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Posts posted by PatandStu

  1. About 50% of the time I travel south, whether to a resort or a cruise, I come home with either a gastro problem or bad cough.  This has happened for the last 20 years - not a Covid thing. 
    I take reasonable precautions, wash my hands, get vaccinated & boosted. 
    I’m otherwise very healthy and I have made a conscious decision to keep travelling.  In fact, I came home from Cuba in September and tested positive for Covid 2 days later.  My 3 travelling companions did not.  I was moderately ill for 3 days. 
    We are cruising in a month and I have minor Covid, gastro, and rsv concerns but not enough to keep me home. 
    Everyone has to review their own risk tolerance.  I paid a few more $ to get travel insurance that covers Covid, just in case. 

    • Like 1
  2. We like to dress up too-not tuxedo & gown but nice trousers & a jacket for him & a pretty dress for me. We are also unique that we like to linger over dinner, not the “30 minutes gobble it down & run”

    The great thing about NCL is that everyone can dress & time their eating to what suits them best. 

    • Like 1
  3. DH loves his single malt whiskey. Several airports we’ve flown through, including LGA , have had a dismal selection. We have previously purchased whiskey onboard the ship but it’s a nuisance to cart around while visiting NOLA after disembarkment.  Does anyone have first hand experience with the duty free shop at MSY?  Is the selection reasonable? 

  4. What exactly can I use this credit for? Duty free? Up charges on wine over $15? A dinner at Cagney’s? 
    I’m trying to decide when and where to use it.  
    Am I correct in understanding that I can’t use it in advance? To pay for an excursion or upgraded internet? 
    Thanks for help. We sail in 39 days! 

  5. We are both (Just) over 65. Neither of us has any medical conditions. I researched heavily and finally settled on Manulife as they were the only company that included Covid, in writing, as a covered reason for cancelling. All prices were within about 10%, and we opted for multi trip package - it was only about $30 more per person. 

    • Like 1
  6. I was “conditional-interview needed” in august. Dec 5, I received an email notifying me of a status change. I had been approved. 
    My card arrived in the mail today. 
    I’ll activate it tomorrow.  I’ll also go online to see if my interview, which I scheduled for late February, has been automatically cancelled. If it wasn’t, I’ll cancel it and hopefully free up a spot for someone else.
    We sail in February! 

  7. 16 hours ago, CDNPolar said:

    I so anxiously read everyone's comments saying that they were approved and have hope that my status will change from Conditionally Approved to Approved.


    My Husband and I applied for renewal at the same time and he was approved online and I was not.  I believe my only change was a change in employment, but that put me in the category to require an interview.  I have been waiting in conditional now for over 2 years.


    I guess that I find it odd that IF they are truly working through backlog why they are not starting with oldest cases first, but then who knows how many are prior to me?



    I was conditional in September while DH was approved. All this about 6 weeks after applying. I made an interview appt for Feb 25 but received my new “approved” status this week. If you’ve been conditional for 2 years, I would imagine that won’t change now. Is there anyway to phone and ask? Have you been able to secure an interview? 

  8. In chatting with a gov’t employee (who I imagine has an idea given the dept he works in), it seems if there’s any change, the computer automatically labels you “conditional”. 
    But a human reviews and if it’s a legitimate change, it can be approved. 
    I changed jobs, same health-care career, different employer-same job, just different boss. 

  9. I reported on this forum about 2 months ago that DH was approved & card received. I was “conditional” and needed an interview. I scheduled an interview for late February at Champlain. 
    today, I receive an email changing my status to “approved”. 
    I have no idea why, but I’m happy to not have to do a one hour drive, in winter, for an interview! 
    I think I’ll log back in to see if the interview was automatically cancelled, if it wasn’t, I’ll cancel it when my card arrives! 

    • Like 3
  10. I just turned 65 and with absolutely NO changes in my health, my premiums doubled. I did a lot of comparison pricing, read reviews & poured through lots of pages of fine print. I settled on Manulife as theirs was the only policy that specifically mentioned Covid. All prices were within about 10%. 
    Some companies flatly said Covid was not covered & others shrugged & said words like “why wouldn’t it be” or “l would think so”. 
    I went with the policy that specifically states they cover all costs should we cancel before due to a positive Covid test & would cover expenses should we contract Covid while on board.

    • Thanks 1
  11. The website indicates you start at the Champlain Canadian office, then cross to the US office to finish. But, in checking just now, it clearly states “no interviews available”. I do have a confirmation # and email, but I’ll be sure to verify before taking the drive. 

  12. At the end of our cruise, Feb 5-12 NCL breakaway from Nola, we were originally scheduled to fly to Toronto at 3:30. Nice, leisurely breakfast, no rush to get off the ship. Then, flight was changed to 4:45. A bit of a wait at the airport, but ok. 
    Now, air Canada says the only flight they can put us on is 12:30. So, up early, a fast breakfast, keep our luggage so we can disembark early, get through customs, & grab a cab to the airport. 
    A bit of a rushed way to end a relaxing cruise vacation. But, the alternative is a night in a hotel with a flight out the next day. Extra cost plus another day off work. 
    Our TA says it’s doable, and because we booked the entire trip through Air Canada Vacations, AC is responsible should we miss our flight. 
    I’m sceptical about that last point!

    Has anyone else made a 12:30 flight? I’d be interested in hearing about your experience.


  13. I was just able to book an appt at Landsdowne, Ontario for February 24, 2023. There were lots of time slots for February. It’s about a 90 minute drive for me. I’ll keep checking to see if there are cancellations sooner. We are cruising out of Nola on February 5 but my nexus is good till June. I was conditionally approved while DH got his without any interview required. No idea why I need an interview while he doesn’t. 

    • Like 1
  14. DH got his card in the mail yesterday, less than 2 weeks after approval.  I heard on the news that Canada is trying to convince US officials to help with the backlog. Mine expires in June and, as I understand, is good for an additional 2 years upon conditional approval. So, I’ll wait till warmer weather before tackling the 3 hour drive to Champlain for an interview. 
    the only thing that changed in my application was the expiry date on my drivers licence. I wonder if that was the issue or if it’s just random, as was previously suggested. 

  15. The closest spot to us is Champlain, about a 3 hour drive. I logged in today and there are lots of appointments January to March. Given that I’m not in a rush, I’ll wait till the weather is better and aim for the spring/summer long weekend and make a mini vacay out of the interview. 
    The only appointments listed were January to March-I’m assuming they don’t release them far in advance. 

  16. Mine doesn’t expire till June 2023, plus as I understand it, once you’ve applied for renewal, it’s automatically extended for 2 years. 
    So, I’m good for my February cruise out of NOLA. 

    I’ll keep logging in every few days & see if anything pops up for Champlain. 

  17. 3 hours ago, gnome12 said:

    Keep checking. We hear that appointments do pop up from time to time, and you aren’t far from the Niagara Falls centre. 

    We’re outside of Ottawa. Niagara Falls is not close. 
    When we first got Nexus, we were able to get our interviews at Ottawa airport. 
    My renewal status shows “conditional”, whereas DH has received no word yet. 
    We cruise in February & if we are indeed good for a 2 year extension, we’ll be ok. 

  18. 11 hours ago, CDNPolar said:

    My husband and I both renewed at the same time.  He got approved online and mine was conditional on an interview.  None of my information had changed.  If your response says to book an interview, then you will have to go in person.

    Are you able to find an appt for an interview anywhere within a reasonable time frame? We’re close to Ottawa & I can’t find anything within 5-6 hours of here. And, I’ve looked all through 2022 & 2023.

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