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Posts posted by Mareblu

  1. 6 minutes ago, Blackduck59 said:

    Just had an overhead announcement calling about a dozen people to customer service. And we are still alongside San Pedro. We slip at 2300 hrs. I'm not sure we will be awake.

    We just had some excellent entertainment in the Explorer's Lounge. An excellent singer/guitarist playing easy listening like James Taylor, Jim Croce and Don McLean. 

    Envious....we loved the Explorers Lounge and met up with new mainly Aussie friends there every evening for loooong nightcaps 🙂  Hope your sailaway goes smoothly, and any medical hiccups are well handled. 

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  2. 11 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

    Yep, I went to Sydney and built a Deck, obviously, I wasn't careful enough, tested positive when I got home.

    So sorry you're in isolation.  Yacht Club's Snapper on the Lake:  Home delivery of the freshest, crispiest, beer-battered fish and chips ever, with a fresh salad, right to your door.  We order every few weeks, just to keep ourselves in control.  

  3. On 4/8/2022 at 12:28 PM, Blackduck59 said:


    We are in a "Deluxe Veranda" Les. We looked at the "Penthouse Verandas" but we didn't like the location of the ones available so saved about $1,000.00 total and went for location. We are starboard side on deck 5, near midships. In my view the posh suites are in crappy locations...High up and far forward or aft. Get any adverse sea state and your cabin is suddenly moving up and down faster than the lifts.

    So I should fess up:  to our amazement and eternal gratitude, we were upgraded to the Explorers Suite (the posh suite you mention).  We later realised that our TA had leaked to Viking that it was our 50th wedding anniversary during the cruise, so I will never say that Norwegians have cold hearts 🙂  I was at first apprehensive, because our ES was as forward as suites get.  I feared that was not a good spot for a North Pacific crossing.  It was actually fantastic.  Orion is such a beautifully engineered craft that we hardly moved.  It was beyond spacious, and the balcony was huge, with an undercover area as well as open space, perfect viewing platform for the morning we awoke to the magnificent sight of the looming Hubbard Glacier in Alaska.  The only sad day was the day we had to disembark in Hong Kong.  For all of that opulence, outside of our suite nobody knew who has which suite, because Viking runs a very egalitarian experience:  no preference in  restaurants, shows, etc., no matter where you call home for the duration of the cruise.  I should also add that the crew, individually and collectively, was the most amazing, kind, attentive and efficient crew we've ever had the pleasure of sailing with.  I just know you'll love your Viking experience.  Enjoy every moment.


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  4. 10 hours ago, Blackduck59 said:

    I will post some photos during the cruise. I don't do Blogs or Vlogs but will drop a few line from time to time. Who ever thought my little thread intended for our trip down under would end up being one of the places where I talk about a cruise a Pacific Coastal Cruise in North America.

    You will absolutely love the Orion.  We sailed on her in 2019 for five weeks, from Vancouver to Hong Kong via Russian Far East and Japan.  Elegant, simple, Scandi decor, with comfortable spaces throughout just for sitting, reading, etc.  I loved that the reception desk provides fresh crosswords every day.  The cafe bar in the main atrium serves wonderful teas, coffees, and pastries.  No extra charges on Viking, even for house wines, etc.  The only problem was that much of the food was way over-salted, and we don't mind normal seasoning, but that was only our opinion, and maybe most people would be very happy with the cuisine.  Music and entertainment was just right, and lots of reading available through book-swapping stations.  We'll look forward very much to reading your blogs.  Will you post on this thread?  In the meantime, happy, happy sailing.


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  5. 6 hours ago, NSWP said:

    They were at a motel 'Taliva' just south of present Donegans - @ Araluen Motel.  Yes We did go there. Moved from Sutherland Shire to Batehaven mid 2004.

    Yes, Taliva.  Batehaven has changed over the years, but in many respects it's still the same wonderful seaside haven.  It's been our other home for nearly fifty years, I'm shocked to say...since 1973.  Our children and grandchildren have enjoyed school holidays and family weekends with friends tagging along over decades.  We'll miss Michael and Shea though, but looking forward to trying the new venture in its place.  Looking at the radar today, I'm hoping our home isn't floating away, and also hoping you're not growing webbed feet, Les.  Maybe one day we can catch up and have a coffee at Crumb.


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  6. 2 hours ago, NSWP said:

    Yes, having golfed with Michael, and over 18 years frequented the restaurant probably monthly, I know them well. Yes, their steaks and oysters donegan were legendary.  They retired two weeks ago and new owner, with Italian theme. From reports supposed to be good. Will have to try them out.

    Memories...Chef Shea with the tongs.


    Thanks for posting the photo...I can almost taste the dishes.  Hope the new owners took notes on Shea's chargrilling technique.  Do you remember when the boys had the restaurant closer to the shops, with Danny (from memory) on the piano.  Magic atmosphere.  How long have you been in Batehaven?

  7. On 2/22/2022 at 8:18 PM, NSWP said:


    We might give Donegans a go been there a 100 times, owners are friends of mine. You can have chips instead of the spud, also oysters, fish, pork, chicken. They got it all just like Ronnie Donnies, lol.


    Our favourite Batehaven spot, Les, for many years.  Now the boys have finally sold, our daughter tells us.  She posted the menu for the new restaurant on our WhatsApp the other day...looks really enticing, but no one will ever present steak at the coast like those Irish boys.  


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  8. On 3/24/2022 at 7:15 AM, lissie said:

    Well its better than being randomly assigned to a table and finding you don't like the group and then having to ask the matre'd to move you and then have to explain why you disappeared if you bump into someone else from that table later in the cruise... 


    For a s shorter  cruise you'd do it exactly once on the first night - that is kinda the point. Depending on the cruise though there would be turnover as people left and joined a longer cruise 

    Absolutely correct.  We have enjoyed the company of some delightful dinner companions over our years of cruising (where, incidentally, while not Cunard, we have never, ever witnessed fellow passengers not suitably attired for dinner).  Conversely, there have been one or two occasions where people at the table didn't exactly agree on various topics, and the atmosphere became distinctly tense.  For our first Cunard cruise, which we are eagerly anticipating, we have requested a table for two to begin with.  We're quite sure we'll meet future dinner companions over a pre-dinner drink in the bar, and make ongoing arrangements if we all agree.  The only other contribution I have on the subject is that having several friends who've cruised with Cunard who disliked the set dining times, and the restrictions on relaxation time or extended waiting time before dinner, we have always avoided looking into a "Queen" cruise.  I was delighted to discover, purely by chance,  that in Grills, dining time is quite liberal.  I have an aversion to being told exactly which time I may consume my evening meal, if only because some evenings I may want to linger longer over drinks, or simply spend a little more time finishing a book before changing for the evening.  I'm very happy though, with the idea of the same table allocation, and with the prospect of meeting the same restaurant professionals each evening, and I'm sure that after a few evenings, we'll be enjoying the company of fellow diners.  I'm led to believe that the maitre d' will accommodate any such arrangement.  Having read all comments here, though, I do understand the frustration and annoyance of the removal of a long-standing tradition.  

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  9. 15 hours ago, carlmm said:

    No, this is not what Cunard is doing. According to all the reports, it is not an option. One cannot book fixed second seating.


    Thus Cunard did not only drop down to the likes of less traditional lines they even went lower.


    While some might not see this as a problem, it is for many.


    Then I'm assuming you would decline a free upgrade to QG:  open sitting all evening.


  10. On 3/16/2022 at 6:35 AM, NSWP said:

    I think Honey might be mistaken there. 'We did this?' Come in spinner.lol.

    Couldn't agree more, Les.  Of course we all desperately wanted cruising to our waters to resume.  We are booked on Queen Elizabeth Barcelona-Sydney, scheduled to arrive in November.  The desire to be aboard, though, pales into insignificance and smacks of self-indulgence when compared to the suffering in the Ukraine, the people left grieving and homeless in our own flood zones, and those still enduring hardship after our own devastating coastal bushfires.  The very last thing I would do is parade around cruise terminals shouting to the world that I'm deprived.  Other comments on here are correct;  the decision had already been made, and we are grateful that cruising can resume.  Now, speaking of protests, if only we could rid Canberra and region of the nutters wanting to eradicate life-saving vaccinations.  I notice there's a great contingent of them camped by the river this side of Braidwood.  I'm happy to be part of the silent majority feeling gratitude for the tireless work of our frontline medical workers, and yes, the government, and all who've contributed to keep us safe.  And......I'm delighted that, as expected, Dan Tehan announced during this last week that cruising will indeed resume.


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  11. On 3/13/2022 at 7:07 PM, NSWP said:

    I had a cruise last week, done it 6 times in the past 17 years. .Up ye olde Clyde Rver from Batemans Bay, highly recommended. No tipping, lol.


    October 2019:  Viking Orion Vancouver to Tokyo, then stayed aboard for Tokyo to Hong Kong.  2020 cruise on Oceania cancelled for the common reason....but delighted with yesterday's announcement.  After the Ruby Princess fiasco, I guess the govt. had no choice.  Just got back home from down and back to Batehaven today PM.  Small world.  Scomo and crew have done the best job possible in the most difficult and dire circumstances over the past few years.  Walk a mile, as they say...


  12. On 11/19/2021 at 7:39 AM, bluemarble said:

    I have updated the "QE 2021-22 Dress Code and Theme Schedule" document above to show the newly-released QE replacement itineraries for 20 Feb through 3 Jun 2022. Naturally I don't yet have any information about the dress code/theme schedules for those new voyages.


    If you happen to book any of those replacement voyages and find the dress code/theme schedule listed within the day-by-day Calendar in "My Cunard", please post the schedule here.


    The same applies if you are on any other voyages still missing from the master documents above for either QM2 or QE.


    As a reminder, to keep things simple all I really need is the ship you will be on, the dates of your voyage, the dates which will be "Gala" evenings and the themes (if any) for those gala evenings.

    Tremendous work, bluemarble.  Thank you.  Only one missing from our QE voyage embarking 10 October, 2022 (Barcelona-Sydney) is 12 November:  Gala (Roaring Twenties).


    • Thanks 1
  13. 7 hours ago, longton said:

    We are hoping to do a Baltic cruise on Queen Victoria in June.


    One of the scheduled ports of call was St Petersburg.


    We received the following email from Cunard today:


        We understand that the current evolving situation with Ukraine may raise some questons about your upcoming voyage. 

       We are monitoring this very closely and please be assured we will amend itineraries as necessary, as the safety and welbeing of guests and crew is of the highest priority. 

       Please do bear with us and visit our social media channels and website for the latest information, rather than contacting our Customer Contact Centre. 


    For us, St Petersburg was the highlight but we'll still make the most of the other ports.


    Cunard deserves credit for its speedy contact following the invasion of Ukraine.


    Hi to you both,

    We are booked on QE Barcelona-Sydney in October, but prior to that we are sailing on Oceania Sirena on a Baltic cruise in September, to use credits from a Covid-cancelled Oceania cruise in 2020.  We received an email from Oceania very early this morning to advise that the fleet has cancelled all ports in Russia and Ukraine, and management is currently re-organising itineraries for Baltic cruises.  We have previously visited St. Petersburg on a Seabourn cruise, so while I'm delighted Oceania has acted so swiftly and decisively, I'm disappointed for fellow passengers, because I know that for many on these cruises, St. Petersburg is an anticipated highlight.  Having said that, I'm so deeply saddened and appalled by the invasion, and my heart goes out to all those suffering loss and trauma in this truly terrible time.  Time will tell, I guess, whether cruises to all Baltic ports will be re-routed, but I imagine there would be one heck of a scramble at the moment.


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