to tell with these guys.  Reno went down hill in the span of 2 weeks.  To this day, I still second guess myself whether or not I did the right thing.  But in our hearts we know we did the best we could at the time and our furkids were number one in any decision we made.  Oak has been given to you guys for a reason and I know he will do fantastic.  I mean the boy is a water lover, right?  Although Reno loved his plastic wading pool that is the only water he comfortably set paw in.  ❤️


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