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Everything posted by Rubyfisch

  1. I went up to the orange party well after it started - it was so much fun. There was dancing and snacks and so much orange clothing ....
  2. We got off around 9:10 or so and walked around a bit. Inside the terminal: The ship at night:
  3. I've yet to sit anywhere that isn't comfortable, and it's generally pretty comfortable noise-wise. Obviously, if they are doing trivia or bingo, you can hear that where they are doing it, but otherwise I haven't noticed any annoying background noises. I do find the public areas to be kind of weirdly cut up. Probably good from a sound insulation point of view, but it just feels kind of disjointed.
  4. Dutch night in the dining room: French onion soup: Bami Goreng - this is fantastic - just a little bit spicy and really warm and peanutty: Cream puff:
  5. Coming in Charlottetown now ... So glad the listing is over.
  6. In case anyone is curious, there is still a lot of listing...
  7. We did the 1 pm trivia ... It was quite difficult, but fun. Now enjoying some virgin mojitos and the waves ....
  8. Assuming the weather holds, we'll be picking up our Charlottetown pilot at 7:00 pm tonight, and will be along side at 8:15 pm, for an overnight call into Charlottetown.
  9. The staff captain just came on to say that we were experiencing 50 knot winds and considerable listing and to use the hand rails. It's not particularly rough, but the list is very noticeable.
  10. The captain did an impromptu Ask the Captain with some slides about the route into the ports:
  11. Some pictures of the coast of Nova Scotia - it's a little unclear what is a fog bank and what is land ....
  12. At 8:00, the captain announced that the winds were at 20 knots, and increasing, and that he did not feel well could safely make the approach into (or more importantly, out of) Sydney. So he cancelled the port. It's funny, I've had cancelled port calls before, and usually there is a audible groan. Here, it was more of a "oh."
  13. I went up this morning for some pastries and tea. The water on this ship is not hot enough to brew tea - I should just give up .... But no on the pastries.
  14. We went to music trivia, and then dinner. I had the French onion soup (which I forgot to take a picture of, but you'll be seeing again), which was good. For the main, I had the beef stroganoff - the flavor was good, but some of the meat couple have been more tender. It was also massively large compared to the other mains we have had. And red velvet cake and ice cream:
  15. After that, we did make our way down the boardwalk - I didn't end up taking a ton of pictures, in part because we were getting kind of tired as it was about 4 pm at this point. But I did manage to get some ice cream at Cows. No, I did not realize it was blue when I ordered it. Yes, it was good. No, I regret nothing.
  16. We got back around 1:00 pm, and were quite hungry. We went over to Garrison's, the brewery across from the port. It does not actually serve food (despite what we were told at the port talk), but you can bring food in. There is a pizza place next door, so we ordered a pizza to go, walked around a bit, and then had fantastic pizza and beer: We had planned to walk around the boardwalk at that point, but ran into some folks we had met. We ended having a fantastic time (and a couple of more drinks) chatting with them. I don't day drink (which might be why I fell asleep at 9:30 ...)
  17. On the way back from Peggy's Cove, there was more endless narration. I'm not saying it wasn't interesting, but it was a lot. From the moment we stepped into the bus until the moment we left. And for me, the speakers were both painfully loud and lacked fidelity. All that being said, I think this a great, relatively inexpensive excursion if you want to get out to Peggy's Cove. I have no idea why it's marked as Moderate - if you can get on and off a bus, you can do this. Sure, we walked on the rocks, which takes some degree of effort, but you don't have to do that to see Peggy's Cove.
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