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Posts posted by ETski

  1. Seems to me that this "free wine" first night thing changes from ship to ship, week to week. No set thing. We are leaving on Sunday on the Breakaway and booked Le Bistro for the first night. No 3 package. If the wine bottle appears its a bonus, but if not, it will not spoil our vacation. I am not a wine snob, so anything drinkable wine will do:D on the other hand my hubby is.

  2. They also serve great cookies, small pieces of cake, yummy granola bars and fruit at the Cafe. I know they had tea, hot cocoa, and cofee not sure about cold drinks. Well at least they did last Feb, Any changes since????? Leaving on Sunday cafe is a great place for a snack lite lunch and people watching. Last cruise it was so crowded at the Windjammer boarding day, we ate lunch at the cafe.

  3. Just my thoughts and opinions. When sailing on Celebrity my husband always does the premium drink package. We book it prior to the cruise and is already paid for months before we travel. I do not take any packages. And no we do not share the package!!!!! My husband feels that for him it is well worth it. Between the speciality coffees, beer at lunch, wine at dinner, Martini bar, and a drink or two either at the show or casino is worth the price. Wow sounds like he may drink too much LOL I on the other hand will use our OBC for any speciality coffees, or a occasional drink. I mostly drink water or ice tea at lunch and dinner. Husband has always said I 'm a cheap date!!! I would hope that they would never make all the people in the cabin do the same package. Yes there will always be people cheating the system. Only other systems that might stop cheating is pre paid drink cards. But for now the packages are what they are offering. Lets not spoil it for the honest people in the world.

  4. Lynn....they used to have the cigar bar outside of Majarahjas? as it was onboard when we all sailed together a few years ago. They always have a show to accommodate both dining times. You just may be going later in the evening or earlier in the evening. I think a lot of our shows were early as we had late seating dining.


    enjoy enjoy..miss you all and hope to sail again soon. Say hi to Dick and Mari for us.

    Thanks Criss for the well wishes. I will certainly say hi to Dick and Mary for you.

  5. Hi Denise I feel like I know you and your daughter after reading your great posts!!!!!! Maybe one day we will cruise together. My husband and I will be boarding on Saturday along with a few family members. . Yes we did lose a day, but I am so glad that RCCL did what they needed to do. I think that if I were ever the sick passenger would hope they would do the same. I know there have been lots of people complaining about the lost day. Yes we did lose a day, but we are still going on a cruise, and not the one laying in a hospital room.

    I do have another question. We have late dinning and it sounds like a lot of the night activities will conflict with our dinner. I know that late dinning does the early theatre show. But what about all the other things? What time do they start? Also my brother in law is traveling with our group. He wanted to know if they had a cigar bar on board. I said yuck:mad: smoking is bad for you. Well he only smokes cigars once in a while and thought he may enjoy a few onboard.

    You and Ariel please enjoy the remainder of your cruise. And thank you for your descriptive thread. I have enjoyed your cruise though your posts. I know your said you are staying in a promanade cabin, we are also staying in one. First time ever, always stay in OV but since this was a extra vacation and got a great price we decided to try this type cabin. Any info would be great we are on the port side eight floor, mid section of the ship.

  6. Denise once again thank you for your live post. I'm loving it!!! Can't wait to board the EOS on Jan 27. I'm glad to hear that the MDR problems are being addressed. Sounds like the MDR has been having some issues!!!! I told my husband about your thread and he asked me to ask if they have $5 tables for craps in the Casino. I said I didn't think you talked about going to the casino, but would ask anyway.

    Please enjoy the remainder of your cruise with your daughter. And a big "thanks" for her service in AmeriCorps. It sounds like your are having a ball and spending quality time with Ariel.

    Oh I forgot to ask, is there a fee for the stretch class?


  7. Virtopia,


    Labadee is a beach day - no need to spend money on anything if you don't want to. RCL has a captive audience here, so they offer a bunch of "extras" for this day. I did the Haitian cultural tour last Feb - we went by boat to a private beach, got a short tour, and just hung out for 3 hours away from the bustle of Labadee.


    IMO no real need for a ship's excursion in any of these ports. For St. Thomas you can just hop one of the safari cabs along with everyone else to go to the beach - Magen's Bay, Coki, Sapphire Beach, etc. If you want a tour, check the STT board - there are several popular private tours like Sonny Liston and Air Force One. RCL is offering 6.5 hour trips to St. John for $40 - this is a good deal so you might want to look at one of those - it would be some "tour" plus free time (or all free time if you like).


    For STM you can just take the water taxi across the harbor to Phillipsburg - this gives you shopping plus the downtown beach - the best of both worlds.


    You won't have much time in San Juan. There is a free trolley around the old city, but it gets crowded. If you want to ride it, it's better to walk to one of the stops before the pier so you can get a seat. If you want to go to El Morro, this is a good way to get there.


    All of these ports are comfortable as a solo if you stay in the tourist areas - Labadee is a private island, STT and San Juan are US possessions, and STM is Dutch - very orderly.


    Don't know what your rollcall group has planned - please try to meet Red Devil (Dick & Mari) - they will know what's going on.




    Yes we agree with 138East everything she said is right on target. Also what she said about Red Devil(Dick and Mari)is also true. They are the nicest people you ever want to meet. We have cruised with Dick and Mari 2 times and this will be our 3 with them. I'm ETski (Lynn) and FishonEd is my husband. We are on your the roll call. Please ask as many questions on our roll call. We have a few more on the Jan27 roll call that have cruised together. Great bunch of people:) You should have not problems on this cruise, cruising solo, very friendly group. So far we have only got a slot pull started. I will post more about it on the roll call.

  8. Unfortunately access to that area is currently closed due to construction on bridge. You can search for seals on boardwalk - just a short stroll from ship. They aren't always there, but are fun to try and spot once they are as they bob up and down. When in town be sure to check out Freak Lunchbox on King Street near ship (opening soon) - candy store with candy from all over the world.



    Is the candy store on King Street? If not where is it located?

  9. Greetings...

    This is our first time on Celebrity and we usually get the specialty coffee card so I was wondering if this is a better deal since it includes other beverages.

    Any ideas?




    Just off the Summit and I agree with dmwc1959. You need to decide what your drinking patterns are. My HD did the premium drink package since he likes specialtiy coffees, beers around the pool, martini prior to dinner, 2 or 3 glasses of wine and then a gin and tonic or two at the casino. Get the picture!!! Not that he drinks like that at home but on vacation why not!!!!!!! That didn't include the vitamin waters and bottled water that he took off the ship while in port. Was it worth it for him Yes! was it worth it for me No! I'm what you call a cheap date. Maybe the entire 8 days I had 3 or 4 drinks. So I paid as I went along, thats what OBC is for. And no we did not share the drink package.

  10. We paid $30 per person for this tour we did .... he originally wanted $25 but when we made him go all the way back over to Bathsheba (like he originally told us we were doing) we added the extra $5 per person in. I think if you just want to go to the beach probably like $10 per person and the glass bottom boat was $20 per person for about an hour and a half of snorkeling with the turtles and over the shipwreck site. I Hope that helps.:D

    Just loving your review and the pictures are amazing. We are doing this cruise in May and I have been following your great review. I have a question regarding Paynes Bay. How far is it from the ship and is beach big enough to sit and relax on.Also is there chair rentals? We are cruising with a group of 10 and not everyone will want to do the glassbottom boat tour. Also was this a prearranged tour or did you arrange it at the pier?

  11. I was playing on line (I know this is not real but it is something untill I cruise again) and was playing the pass line with odds and a come bet. Started to loose so I switched to the dark side and started a slow come back. My question: I had D/P with odds and a D/C with odds (6) the point was 9. the rolls were as follows 8,5,4,5,6(lost my D/C)6,6,8,8,6,7. So can you put a place bet down if you have money on the D/P?

    Hope this in not too confusing.

    ed :D

  12. Here's how I do it:


    Line up the 3's in a V. Hold the dice between your thumb and first finger and toss them softly in a high arc so they hit at the intersection of the backboard and table. The idea is so that they turn around the axis you held them in and only jump back once in the same axis. There are few combinations to make a 7 when they tumble around that axis. Practice, practice, practice. Get yourself a set of regulation size dice.


    The dealers don't like you to throw them higher than their eye level so that they don't have to look up from the table. Some casinos will not let you set the dice. You can quickly line the 3's up as they are on the opposite side of the 4. Some stickmen will actually start returning the dice to you with the 3's up


    Since I play the pass line and come bets, any number works for me.


    Sorry Yo.:D



    Thank you I will have to try this and see how it works for me.

    ed :D

  13. I'm going to assume the dark side wins since the bozo throwing the dice is throwing at random and didn't even make an odds bet behind his Pass Line bet. He'll never roll a 4 anytime soon :rolleyes:



    In my quest for knowledge how do you line the dice up to throw? I believe I read where you have a method..... to throw your number more times than not.

    ed :D

  14. Hey ed!!!!!

    Let me see if I can provide some info to answer your question and give you some insight on what I do so I don't reveal any of my secrets. :D

    Even if I posted exactly what I do, it won't make sense anyway. You would actually have to watch me so I can explain word for word. I would love to see you in action maybe we run into each other on a cruise. But let me try it like this.

    Well for starters, the computer game can get boring mostly because it isn't for REAL money. + I don't believe it act like a real game being aa computer. Play it at the craps table and when you get paid I will guarantee you won't be bored.

    Now it appears you played very basic strategy, here. That being playing the don't and backing the point with double odds and waiting for the big seven.

    Now what you can do to add a little excitement to the table and maybe get the dealers to like you and when you feel the time is right on the COME OUT ROLL, put your don't pass bet and toss a couple of dollars onto the YO ELEVEN! If the eleven rolls out you lose your don't pass but WIN 15:1 on the YO. So if you had 15 dollars on the don't pass, and a dollar on the YO. You would have hedged your bet and not lose any money on the roll. Of course if the point is rolled, you lose the dollar on the YO. I tried this and it worked a couple of times. But so what. You have the advantage now as it is more probably a seven will be rolled before the point. Now, if you wanna make the dealers smile, throw two dollars on the YO on the come out roll and say, "2 Dollar Yo-One for me and one for you" This means you are better a dollar for yourself and one for the dealers. If it hits you win your 15 dollars and the dealers end up with a nice tip of 16 dollars total on that one roll. They will be your best friend. But don't do it all the time as remember a YO doesn't come out often enough to make betting on it profitable.


    Now once you get your don't pass point. Go ahead and try to obtain a Don't Come Point. After the initial point is rolled. Place your double odds in the back of the don't pass bet and place a new bet in the small box called "Don't Come." If you want toss out a YO ELEVEN here if you wish. This was interesting. I tried it also. The Don't Come bet is SEPARATE from the don't pass but acts exactly like a brand new Come Out roll. So if a 2, 3 is rolled it wins. A seven or eleven you lose. Pushes on a 12. But if you have the YO out you would win 15 to 1 for the same reasons I described for the Don't Pass bet you had.

    Now let's say now another point is rolled. Now you have a don't pass point and and don't come point. You want that seven to be rolled now and you will be PAID on BOTH numbers. Now if you have balls of steel. No problem here as it not for real money.You can try to get another don't come point and have three don't numbers in total. And if a seven is rolled before any of those numbers, then BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE!!!!! Ya that happened a couple of times. but again it wasn't real money.

    I would be careful doing that until you understand the concept. If you wish to take it easy then get your don't pass point. And leave it at that. What you can do though, to pass the time is place bet the 6 and 8 if the point ends up being a number other than 6 or 8. Maybe but six dollars on each one. While you are waiting for the seven before the point and the 6 and the 8 hit, YOU WIN. I wouldn't press the bets though. Take your profit and wait for the SEVEN. That should add some excitement to the game. I hope I didn't confuse you. Good luck! :D

    Thanks for the advice and I agree I have to take it easy till I learn the ins and out. it's different. On my next cruise my BIL will be with me and he has never played. So I will use him as an excuse to play the dark side. Explain it as a teaching aid. So he can learn both ways lol lol

    ed :D



  15. Yo Eleven,

    I have been usuing your on line craps.com site in an attempt to learn the ways of the dark side. I want to add to my understanding of the game not that I would ever have the b@!!$ to do it on the table as I am to new at this. Any way to my question. I put my bet on the don't pass then take double the odds when the point is made. Then just sat there and waited till a seven was rolled or the point was made. rather boring. What other bets can be made (if there are any) to increase my bank roll. I still have to figure out the pay offs so as not to be cheated by the dealer.

    Maybe it would be easier if you just explained what you do when you come to the table. Don't have to give away any secrets just the basics.

    Sorry for the long winded post.

    ed :D

  16. I love this online craps table. It is great for practice.


    Blow the page up 200 percent and you will be able to see everything. You can pretty much make all the bets. Of course you can't make any call bets though. :D




    This site is pretty cool. Now I have to learn the pay offs and different ways to bet. I will have to read back on the posts and see if I can figure out the dark side that you love so much. I would never use it on the tables but want to learn it.

    As I stated before I do the come line with odds and then two come bets with odds. KISS while I am learning.

    ed :D

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