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Everything posted by OnTheJourney

  1. None needed!!! LOL I just find it interesting that this (assumed as being a 'she') has happened before. Thanks again for your thoughts. I never expected this thread to expand into way more than it probably should have. Simple recommended procedure here on CC would appear to be - don't complain about anything, because likely the dissenting (let alone disrespectful) opinions will outweigh and probably outnumber those that convey a more considerate and / or at least a bit more innocuous response.
  2. That is only part of the concern. Omigosh...I totally give up here. I have explained other facets to this but the only focus appears to be the window seat issue. Agreed...let's please end this thread. It's like I've attacked Celebrity in this thread and so dedicated X customers have taken umbrage to it. If I could delete this entire thread - as can be done on other forums, I would. Life is short....let's move on.
  3. Thank you for this. A friend of mine (the one who cruises the newer ships with X) agrees totally after I told him how things went on this thread. Said he hardly ever posts on CC anymore because it's often not the amiable and more accepting and friendly place that it once was. (Incidentally, the "she" is a "he", as evidenced by the aforementioned bathroom stall incident 😆)
  4. ONLY because I felt forced to if having any chance at a window seat and/or simply figuring that it'd only be more crowded if we got down there by like 5:25 as we typically did the first time. It was just...different this time....last time NO problems, NO lines, always a window seat. As someone posted earlier, maybe this particular cruise had alot of people who like to eat as early as possible. So many things changed since covid as to how the ship does or does not cater to cruisers in various respects. Understaffing is undoubtedly an issue relative to how things operate compared to pre-pandemic. Let me rephrase your response since I absolutely believe it to be true....people are queueing (earlier and earlier I suspect) because Blu was WILLING to open considerably before the stated opening time. I still contend that had they stuck to the 5:30 time, you'd not have had people gathering by 4:45 already. If for no other reason than following the stated schedule, ALL restaurants should open when they say they do. Avoid potential problems. On an unrelated issue, if the ship is going to offer some sort of "tea time", put it in the schedule! We knew nothing about it till about 3/4 of the way through the trip. Missed out on a good many (quite good) scones. On another unrelated issue, if guest services is told that a bathroom stall door doesn't work and results in someone getting locked inside once the door is closed - for heaven's sake FIX it. I got locked in a stall - literally - the mechanism does not work from the inside and thus no way to get out - believe me I tried - right before we were to disembark. Literally banging on the door till some kind gentleman opened it for me. He siad he reported this problem to guest services on the 3rd day already and nothing was apparently done. Far bigger concern that what time Blu opens! For those with opinions contrary to my own, can we agree to disagree relative to this Blu discussion? I think we've kicked it around enough. 🤔 I'm probably not going to do Aqua again anyway. No point since X appears to have removed the other amenities that we found most enjoyable last time. Might as well just do MTD in the MDR - depending on when that starts. Used to also be 5:30 (or maybe that was RCL the last time - not sure) but then I think it changed to 6:00. No biggie - next cruise with either RCL or X is probably at least 2-3 years away. Here's yet another issue - a friend of mine who frequently cruises with X seems to feel that they are catering more to those on the newer ships. He is very fond of the Beyond in particular. I suspect that's where the focus is going relative to the best service and amenities, although I had no complaints about the level of service on the Summit, but just didn't encounter the same level of Aqua amenities. Quickly getting back to Blu - often the food was barely warm. That never impresses me in any restaurant.
  5. I give up on adequately trying to convey my thoughts on this. Had they opened up at 5:30 as they should, we'd probably plan to get down there by 5:15-5:20. Then, if there'd be a line (which I expect wouldn't be all that long cause people would KNOW they're not gonna open early), so be it. If we didn't get a window seat, so be it. The room still would not be near as full once we got in. However, we found ourselves getting ready in our room by a bit after 4:00 already - really earlier than we prefer (so I guess now I'll get harangued once again about wanting to eat so early). Our intention was to be there by as close to 5:00 as possible since shortly after is when they opened. I would have never expected running into this situation based on our previous experience. It just pushed our schedule up too far. By the time we finished eating around 6:45 or even closer to 7:00, there were also a good many people waiting for tables as someone else just commented on. Noone seems to be concerned about the waitstaff having to go around and apologize that the bread baskets weren't ready because of opening early. Rather, the focus is on my being accused of being ticked off becuase of not getting a window seat. That is not the biggest issue here. Stick to the schedule, Celebrity! That Celebrity Today is missing the boat with certain things, one of which is not mentioning ANYthing about daily tea (basically amounts to just putting out scones. Sail with Viking if you want a real afteroon tea experience). Nothing about it on the app either. I guess some of my frustration is not having been as happy overall with Aqua class this time compared to our first experience. No afternoon canapés, no iced tea in the room...so...some of what has been taken away is what made it feel a bit special. OK...I'm done now on this topic. No further replies forthcoming. We've run our course on this.
  6. I think that was our room on the Mars for the invitational cruise last year this time.
  7. I had really hoped it wouldn't have come across that way, especially since I don't consider myself to be one of those people out there who DO seem to feel like they're entitled to all sorts of things. That said, did I miss not being at the window each night like my first experience with Blu? Yes...for sure, but I probably came across as overemphasizing that point.
  8. I suspect some of the criticism taking place in this thread is from longtime Celebrity fans for whom I've ruffled a few feathers. If so, my sincere apologies. Let's leave it at this.....everything about Blu is utterly and unquestionably fantastic. I'll just wait in line next time with a happy grin on my face. 😁
  9. That's exactly the way it happened...every night... when we were in Blu 4 years ago. I think it's probably time for this thread to be closed. I never expected to be placed in a defensive position. It's not that big a deal, but merely just an obsevation, as others agreed with, that the place should follow the stated schedule and open on time. If the bread isn't ready to bring out to the tables and you've got wait staff feeling the need to go around apologizing because it's not ready yet, that alone seems reason enough to stick to the 5:30 time. They've gotten themselves in a mess. Pretty soon they'll be opening by 4:45 the way things are going.
  10. No you don't quite have it. I contend that IF they would stick to the STATED opening time (and several here agree with me that they should) I suspect you wouldn't have a line forming quite so early cause there'd be no need to. Why stand in a long line for 45 minutes if you know they won't open ahead of time? People started to see that if they queue up the place will indeed open, and so I suspect that gradually the cycle has been pushed earlier and earlier. Once again, I'm only going on one prior experience in Blu, which was much nicer overall.
  11. Tell you what.... if Viking started offering itineraries out of either Baltimore or Bayonne (preferably not transatlantic though which doesn't interest me much), I'd be apt to sail with Viking most of the time over RCL or Celebrity. We usually do both of the latter for the convenience of only having a 2+ hour drive and no flying.
  12. Nice room. Sometime also try a Penthouse Jr. Suite. Great location on deck 8. Easy access to Mamson's and also the upper level of the Explorer's Lounge.
  13. I like this part of it. I don't understand Celebrity's philosophy of adding a huge amenity (the retreat) for one class of passengers but then apparently taking away previously offered amenities to other (aqua) people. It's like a step back to the old days of 1st / 2nd / 3rd class in limiting areas of the ship to certain groups. I get the incentives for RCL and X pax by wanting to continue cruising so that they, too, might one day have access to these areas on the ship and other perks, or to pay for suite level, etc. to have the front of the ship all to themselves, but I don't miss any of that stuff when on Viking. I just read again several descriptions of what I was SUPPOSED to get with Aqua class, and it simply didn't happen. I told them on the survey. It's all about catering to suite level rather than the rest of us 2nd class passengers LOL.
  14. We got on on May 6. I wanted to at least get to the solarium once- and did - but it was so hot in there I couldn't stand it. Water also was WAY too hot. Can't imagine how people could lay around in there for any length of time. I was in the water for literally about a minute, and that was enough. I didn't go in any of the pools, but heard that they were ice cold.
  15. Most interesting. Thanks so much! Having not done river yet with Viking, I had no way of knowing. I reserved 'em all, so should be good to go.
  16. Agreed. For only a 2-3 hour flight, really didn't feel like bumping up to B class. E+ worth it though I'd say if for no other reason than to not have to work our way through the entire plane all the way to the back.
  17. I agree...also because the economy air was free. I only got thinking about it because of the $699 value assigned to the flight package. A previous Viking trip I did offered upgraded flights (where, similar to this, the economy flights were included) and I recall a discussion with them as to the cost of the upgrade from the standpoint of my paying whatever the difference should be between the "cost" of the original economy compared to the upgrade cost. Not sure anymore how they handled it but I seem to recall not paying full cost - at least based on what the airline was charging. This is different though in that MVJ specifically mentions no upgrade avaiable. So I went ahead and did it anyway. The new E+ seats showed up right away on MVJ. Worth the extra few hundred $ to be in row 8 compared to 30.
  18. Mississippi river trip extensions - one in St. Paul and other in New Orleans. Exactly. My experience as well. I'll have to find out. Good point about them possibly want a confirmation regardless.
  19. DW and I are doing a cruise in September and as part of the cruise price have been assigned economy air. The valuation on this, as per the invoice, is $699 pp, which is interesting given that the flights are much cheaper than that having just checked on the United site. So the question: I noticed on MVJ that no upgrades are available; however, I've already gone on United and changed seats within the economy section. If I go ahead and bump up to Economy+ or even Business will that create any sort of issues? I'm not big on doing air through a cruise line, preferring to always do my own - but I would think that if I'm willing to pay extra for a better location on the plane, it shouldn't be a problem. This automatically leads to another question: IF I'd have to cancel the trip, under Viking's trip mate plan would I be reimbursed for the additional cost of the upgraded seats being that the total value would very likely still be under the $699 pp. ? I'm thinking probably not since the flight "costs" were listed on the invoice but then deducted. I'm not worried about paying the difference, but just thought I'd ask for informational purposes. I think I had asked a Viking rep months ago already and was told the seats aren't upgraded so it'd be interesting to see what happens on the MVJ air page if I change to economy+ Any thoughts? I figured I'd get some input here before I mess around further on the United page. I saw that the MVJ info did indeed change to reflect my new (economy) seats, but when I tried to change them solely on MVJ, it got all screwed up and said I chose seats that weren't available. Crazy. Now an unrelated question. DW and I are doing pre and post extensions for this cruise. On MVJ, there are shore excursions listed for both extensions. The excursions essentially match what's listed in the extension tour schedule, so I'm assuming I don't have to reserve those same excursions on MVJ (?) Or must I? I'm thinking those excursions are listed for perhaps someone who has independently added extra days but not necessarily purchased a Viking extension, and then those folks could opt in to the same excursions. I'm just presuming here. They're all listed as "included" but they have the usual "reserve" button. Thoughts on this? I'll probably do a chat with an agent to make sure. Thanks...
  20. Having just gotten off the Summit, while it was a very nice experience as expected, surely in Aqua Class at least some of the amenities have been taken away. X is totally catering to suite level it seems, given that they now devote the entire front of the ship to them as a "retreat". I can't speak for concierge class, having never done that. But, since our next to last cruise was with Viking, I will say this - if Viking cruised out of our two favorite (and close by) ports - Baltimore and Bayonne - I'd be likely to sail with them most of the time unless X or RCL had itineraries we really liked that Viking didn't. I like Viking for the less crowded and more relaxed feel overall. Love their afternoon tea also. X offers scones as an advertised daily "tea", but it's not even listed in the daily planner! Most disappointing. By the time we found out about the scones the cruise was 3/4 over. Plus, I'd say the food on Viking is generally of a higher quality. Probably reasonable to say that ALL lines have cut back on certain measures of quality and amenities. Given some issues I have with Blu during this last trip, not sure that we'd do Aqua again especially since they cut out some of what previously made it a bit more special than regular veranda 2A / 2B (( think?) rooms.
  21. Agreed! This totally annoyed me our first night. We were seated next to a mother / daughter couple who chatted away constantly - mostly about her job searches and interviews - but then as soon as I mentioned something about trying to decide which starter I wanted, she chimed right in and made a comment on one the choices I was considering - not that she wasn't trying to be helpful, but it made it obvious that even while doing their own conversation she had her antenna up to listen to whatever we said. We asked to be changed for the 2nd night.
  22. Not for us when sailing out of Bayonne or Baltimore. I see your point though...
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