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Posts posted by RoyalFan509

  1. FRIDAY....ANTIGUA!!!!!!

    We were able to sleep a little bit later today. Didn't have to meet till 9:15.  Had breakfast in the windjammer again. My usually for the rest the week to keep it light was a bagel and some fruit.  We walked right to the boat.  The excursion was with the ship. My husband wanted to do this because it was an 80 foot yacht. Now yes 80 foot, but looked a little different then what we were on. Don't get me wrong. It was very nice but we thought it was going to be a little different.  It was a very busy boat.  The crew was AMAZING.  So that made up for everything. We were here last year.  We took off a little late because people were late!  They went over what they needed too and started telling us about the island. We stopped to pick up people at Sandal's. I already knew this but there is 365 beaches in Antigua.  I asked about this, in one stretch, there could be 3-6, separated by rocks, so not what I was thinking. I thought actually 365 you have to drive to or nice long stretches, but I could spend months visiting all of them! Ok so back to my review.  Lots of little island's they told us about.  Long Island was beautiful with celebrity houses.  Eric Clapton has a house there too!  We got to where we were going to snorkel.  I grew up in the water and very comfortable with swimming, the guides had 2 groups. People who had gone snorkeling before and one's who had not.  I had been so we left.  It was a decent distance from the boat and sure to the reef.  It was ok, so fish nothing crazy.  There was an octopus people were diving down to see, but I had trouble finding it.  He then said we were going to head back but went further into the water, well I was good so I headed back to the boat to start drinking. The island we were on was, Green Island.  No chairs, by the way but beautiful water!  We were there awhile and had amazing lunch that they made!  Time to head back.  Learned more about the island and had more to drink!  Back on the ship to shower and get ready for dinner!

  2. THURSDAY.....SEA DAY.....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was happy to sleep in a little bit today.  I loved seeing the watermelons carved saying Happy Thanksgiving!!  It was hard to remember that home was an hour behind but made sure to call around the time my family was eating.  We had a really low key day!  Didn't go to the pool because the next 2 days were full days of sun.  It was pretty much a day of football for my husband.  Got ready for dinner and I went to the feature show, they were good but not my cup of tea! I really don't want to offend anyone so I will leave it at that!  Then met my hubby at Michael Kors where, of course I did not need another bag, but found one I like. I said I would sleep on it.  I did sleep on but bought it Friday!!  Anyway, we were invited to the Crown and Anchor party, it was nice.  We then went to dinner for our turkey!  Apple pie wasn't homemade but hey glad I had turkey!  I think it was another early night!  Like I said, I normally do a lot of entertainment but this trip was more about the excursions, relaxing and just going with it. Nice not do have a schedule!

  3. WEDNESDAY.....ARUBA!!!!

    I was very excited to go to Aruba. My husband was very fortunate as a child to go a lot and I just knew I always wanted to go. Again sad we could't visit the B in the ABC island's but hey, we just have to go on more cruises!! Anyway, up early again for an all day excursion we booked with the ship.  This was the latest I was ever in a port.  I see why, very safe! Breakfast in the dining room and we headed downstairs.  We head down to make sure we have enough time which the place we were to meet was right there.  I liked there was chairs to wait for those people who were late.  We walked right to the boat. No bus bringing us to the boat.  We got right on.  We went to 2 places to snorkel.  First one very close to the beach but could not reach. Crystal clear water and decent amount of fish.  Back on the boat to the ship wreck.  The water was very rough. I am a decent swimmer but with all the other people and current, it was a quick jump in, look and back on the boat for some punch!  I was good. It was quite Erie.  Neat but just not for me. Lot of fish.  the guides were great, knew a lot about the island and made sure you were happy.  Headed toward lunch and the view was AMAZING.  I could have every meal at this place because of the view.  It was delicious. The water was beautiful.  It was by other resorts so it was busy.  We had chairs and didn't have to pay which was nice.  They still served us drinks which was also cool.  They brought us back to the pier by bus.

    We got back on the ship, showered, relaxed a little and headed back into town. My husband has been on the look for a diamond bracelet.  Well he got his wish. Don't worry, I am spoiled.  But it was his turn.  So we went to a few places but he visited his old jewelers that his parents use to buy stuff from.  We were there till closing.  Raj at Royal Jewels.  We don't buy much on vacation like this but it was worth it.  We walked around for a bit but headed back to the boat. Vacationing is rough.  We went to the windjammer, Caribbean night didn't have much to offer!  I don't remember what the show was tonight but we did not make it!  I am happy for sea day tomorrow!!!!! We went to the room to watch LBJ return back to Cleveland!  Early to bed!

  4. Sunday night we did not make the comedy show but enjoyed the football game pool side with lots of drinks.  Maybe to many drinks but tomorrow was cursing so who cares!!  It was neat watching the game outside, my favorite is people watching.  Headed to bed.  Tonight was a long night.  Our room was making a knocking noise. It was about every 30-45 seconds.  The beginning of the night was easy to fall asleep but once you got up to use the bathroom, it kept you up.  So It was a long night.  

    MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEA DAY

    Woke up and nothing better then being on the water thinking of my class at school!  Time for breakfast in the dining room. The only time we made it there. Service was a little slow and I forgot to take my medicine for sea sickness which today was a bad idea. The captain did a great job of keeping us informed at all times. He said it was going to be a smooth ride, well it was the roughest of all days, which wasn't really rough but enough for me to feel it.  I headed back to the room to relax. My hubby went down to guest services.  Maintenance was up in no time.  The supervisor came out and said it was probably because it was so quiet, that was not the issue at all, then a guy came out did some knocking and took it away for the remainder of the afternoon.  We did go to the shopping show.  We don't buy much.  I do like the DI bracelet with the free charms.  Who doesn't love FREE.  We get the coupons for the bamboo sheets because we already own 2 sets and they are worth it.  This shopping show, she gave away a lot of door prizes.  First time every, so if you like door prizes, have nothing else to do, GO!   We went to the pool for a bit in the solarium which was very nice.  Met a very nice young couple, had some yummy frozen drinks in the pool.  Headed to the room to get ready for dinner.  Tonight was formal night but we went to Giovanni's.  We loved it on all the other ships.  The pasta of the day was....trying to remember....crab ravioli.  It was good.  I had the eggplant, which I make on my own and worked in Italian restaurants for 13 years, this was AMAZING!  I'm not a foodie but I like my food and this was out of this world! My husband loves the veal.  Not trying to spell to OB.  The tiramisu is good, he enjoys that, I just got ice cream because the canolis are ALWAYS soggy. They fill them to early.  I said something the second time we went.  He said he knew. Out server was awesome.  I wish I got the chocolate both nights because it is good too!  I don't remember what the show was tonight but it is safe to say we didn't make it.  I'm not sure we did much of anything. 

    TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! CURACAO

    Up early because we had to meet at 8:45 with the ship.  Yes I know you can do these things on your own. I find it easier to just do it with the ship.  We were doing a highlight tour and beach break.  Went to windjammer where we ate the rest of the week.  It wasn't to busy that early in the am. Their potato hash brown's are so good.  Anyway, off the ship. I am a very on time person. You would think I was military at one point in my life but I wasn't. I have the mentality, If your early your on time, your on time your late, your late your fired!!  So we waited and got on the bus.  Of course the guides were great and told us all about the beautiful island.  I love to learn about the islands.  We were supposed to go to Bonaire but because of the construction on the pier we did not go.  That's ok, we will have to book another :)  We went to the Blue rum place. Learned the history and had some samples.  It was rum.  I bought an ornament.  I'm not sure why I haven't all the other islands before since I love decorating but again guess we will have to go back to those places!  So then we went to Mambo Beach. Nice resort area, shopping, etc.  Perfect for tourists.  The chairs were $3.50 per person and came with a very small bottle of water.  You could get drinks, food, shop, go in the water, whatever you needed, even starbucks.  Bathroom were there too!!  I loved the price of the chairs. I hate when they are like $10-15 a person.  It was very relaxing till a very loud group showed up.  Do not want to be mean but I am sure you can guess the group.  I know everyone is there to have a good time but please be respectful of people around you.  They did not buy chairs but used the free picnic tables as if no one else was there and were just rude. But did not let them get to us and we enjoyed the beautiful weather, water and just relaxed. Headed back to the ship. We had some lunch, showered, headed into town for the "7" minute walk into town. By the way it is not even close to 7 minutes.  Besides that. Got my charm and I bought a seahorse necklace with the Caribbean stone in it. I am not even going to try to spell it.  It is very pretty! I am spoiled well so is he!  We had to be back by 4:45 for our sunset cruise.  First time ever doing 2 in one day!  This was really fun!  Our guide was originally from Germany but knew so much about the island.  We went into the harbor of the really cool bridge on pontoons.  Learned even more, passed by where we were during the day.  The island is very colorful, clean and the people are very nice!  Unlimited drinks, food from the island and good company. We met another fun couple who we went to dinner with that night. It was our first night in the dining room.  I can't even remember what I had to be honest because we had great conversation.  But now you even order your dessert up front.  They were also passing shots around because we had the drink package but it was banana ones, they lost me when they said banana!  We parted ways and we went to bed! Up early for Aruba tomorrow!  Well hopefully I will get some more done this weekend.  I am thankful I am able to get this done while my young ones nap! Yay for FRIDAY!!!

  5. Thank you so much for following along EeyoreRN.  I was sad myself there wasn't a lot of reviews on the Freedom.  So many last year when we went on Adventure.  You will have a blast.  Crew is great!! Didn't do much entertainment because we did a lot of excursions.  St. Marten did our own with Capt. Bob and it was AMAZING!!!!!  Our room was fine at the hotel! Actually really beautiful. U would post a picture but I didn't take one before we slept in it.  We were not on the ocean side but could see if from our balcony. The amenities outside were amazing. I wish we had more time to stay and enjoy them but we went right to the ship which is also a good thing. I'm not sure what time the pool bar would open. We walked around early am after breakfast and headed to the ship for 12.  I don't think they had more options to eat. Like I said, I know there was a lot around, but we wanted something easy and quick because we knew we were going to eat rich all week!. Hope this helps!

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  6. We went right to the windjammer. My husband already bought the one beverage package for just soda and bottled water.  I don't drink soda and we talked about it and were like, are we really going to drink that much alcohol to get the package. We do drink but not on an everyday basis. So we enjoyed a light lunch while we waited for our room.  They were really pushing the specialty restaurants.  They were selling the package for $70 a person plus $18 gratuity.  Megan was the women talking with us.  With this being out 4th cruise, we were tried of the normal menu, she threw in a bottle of wine and free margarita's.  So we bought it. We already had a bonus specialty dinner so made it tolerable to go to the dining room.  I know around 1:30 the rooms would be ready and the crew really works hard to get them ready.  So we looked at our watches and a little after 1:30 they were ready but we enjoy people watching especially leaving out of SJU. Hopefully that is the only comment I will make about that. So down we went.  We were on the 8th floor balcony.  8330. Not to far off the elevators. Great place to be.  We got to the room, unpacked our carry-on's and I headed to the pool and my hubby relaxed.  I had to take the sun in small doses since it has been a few months here in VA but it felt good and it was QUIET and PEACEFUL!! Wish all days were like that.  I should have went down and got my hubby since football was on the big screen but I am sure he was enjoying the air and his nap in the bed.  I headed down the shower and get ready for our muster and dinner.  We were going to chops tonight.  We went to chops and had fantastic service.  I decided to have some wine and thought about it and said, ok let's get the package.  I never have one my own because I really can't drink that much and we stop so much but I did and it was fun.  I also knew we weren't planning on cruising anytime soon....have to head out but hopefully later tonight or tomorrow I can write some more. Not sure if anyone is following even though I know most people are at work. I am too....SHHHH

  7. Hello! I was hoping to get this start before today but I have been trying to get back in the swing of things since vacation and it has been hard! Still wishing it was 85 and sunny and someone else is making my meals. Anyway, just a brief background. This was my husband's and I 4th cruise together, probably our favorite, ship and port wise. We have been on a few before we were married not with each other.  This wasn't suppose to happen but we got a FCC from the Adventure last year and had to use it within the year and this week worked because of my work and we loved the itinerary.  Disclaimer: I am not a professional writer, these are my opinions and I will try my best to not be all over the place and remember things but I have a horrible short memory.  Also I wont be uploading pics because I do not have time for that and I do not have any cruise compasses. I am hoping to do a lot of this review in my training tomorrow.  I hope anyone going on this trip will find something helpful or will just enjoy it. I know after a good friend showed me these boards last year, I was hooked, did a a lot of research for the Adventure and found it really helpful but also I enjoy sharing my experience.  We all know cc fan's love to read!!  So back to the start. We drove to Charlotte to save a good chunk of money and not to have a lay over there anyway from RVA.  We left after work on Friday and stayed at Hampton Inn where they upgraded us to a suite. Which was nice even though it was late, we were exhausted and all I wanted to do was sleep. The bed was just amazing!!! We were up early because we are during the week anyway. Went down to have breakfast and their waffles were awesome. I sad to my hubby, we need to go to Hampton just for breakfast at home. JK of course.  So we hung in the room till it was time to lease, best part, the park and go right next to the hotel, they parked the car for us and shuttled us to the airport. The whole process took maybe 10 minutes. Awesome. So we checked in to the flight, went through security with a little hiccup with TSA and my toiletries, but we don't need to discuss because it worked out and waited for out plane. I am not the best person when it comes to flying but it is good that they make magic pills!  So our flight was on time with American and it was a full plane!  Boarded and left and landed in SJU! We headed down to baggage and we were starting to sweat it out a little as everyone was starting to leave and bags were getting low but then ours appeared.  We grabbed our bags, headed to grab a taxi where it was around $ 23 to the Hilton, Condado Plaza! From the outside looks a little rough but inside very nice and they are still working on it. They are decorated for Christmas. Last year, I loved being in the islands and on the ship all decorated.  Anyway, We checked in, no problems, explored a little bit.  I had looked up some places but we knew we were going to eat rich all week and had some big purchases in mind, we just stayed at the hotel and ate a Denny's.  Plus I was very tired and didn't want to venture out to much.  So we had a decent meal, diner food but I was fine. Headed to the room and not going to lie, I was ready for bed and bed it was.  Hey, it is vacation and well I can do what I want.  Right, it is my party and I can cry if I want!!! My hubby was watching some football.  Sports fanatic I married!! So Thanksgiving at sea and being a Cowboy fan, lets say, glad we got the game and paid for the internet! Sorry I get a little side tracked!! Try living with me!! Where was I? I am trying to get as much done as I can, I am afraid I won't be able to find this to continue. 

    We woke up to beautiful weather, a great view! I was excited because boarding the ship was only a few hours away and I was hoping with being in SJU it was going to be quicker then last year. The hotel gave us $7 each to either Denny's or Starbucks. So back to Denny's we went. Normal breakfast we had!  I wish I saw the 2 for 1 on mimosa's but we were already done.  We strolled around the hotel, the view, pools and beach were beautiful. We could see the boat from the hotel.  We later found out between both piers, there were 7 boats in town.  Back to the room to relax before heading to the pier. We left our room at noon, headed down to wait for our Uber, got a Starbucks and headed to the Freedom!  We were excited. Traffic as usual as people are coming and going for multiple ships.  So we got there and saw the line for luggage was long and was like here we go, but I asked a lovely gentlemen and he was like go right over there by the I believe gold or yellow posts. No line, so we were like ok. Matter of 30 seconds we dropped our bags and on our merry way. Perfect. Headed to the line which was only about 10 minutes or less to inside, no line because last cruise after 1 night we hit platinum which is why we did not have to wait for our baggage, and on to the ship we went!!!! TBC....

  8. Hi,


    Thanks for the compliment on this trip report. Hopefully the info is still somewhat relevant by time you sail on the Freedom. That’s the nature of these trip reports. After awhile, they are like reading yesterday’s news and not very useful.


    To answer your questions:


    1 – Towel animals. I don’t remember how many towel animals we got while on the Freedom. I know on the Indy cruise we were just on last month, some nights the cabin steward only did one for the 2 combined cabins. Other nights he did one for each cabin.


    I’ve always liked them. We bought a Carnival towel animal book many years ago and my kids were pretty good at following the direction on how to fold them. It’s been few years since we last sailed on Carnival but they used to have a bigger event where they invite people onto the main theater stage to follow along how to do towel animals. And of course to sell the book as a main draw.


    2 – Alaska review. I guess you must have looked at my signature below (if viewed from PC) and noticed gaps on some of my cruise history where I didn’t do a trip report. Actually, I did do a walk through of the 3 ports we were in (Ketchikan/Juneau/Victoria) but I wrote them at the ports of call sections so I didn’t have a central bond to link them together and dropped them in the Celebrity forum. Besides that, the info would have been like 9 years old by now so it’s really useless as useless goes. I’m sure there are many writers that have more recent info.


    3 – So are you going to Alaska next June on the Ovation or another ship?


    4 – We would have been on the same ship (Adventure) with you on 12/16 if my kids’ school schedule didn’t change on me. I had to cancel the booking on Adventure in order to book the Indy.


    Hope that answers all your questions and comments. Have a great cruise to Alaska next summer. We have been there twice. Very different cruise vibe compared to the Caribbean.

    Thanks for getting back to me! I know it will be around 2 years but I enjoy reading and when I saw how detailed I wanted to read more!!


    Awesome about the towel animals. I was JC. I know on Allure they do it every other because of how big so my wonderful husband who knows I love them tipped out room att. to do one every day! I saw you bought a book. Did they ever put them on your bed for you? LOL


    Alaska! I am going on Princess. After reading on here it seems like the only way to go. Wasn't happy with the dates and itenary on Ovation. Even though the thing they have on it to see 360 would have been amazing. My family is coming with me and this is their first and prob only cruise, because they live in a box but this is on their bucket list! I have been researching since May about it and we are getting ready to reserve soon. Did you have a balcony? I have only done carribean so looking forward to a change I don't like to fly so VA to Canada is a long flight!


    I know how that goes with schools. I am a teacher and when we book Freedom, I looked at the calendar for next year and wasn't happy, they changed ours too, but happy that we can go at Thanksgiving. I just have to take off 2 days but you know what, you like once! It was a great cruise. I know you said its expensive to SJU but toally worth it to get off 5 times. Loved Barbados!!!!! Thanks again!

  9. Hi Harry! I just finished your report and thought it was great. It took me a week but good thing I had 4 snow days. We were on adventure Dec16th and loved every minute of it. RCI does a great job decorating. I found your report because we booked the freedom and the first few reviews I found weren’t good but glad I read yours. I do a lot of planning and reading about our cruises. I did a quick review for ours. We were on the Oasis in May of 15. Loved it and then did Allure July of 16. Wanted to do Harmony but like you said it’s a lot and we like going to new islands. Your food looked better then ours. Don’t get me wrong it was good but your displays were nicer. Few questions. Did you get 2 animals in your room or that was your sons room? I enjoy the towel animals. Why didn’t you do a review of Alaska. We are going to go next June and I’ve been super crazy reading about it. FYI I worry like you with getting back to the ship. I loved your detours with your pictures of out west. Beautiful. Hope you had a great trip on Independence and I love you answer everyone. Even though I won’t be on Indy will totally read you report. We left out of San Juan and damage wasn’t to bad what we saw but we weren’t allowed to go to St. Marteen. Have a good one!

  10. Thought I was going to be more eager to finish this up but with NYE, LAUNDRY and going back to work it has taken me a little longer.

    Day 7, Sea Day: We were actually really excited to just relax and go with the flow today. The 2 families we had met, we were hoping to run into them today. We knew we had to be at the Galley tour for 11 am. We were asked yesterday if we wanted to do this and they said 40% off so we did. My hubby wanted to do the tour of Allure and Oasis but $150 is totally crazy. Anyway, we waited to eat till our brunch. I love they gave you bubbly one you walked in and/or fruit punch. I enjoyed the fruit punch but when you mix it with bubbly even better. So they gave us a fact sheet which I really enjoyed, I like numbers. I can be that person to ask a question you would never think to ask. We did the tour and then sat to eat. We like to sit by our self to eat, not that we don't like to talk to people but sometimes it can be awkward like tomorrows breakfast, stay tuned. So we ordered our food. Select menu, I had the butternut squash soup which was by far the best soup I ever had, I had french toast and then the pumpkin cheesecake. French toast was the best I had on the ship, cheesecake sucked! So we went back to the room where I put my bathing suit on to go down the water slide once. I did this for my Aunt who loves water slides. It was fun to go over the ocean but I had to push my self along. Then I went to the pool where I ran into our new friends and sat with them. Husband went to explore, maybe gamble but in the end he didn't. He isn't a huge gambler but enjoys playing when were on the ships since we use to live so close to AC. Had 2 drinks, and never went in the pool because it was so nice out. I really enjoyed the pool side music! If I had maybe 2 more drinks, would have been dancing with everyone else. Finally decided to head to the room to get ready for dinner at Giovanni's.

    Giovannis: This was the best meal we have had in awhile, on and off the ship! I am Italian and worked in a fine dining Italian restaurant for almost 10 years, so I am pretty picky but I am very happy to say we were very satisfied. I also love wine but want to make sure I like it so I asked for a taste and he bought a glass but in the end didn't charge me for it because I hadn't finished it but it was good, most Italian PG's are. I loved the bread presentation and my hubby loved the roasted garlic. They also gave us olives, but we don't eat them. We both had a mozzarella caprese. Delicious. I could eat this everyday! We then had a shared pasta of carbonara without the egg, it was good and could tell it was homemade pasta, I had a melt in your mouth filet and ate all of it. I usually never eat all my meal anywhere. My husband had the Osso Bucco. He tried this a few years ago because he is very picky and I said you will probably enjoy it and well now he does. For dessert, I had a canoli and got a scoop of tiramisu for my better half and he had the same but a bigger scoop. Only thing I will say, they should fill the canoli table side, it was a little soggy but it was a great dinner.

    We decided to walk around a bit and realzing we didn't buy much, I decided to get some shirts! Then we headed back to the room to pack and getting ready for the end of a wonderful vacation! We headed to bed early so we could be up and ready to go. Glad we did because this was the worst night and am for noise. I get everyone has to get off the ship but starting at 5:30 am wasnt fun.

    We made sure we had enough time to get going in the am but everything was packed, triple checked and ready to go.

    We went to the main dinning room since we had our carryons. We couldn't sit by our self but we sat with 2 other couples. One was young from CA and not the easiest people to talk to and other older from OK. We ended up spending the rest of the day with them and even lunch at the airport. We then waited in the theater to get off. This was the first time we waited because of our late flight. It really wasn't bad at all. Getting our luggage was even easier, customs and getting our shuttle to the plane! I read taking the shuttle sucks because you wait for your luggage but we were the last ones on the shuttle so our luggage was out first. Got to the counter to be turned away to go through the agricultural line, wish we knew a head of time but took a few minutes to head back to counter to get our boarding passes. I don't rembeber the exact times but it wasn't to long to go through security. We then went to the store to get my mom a tooth pick holder, her thing, and waited to lunch at Margaritaville! It was good, I had quesadillas and hubby a burger. We had great company! Then went right to boarding the plane and headed back to JFK!! :(

    Flight was good, watched 2 movies, Atomic Blonde and Home Again! I enjoyed both. It wasn't super cold but I was missing the palm trees. I was still in my flip flops. Again our luggage was first out! Now back to driving home to see family and get ready for the Holidays!!!!!

  11. Hopefully I can get this done tonight. It has been nice remembering our cruise since the cold has taken over! Day 5, St. Lucia: I have always wanted to visit St. Lucia. Glad we finally did but out of 5 islands, tomorrow was my favorite but today, our excursion booked through Spencer was my favorite. Contacting Spencer Ambrose tours was easy and he was very nice to deal with. We did the Land, Sea and Beach. We got on one of their boats where we met another great family. Took a little ride to the town of Soulfiere (hope the spelling is right) anyway, we got off and went to the volcano. It was neat but very smelly! Then we went to a waterfall. Very pretty but I was ready for the beach where they served us lunch and had some rum punch but I decided not to indulge this time! They took us to a little beach by Sugar Beach resort. Small beach but beautiful clear water next to the pitons. The snorkeling was amazing and the fresh fruit smoothie we got from a local was AMAZING! After a nice time at the beach it was time to head back. They toured more of the islands by boat giving us great history and facts about the island they also stopped at certain places around the island. Showed us one resort that I can only dream of going to. Back to the ship where we relaxed from a busy day and went to dinner. It is amazing how having fun takes a lot out of you. We had another busy night of shows, the Ice Show which was good, the Adele show which was literally AMAZING. Amy Jo does a fantastic job. It was like you were really at a Adele show. Then we stayed for the Love and Marriage show which is always amusing. I would have loved to go dancing under the stars, but staying up late hasn't been easy this trip. Back to the room because our excursion got canceled so we are just playing it by year!

    Day 6, Barbados: By far my favorite beach. After reading about things to do we decided just to beach it. We were going to one beach and heard everyone going to the Boatyard which I read about and I am glad we did. The beach and water were simply breathtaking. You know when you buy a beach calendar and think how awesome it would to be there, well this is one of those places. $20 a person to get in, includes chairs, umbrella, welcome drinks, bathrooms, snorkeling if you wanted, blow ups in the water and a ride back. Nice relaxing and enjoyable day. We could have eaten there but we waited till we got back to the ship. We decided to try Johnny Rockets just for a change. Was happy we did, just a change even though WJ has burgers. We used out bogo milkshake. We went back to the room and changed our dinner and relaxed. I sat on our balcony as we left this gorgeous island and closed my eyes. I love watching sunsets and it was the perfect time to do this. I overlooked that tonight was formal night. But we went to the dining room, enjoyed the lobster and my favorite, baked Alaska!!! I wait all week for this. During dinner we were asking if we wanted to do the Galley tour and he would give us a discount. We said sure! I was happy with the sun I got all week and was winging our sea day. We did the Quest which is always a good time. People are funny, especially when they have liquid courage.

    Well I will finish my sea day, departure and final thoughts tomorrow.

  12. All done, I think the title spelled out will be less confusing. Thanks.

    I understand! Thanks. I am newer to CC, I love reading but don't post at much. I really wanted to do a review because I find it really helpful. Started reading the Freedom posts, not feeling the love for Freedom like Adventure. But hopefully that will change when it hits SJU!

  13. Ok so I was way to tired yesterday to continue! So Day 2, St. Kitts!! We did an excursion through the ship. We took a catamaran to snorkel and then they took us over to Nevis. The crew that was on the boat was amazing and we had a really great time. We enjoyed the ride to the area where we snorkeled. They gave us all our equipment. In the mean time they were making some delicious rum punch that we got to enjoy when we got back on the boat where we had a great lunch. We then went over to Nevis and enjoyed some beach time. There were a few small bars you could get drinks from. The weather wasn't super sunny so we decided to have a drink and wait till it was time to get back on the boat. I am a major beach girl so it was an easy decision because it wasn't sunny. The sun didn't come out till we were headed back to the ship where everyone enjoyed A LOT of rum punch. Safe to say, we got back to the boat and ate and needed some rest. We did this excursion because last year we toured St. Kitts, so we wanted to do something new. Tonight was formal night so we did not go because my husband only wears shorts, even in the winter. Yes I know there is a major debate but you know what we don't care what anyone else thinks, we paid for our cruise and we both get dressed each day for work so we just want to be comfortable. We are not a couple who likes to get super fancy so we just went to the WJ again. Side note, I have never seen so many people wear jeans to begin with to dinner. We were on My Time dining. This vacation was really to do as much as we wanted but also little. Didn't want to always have a commitment. Also because it is port intensive, it was just to ENJOY!!!!! The show was, Invitation to Dance. The singers on this ship did a great job. The dancers were good too but I really enjoyed the singers. Bed to early because we had another excursion in the am!

    *We tried to go to the dinning room for breakfast each am because the WJ was very busy and hard to get a seat. I also struggle with rude people, yes I know its going to happen were on a cruise but I found my self a little more annoyed earlier in the trip. Granted it is the first time we left out of SJU!

    Day 3, St. John, Antigua: We did a beach break through the ship. We met a nice couple who we hung with at the beach. We took a taxi to one of the 365 beaches on the Island. A part of me wants to go for a year and go to each and everyone. Maybe this could be a life goal!! Anyway, the water was beautiful, beach was nice and we had lunch at the restaurant. It was nice to have the chairs ready for us and we just paid for the umbrella. We enjoyed our day and lunch was ok, I am very picky when it comes to meat, so I was a little more hesitant but everything else was great. They gave you a coupon for 2 drinks, soft drinks or water. Glad we did this though the ship because it was a quiet beach, 20 min ride or so. Only thing I wasn't a fan of was them trying to sell you stuff. I get it, they want to make money but once you say No, NO means NO. Anyway, we headed back to the ship, got ready and went to my first CC meet-n-mingle. It was nice, fun to meet people on here but there was only 4 of us. Met some nice staff members. Daniel the activities manager, who was hilarious. This was our first time in the dining room for dinner. We had a great server and requested him for the rest of the cruise. I enjoyed how much everyone cared about your cruise and wanted to make sure you were happy. We have done the Allure and Oasis, so it was a nice change. We went to the tribute to the Eagles and the band did a great job. My husband and I love all types of music and enjoyed this. The only thing we did not enjoy was a the very rude women who would not shut up during the whole show. If you go to a show, enjoy the show, it's not a bar! There was a comedy show again but we were tired! Sad I missed it because I heard he was funny but this was also a vacation that we wanted to rest. My husband's job is very demanding and I am a teacher!

    Day 4, Martinique: Today was our lazy, we slept late, ate, went to Next Cruise where we decided to book another cruise, The ABC islands. The major reason we did this is because we had a FCC from the few problems we had in our room, which were all fixed but we were inconvenienced a few times and not happy with the issues but they offered the FCC, so we weren't gonna turn it down. Like I said, I love the beach, so getting away next year during the cold season is up my alley even thought we want to do Alaska in 2019. We napped and then got ready for dinner. We did a few things tonight on the ship. I found the entrainment options were great. You could stay busy or just chill, thats what we enjoy the most. We went to the Millionaire show where both hosts were great. The questions were funny and so were the 2 guests who were part of the show. Karaoke was up next, we saw a few minutes and then headed to Jackpot. Again the singers were AMAZING! We then headed back to the Battle of the Sexes which was HILARIOUS! After that, back to the room to get ready for St. Lucia!!!!! Still working on the rest of our trip but laundry comes first. I have 4 out of 5 bags unpacked in less then a day so I am happy with it. Had to take one kitty to the vet this am, she wasn't happy with us not being here :o

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