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Posts posted by spg112357

  1. So why do we need toilet paper at all?

    What did people do before there was toilet paper?

    Homeless people don't have toilet paper

    we use about one roll a week for two people 

    How much do we really need?

    I would be more concerned with the esentials 

    Water (from the tap possibly using a filter jug)

    Protine (eggs, cheese, meat, etc)

    Veg (fresh or canned)

    Hand sanitizer (nope don't need that couple of bars of soap would last  a few months)



    That is about it

    Oh yes. Wine, beer (excluding corona of course)

    Good luck to you all



  2. 3 minutes ago, travelgirl528 said:

    Sorry - phone flounder.  I think the answer is without leadership from the top it falls upon each of us to be socially responsible to slow the spread.  I feel very fortuate our Ohio Governor is being proactive.  Our schools are closed.  Everything is closed.  But without leadership making those decisions, it is incumbant upon individuals to take precautions to limit spread.  The life you save may be your own.

    I agree with you.

    But I am unsure what to say to our employers "sorry we are not coming to work because we are in self quarantine"?

    "I think that will be 14 days but don't know right now"

    I know that schools have been closed.  When you say everything is closed do you mean shops, restaurants, gas stations, etc?

    I am lucky in that I work from home and probably have enough supplies to last for 14 days, but my children (that are in their own homes away from me) are not so lucky and will look to me for advice. Don't know what to tell them


  3. 26 minutes ago, travelgirl528 said:


    I did not say that.  You have quoted something that someone else said.

    Hmmmm....   Looks like quoting is not working properly. You probably selected something I said to quote and it put in what you typed

    But what is the answer? when will we be given direction? And leadership? Is the answer to go buy up all the toilet paper and bottled water I can get and lock my self in the house for 14 days?  When does that 14 days start? How will people know when I am safe?   



  4. I don't think it is all hype. Thank you for letting me know about that list. But how much of it applies now and people listen to the media. This virus is a serious thing.  And if we quarantine or not people are going to get sick. And what happens when we come out of quarantine. Perhaps it is a 4% death rate perhaps 1% per haps 10% who knows.  Unless we quarantine until there is a "cure" when people come out of quarantine there will still be the spread. Unless we quarantine RIGHT NOW everey person world wide and have tests available to identify if people are "clear" before we let them out of quarantine then it all starts again.

    I think that saying 14 days quarantine is how long it should be may not be the correct amount of time it could be 14 weeks, 14 months or even 14 years.  Nobody (that I have heard from, media, gov, etc) seems to know right now.

    Good luck to everyone.



  5. I blame blame blame the media for a lot of the panic buing that is going on.  On a local news channel one of the presenters said that people need to stock up on esentials like water, toilet paper, etc and even said people need to have hand cranked radios and flashlights.

    Does the media somehow have stocks in dormant Y2K companies? 🙂

     Why would power and water be affected?  I can see if the entire population is told to quarantine that there would be lack of staff at water treatment and power generating plants, but would not expect that.

    So what good is quarantine going to do if there is no cure?  Bori Johnson (PM of UK) had a good point on this.  It will not eliminate the virus but will give organizations the chance to organize things and be better prepared.

    Really though if there is no vacination and no cure apart from time then let everyone go about normal life and let people catch the virus become imune (if that is what happens) and some will die, possibly some of my family, possibly me, but restore the quality of life and remove this panic.


    • Like 2
  6. I look at it like this......

    There have been many viruses and threats to life in my 30+ years of cruising.

    Did that stop me? no it did not.

    I am booked on a cruise out of Long Beach on April 11th, 2020.

    So based on the factual data from https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

    Cruisers are not singled out as possible people to get the virus.  There are many situations where the virus could get passed on, at sporting events, in restaurants, at the movies, in grocery stores, on planes, on busses, on trains, etc the list is endless.

    In fact there are people watching out for possible carriers when boarding a cruise and hence I believe the risk is reduced.  Reading about how the virus is spread, through fluids from one body being inhaled or ingested by another I believe that the risk is lower than people might think.  

    There have been strains of the flu that have killed people in the past and that did not stop people going on cruises.

    Incidents on cruise ships make good press due to the vast numbers of people that could be affected when in fact the number of people actually infected is very low on the one ship in the USA so far (21 people and 19 were crew that live in close quarters)

    My Mother-in-law and Father-in-law who are in their 80s have decided to cancel but they are easily swayed by the media and bless them they are in the group that is apparently most affected.

    I will stay tuned to the news and the stats and see what gives.

    Going on a cruise migt be a good way to get away from all the drama 🙂


    It is all personal preference, if you don't feel safe or think you will be a nervous wreck while on the cruise worring about it then I would probably not go. But if you can think about things logically and take the necessary precautions then it is most likely ok to go.


    • Like 3
  7. We did a cruise out of Southampton back in 2006.

    We took a car from Heathrow to Southampton and stayed the night in a guest house.

    There is no direct train from Heathrow to Southampton.

    Here is a link that shows some of the train options.




    I would definitely say spend the night in Southampton if you are flying in from USA.

    Do not try to fly in the day of the cruise.

  8. VERY VERY Cool live review.

    You know a few years ago I had the idea of doing a cruise where the CC members on land vote on the things a drone (i.e. you) would do.

    So we might vote on go to Windjammer or MDR or Brazillian Steakhouse for dinner. Watch the show, go to casino, etc.

    Now this is almost making that possible.

    have a fun rest of the day in Hawaii. What time do we all have to be back on the ship?

  9. Hey there can i ask if the fishermans plate had lobster?


    The OP said that the Fisherman's Plate was the Lobster dish.


    ****ake night........


    That happened to me once but they gave me something in the infirmary and I was right as rain in a few hours :-)

  10. For those who are picky eaters or who have allergies to certain foods, you can order items without the sauce, etc. I don't like cheese or salad dressing, so I have ordered a plain salad on nights when there was cheese or dressing on any salads offered. Some nights, it might be just lettuce and tomatoes. Others, it has been mixed salad greens with other raw veggies. I have also requested to not have cheese or cream sauces on meats. They will fix items for you to your liking from the main menu.


    I saw that someone posted there are not many Salads on the Menu. Well I saw a few, but you can make as many Salads as you want......


    Order one of the salads and ask them to leave the meat off and substitute with something else from the menu......


    Strawberry Soup Salad

    Escargot Salad

    Sticky Bread Pudding Salad

    And the Creme de la creme .........

    Twinkie Salad (Of course they have to adopt my Twinkie menu first)

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