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Everything posted by spearmint

  1. mahdnc: Am thinking that you are correct and this is the way to go and I don't need a package at this point. Am chuckling away over the cellphone bit.... yep, I'm sure I am saving a bunch. The damned things are too small (writing) for me to even consider using as a computer or texting, and I don't call people all that much anyway. Like I said... dinosaur....🙂
  2. RTShaker and mahdnc and mahdnc: From the website, under Elite perks, I did not even know that I still had those free minutes! Thanks! Then I probably don't even need the laptop if the iLounge is still available to me. I did not ever use it much in the past, but it did come in handy to drop a quick note to family at home, and to print off pre-boarding stuff for the airport. DaKahuna: Thanks for the reminder; I had forgotten about that little nugget of good info and I was always aware of it. It has been seven years since my last cruise and more than 10 years since I was last on Celebrity (18 cruises) and I feel like such a newbie this time. Bill (and yes, mahdnc, I rreeeaaaalllly don't have a cellphone.😁)
  3. I don't drink much more than a few beers on a trip, but do get an average-priced bottle of wine nightly at dinner (paying a fortune for premium wines is waste with me, as I am in no way a connosseur (sp) Is it worth my while to get a wine package? I have always assumed that it would not be. As for my onboard credit, (a) if I don't use it for something specific, will it simply be applied to the bill at the end of the cruise and if not, (b) and it must be used for something specific, do I have to request that it be for that specificity at the time I order/use it, for example, the above-mentioned dinner wines? Thanks, Bill
  4. I don't have a cellphone. I know,I am a dinosaur and a rarity. How inconvenienced am I going to be on my Equinox cruise in November? As an Elite member of Captain's Club, I used to have free time in the ship's internet computer room If I recall properly, I could print off my plane ticket before leaving the ship and heading to the airport. Now I see on the Celebrity site, that I will get a percentage off a package. Should I take the package? Is not WiFi available everywhere on board? Is there a charge? I was going to bring my laptop, (yep, dinosaur) but am wondering if it will work on board, and what I have to do to access it? Do I need to download something prior to sailing? I ask, as I assume that all you modern people (like some family members) will be married to your phones, and you must have to connect some way while aboard and will be able, as usual, to give me the best advice. Thanks, Bill
  5. I am curious about posters commenting as to testing when they are on board... How do you do that? Do you take testing kits with you? If not, does the ship charge you for it? This is why I am asking: A decade ago on Celebrity, a few days before the end of the cruise, I went down to the med center to simply get some cough medicine as I had picked up a bit of a cold and wanted some relief prior to getting on a plane with slightly plugged ears. The doctor insisted that I get tested, with what turned out to be that uncomfortable nasal swab. I also got a $70 US charge on the bill at the end of the cruise that I did not expect. Simply because I tried not to have ear problems on a flight. Sheesh.😠 (It turns out that I was then more knowledgeable and prepared for Covid testing! 😁)
  6. Anytime-dining was not huge when last I cruised Celebrity about ten years ago, so I am really out of touch. If I recall, Celebrity was making a relatively small section of the main dining area into anytime dining... I'm on Equinox in November and feel really unaware.. First, what times are the set dinings? I was thinking 5:30 and 8:00.... but think that I read on one of the topics and perhaps then recalled that second seating is at 8:30. This had second seating people to see the theatre productions prior to dinner if I am remembering correctly. Next, seven years ago I did do Regal/Royal Princess a couple of times and they had separate anytime-dining restaurants; I phoned each morning (after the first night we went there,) and made a reservation for that night. As requested, we were seated in the same place with the same wait staff; loved it. Can I make a call on Celebrity or do I have to just stand in line? (When we had a reservation, more often that not at 7:30, the host/hostess moved us right past those standing in line, if indeed they did not have two lines for each type of reserved/not reserved guests.)
  7. dodger and Mark... I agree absolutely. I was making a joke because I feared that my post, just looking for information, would become another of the interminable clothing rants that I read years ago.🙂 Bill
  8. Host Kat and others- One of the side-effects or "perks" of signing in with my email rather than a username, is that if someone responds to a topic that I started I get email(s) telling me that someone has responded to whichever new post I began. Then, I can click on the topic and get taken right to the boards to see what is there on the topic. I find that I quite like that feature. I have to sign in though to do much more than read the comments to my post. Just thought that you might like to be aware of this feature. Bill
  9. OMG!!!!! LOL. I had forgotten the immense outrages that some members felt the need to express when they found out they could not wear the stuff they wear in their gardens or under their cars to dinner. And it appears that Celebrity wishes to offend no one..... OK. I'm adaptable. Since there are two (as I hoped) "chic" nights, I will bring my "chic" tuxedo. It's the only time I wear it and is the reason I bought it. Even if I am the only one, I'll just be a little more "chic", than everyone else. That's all.😁 My wife always brought a few gowns, but my two lady friends won''t do that; they will,however, bling themselves out as much as they like. I'll just be the gorgeous, "chic" rose between two.... ah...."semi-chic" carnations. 😉 Bill
  10. Thanks LH28 and Mom. That is just the kind of stuff I want to know. I am going to make a note for next fall and make sure that I do just what you do.:) Bill
  11. Cannot find this on the Celebrity Website. Am on Equinox in November for 10 days. Will there be one or two formal nights? thanks Bill
  12. I never seem to get this correct. What is the standard for tipping a taxi driver from the hotel to pier or from pier to airport, or to longshoremen at the pier or the driver of a shuttle of some sort? When last I did this, 6 years ago, the taxis had made a change; regardless of the meter showing (e.g. literally $5, from hotel to pier) the drivers charged $10. I was not happy, but CC members assured me that this was what the drivers had all agree to do and was standard practice. I expect that it had to do with such short hops from hotel to pier in many/most cases. Frankly, I considered this a 100% tip. Is this still the modus operandi? If not, what is the expected tipping norm which will also apply to my next question. In some cases we signed up with the cruiseline for transportation (bus) from the pier to the airport. I think this is very reliable with no worry/hassle, but much more costly than a taxi, so I am thinking taxi, which would be more than $10 and require standard tipping practice. What do I tip? (Have any of you used the taxi vs shuttle from the cruiseline, and your opinion, please?) On our first cruise, (1999) I was so naive. I was not provided with a stateroom number due to what was then called "run of the ship" cabins, and the gentleman taking the luggage from my prepaid-at-home Celebrity shuttle directly from the airport and with no luggage tags, took the trouble to go into Pier 18 (prior to remodeling) and came back with the proper cabin number. Being assured at home that all was prepaid, and so with only Canadian cash, the poor guy "didn't know what he would do with it" when I offered him a couple of bucks. I felt so stupid and I never forgot him, but since (becoming savvy and arriving prior to the sail date!) have rarely ever had to turn over luggage at the port (usually the hotel shuttle did it). So I really want to tip properly if I am the one to give the luggage. Then there could be a shuttle driver from either the expensive Cruise line, or the included hotel shuttle. What do folks do? Long winded question(s) but I am sure that things have changed and I want to be up to date. e.g. ship gratuities have gone from $11 per person/day to $17.50. Which brings up my last question regarding the cash question. Do all taxis have the ability to take charge cards? I am thinking, yes. But what about shuttle drivers from (a) the cruisline or (b) the hotel? I always presumed that with the exorbitant Cruiseline cost that tip was included, but not with the hotel shuttle, so I did tip them based on the number of bags they moved, but what would that be now? (oh, and yes, I tried to find this stuff out on the general boards with no success.) Bill
  13. Hi you three responders. Thanks. It is what I hoped and now I know. 🙂 Bill
  14. Several years ago, the consensus on these boards was that for the ship's final bill, it was better to let your charge card make the conversion to American money rather than the ship on which you were cruising. Is this still the perceived wisdom? Bill
  15. cruiserchuck and davekathy: That is so encouraging; I can have Elite status and still have my friends with me (should they choose) at that time. My wife and I always went to CC HH and we were always on our own so we did not really care. Now that I am on my own, with two ladies who are not CC members, I am pleased. Otherwise, I would maybe be giving up my status. So. A definite change. And a good thing, as well. 🙂 Bill
  16. I had forgotten that I was Elite status and some of you members here reminded me. If my memory serves me correctly, the Celebrity Cruises happy hour occurred up in the fully windowed lounge on the top(?) deck., and we had to show our card at the door for proof of eligibility. Servers continually wandered around with trays of drinks and/or munchies, I think from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Am I interpreting comments here to mean that the "event" now takes place at one or more bars around the ship? If so, are other shipmates also in the bar? How does that work? My two traveling companions would not be welcome with the "old" method. Thanks for the heads up, people! 🙂 Bill
  17. Thank you all for the information. I have a veranda cabin on Equinox in November. I just like to know as to what to expect; one cannot be surprised (or disappointed) with pre-knowledge. It's nice to know about the Muster Station drill... simplified, which is new to me and sounds good. We always thought the boarding bubbly was a nice touch, which started with our first cruise on Century. It is good to know about Cafe al Baccio, though. Don't really care about the lobster... my wife loved the stuff but I could care less. With prices more or less doubled for the cruise from what we used to pay, I just want to know what other changes have come about. Nice to hear about the cabin service seemingly unchanged. These guys always impressed me. Celebrity began specialty restaurants on Millennium, which was superb in decor, service and food. Over the years, the decor on the ships became OK, the servicewas good and the food OK but not much different from the Main Dining Room. The last time we attended a Murano's, although they promised that they could cook my three little steaks the way I liked, they couldn't... after three tries, the waiter offered us a reduced charge to come back again another night. (The original night's charge still held, though.) That did not and will not happen, but it is nice to know that there is an 18% charge added. Wow. I did try a search, but could not find much, and, indeed, did find myself overwhelmed, so started this thread; thought that people would refer me to existing threads, and am pleased at those of you who have given me some information directly. I am definitely going to try the Google approach for sure. As for an app.... I am one of the few on the planet, I expect, who does not have a cellphone; hence I need CruiseCritic as much as I ever did. Thanks, Bill
  18. It has been 6 years since my last cruise and I understand some changes have happened, especially since the pandemic. For example, I have been told that Celebrity no longer has lobster on the menu,and that the cabin stewards do up the cabins in the morning only. Can anyone give any information of notable changes made? I have the impression that one is given a specific time at which to board.... we were used to coming to the port in the morning and would be allowed to board to public areas en masse as soon as the ship allowed, even if the cabins were not available yet. I am cruising again in November, and just want to be aware of new procedures etc. Thanks, Bill
  19. Host Kat, Thank you for taking the time to reply to my topic. I certainly appreciate your help. Today, I used my email address and my normal password to enter the site and it worked. Next I am going to follow your reference to Host Laura to see about "cookies". Bill
  20. While I was writing my last post, I also tried to again to change my email. I got the same response from CC and again followed the instructions. Lo and behold, my current email is now my official one with the site. I will have to check with the assigned person "MIchel" at the help site, as I might be just as confused about my original question as I was then, ...I think ...maybe... perhaps.... ummm...... If I have the thing correct: I enter the site using my email rather than my username (spearmint). But, I will be greeted as "spearmint" rather than my email address when I am using the site. My original password with the "spearmint" moniker will stay the same. Can a host tell me if I am correct? I also have had problems after logging in. I "wander around" on the site trying to recall how to use it, (and say get to a roll call for my next cruise) and then, when and if I manage to get back to this topic, I am told I must sign in. So I log in again and can use this topic. Am I doing something wrong? It has been 6 years since I have cruised and also used the site, so am totally rusty in usage these days... Bill Again, thanks for all the replies from members plus host Kat. Nothing has changed in this regard; I always can count on CC people for help!
  21. Thanks all, My email address of record no longer exists (for many years now) and since I posted this topic, have requested an email change. Still, if I manage to check, the old one is still in use. I even received an email from CC to this effect, but still the email has not changed. I will try again to see what happens. I was thrown off with the first couple of responses, including a Host monitor, that the request was most likely spam or malware. That really threw me off, especially when the notice came up every single time I logged in. Thankfully, Host Kat eventually was able to note that spam/malware is not an issue here, as I had already tried to change my email prior to these responses.
  22. Signing in, I got a notice that the username would be phased out; instead one would use email address. Why? I rather liked the anonymity of the username. Is there a thread that explains this? Thanks, Bill
  23. It has been seven years since my last cruise. I want to ask,in general, what changes generally have been made by the lines? But, cannot seem to figure out how to use these boards anymore. For example: I found a Roll Call for an upcoming cruise. Have read the posts. But I cannot reply as I keep getting a box which says that I am not authorized to use it. Have no idea what or why this is, and cannot seem to find anywhere here how I go about that. Can anyone help? Bill
  24. brobers, whee-sailing, ski ww....thanks for the valuable information. All of it has been helpful. I knew that I would get assistance here; it's just that I had forgotten how well our members look after each other!
  25. It has been almost 6 years since I cruised or have been on CruiseCritic; since then, I have been made single. My question is..... Generally what is the price difference for cruising alone? I have been told that it is one and a half times the single rate as well as twice the single rate. Trying to get a cruise line on the phone is an exercise in waiting,,, to say the least! I certainly notice a great difference in this site; it has taken me some time to get to this part where I can ask a question. I am not even sure where I should go once I have signed in to even check a response here. Thanks for any help you can give me. Bill
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