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Best Cat Mom

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  1. Day 10 concludes... Tonight was White Night and it was later in the cruise than we've ever experienced. We arrived to Le Muse around 8pm and it was a relatively calm restaurant at that time. We enjoyed some champagne and looked over the menu: BCD began with dumplings: I ordered the salmon to start: We switched to Mirrasou pinot noir for the main course: Ryan always wants a picture of himself to send to his fiancée (who was his girlfriend on our previous cruise -- progress!): BCD chose the lamb for his main, while I had lamb-envy because it was not GF: I opted for the salmon with extra vegetables. Salmon again? Yes, because I did not get enough of salmon quite yet. Glenn skinned it for me because -- well, of course: We shared the risotto, with "snow" on BCD's not-quite-half: Lots of nightcaps in the TSL followed, as time was running low for such fun. Treats were in the room (image taken the next morning -- that is not sunlight coming into our cabin when we retired from the lounge!): Day 11 is next...
  2. Day 10 -- Roatan We slept in today and even changed the coffee and Baileys to 8am. Arrival in Roatan was scheduled for an early 7am. As a result, Le Muse breakfast ended at 8:30am, which is just too darn early for us. We're always in a rush to make a 9am closing. The One Pool buffet closes at 10am (every day, I think, no matter what the port schedule is -- at least on this cruise) and we made it up there at 9:45am. The bar area was peaceful, as most had probably gone out today or at least been up earlier than us. Some images of the buffet area on Divina, which is the same on Fantasia and likely the other Fantasia-class ships, smaller than newer ships: This last image has the herring rollups in the left-most position. Someone asked about them another another thread so I made sure we included them here, though I can't recall who to tag. Sorry! We both ordered egg white with bacon and cheese omelets: We did notice that the potatoes on the buffet differ in "type" -- sometimes they were cubed, sometimes sliced, sometimes spears and sometimes the hockey puck variety. We had considered going out today since we've never been out at this port. We've only travelled here once and it was pouring rain that day. After spending an hour in the shade of the One Pool table, we were so overheated that we scrapped that idea. Oh well, maybe next time... We returned to the peace and air conditioning of TSL. We saw Dwi and Richard and thanked them for the wonderful room decorations. In TSL, Hubert told us that he had received his next contract assignment with his disembarking instructions. He will be on Bellisima in Asia beginning 4 August. Ashish, the other bartender, will remain on Divina until July. No idea who will be with Ashish beginning 18 April when Hubert departs. After some time in TSL, we walked to Le Muse on Deck 7 -- it was that hot out on deck. The cold champagne in Le Muse was refreshing as we checked out the offerings on the menu: I started with the salmon, which I had also ordered as a starter a few nights earlier where we'd forgotten to get a picture. It looked and tasted the same (yummy!): BCD started with the burrata: Today the mains included the prawns that are not our favorites so we both ordered burgers, my first of the cruise. No pictures, but imagine mine as GF -- no bun, no fries. Not worth an image. BCD's was served as previously shown days ago. We had the Altos malbec to accompany our mains: Then we headed back to TSL via Deck 7 once again. The heat from the morning still lingered with us. Day 10 conclusion follows...
  3. Day 9 conclusion... We returned to the cabin on the way to TSL and found it decorated to celebrate BCD's birthday: When no people jumped out at BCD, he acknowledged that this was a kind gesture. I exhaled. There were also the daily treats, which we hardly noticed until the morning: Then we headed to TSL for a nightcap. And what do you think happened there? When we entered, we sat at the bar and Hubert greeted us with a sidecar and an old fashioned. It was about 10:45pm and the entertainment -- Alma Duo -- was on break. Hubert said that they'd be back shortly. When they did come back, he smiled at me and disappeared into the back. When the female vocalist began singing Happy Birthday, BCD threw daggers at me with his eyes. I think when the cake was brought out, he finally surrendered. Or maybe he knew that the day only had about an hour to go. The whole lounge seemed to join in singing. We told Astari that when she took drink orders to ask if anyone wanted some cake: More than half the cake was eaten, so it did not go completely to waste. I wonder if the kitchen thought as they made this, "How many guests named BCD have a birthday today?" We retired to the room very late, and I was not in trouble for any of the shenanigans in the end. Thank goodness, because I would hate to have to find another travelling companion for the upcoming cruises we have booked. 😉 Day 10 is next...
  4. As a native NYer, I try to quash my tendencies to be my true self. However, I will attempt to fulfill your wishes. Notice that I did not "like" your post. Good start? 😁
  5. Indeed we are, sir! And that is always my intent. If it came across otherwise, you have my sincere apologies. Tone is so difficult in text.
  6. I was trying to be subtle LOL. They have also told us that they prefer the friendlier guests from America. One crew member said that the Europeans make him feel like a servant and not at all appreciated. 😞
  7. Day 9 Dinner... Tonight was Gala Night so we dressed formally, well for us. Suit, tie and jacket for BCD and dress with heel and hose for me. No tuxes or gowns for us, but our version of dressy. We arrived to Le Muse at 8:15pm and were surprised to find it not nearly as busy as last night. Perhaps everyone was dining at their leisure since today was a sea day? We started with the obligatory champagne and surveyed the (wonderful) menu: BCD ordered the snails, which we were delighted to finally see on the menu. When we were on Seaside last September, they were part of the Classic Favorites section of the menu and available every night at dinner. I was able to order it often, but they'd had to alter the dish to be GF. Tonight, being Gala Night, was too busy to alter for me (in keeping with how we know the Classic Favorites are always omitted from the menu on Gala Night). BCD started eating before we remembered to capture the image but we covered the 2 missing snails with his bread: I ordered a simple green salad since so much food was to come in the next course. Posting the menus right now, I realize that I overlooked the octopus carpaccio in the Healthy section. Ggrrr! I really like that. How did I miss it? Oh well, next cruise... For our main course, we switched to Gabbiano chianti and both ordered the surf and turf with the champagne risotto in the middle to share. We've always ordered those two mains each in the past with risotto on Gala Night, though the table does get pretty crowded if they bring the lobster separate from the filet. Glenn de-shells the lobsters tableside, which no other MSC server has ever done for us. Once de-shelled, the lobster can fit on the same dish as the filet with only a bit of overcrowding: I had spoken with Mehmet the night before and asked if he could prepare a surprise dish of spaghetti carbonara for BCD's birthday tonight. I only had a few seconds to talk to him on the way out of the restaurant so while he immediately said yes, I had no idea of the details. I thought maybe it would be brought with the starters since we'd ordered so much for the main course. Then again, since it was a pasta and all pastas were listed with the mains, it was more likely to be a main dish, and it was: BCD hadn't had carbonara since our last visit to Roma in 2005 and he was dying for some. He said this was excellent. I was not GF back in 2005 and I had carbonara-envy watching him enjoy it so much. I only wish we had captured an image of the oh-so-crowded table. However, we did get a picture of our wonder twin servers: It's little off-center so I could crop out other diners in the background. When they do this fist bump, I always think of the Wonder Twins from the Superfriends cartoon that I used to watch on Saturday mornings. If any of you are my age, you might remember them. BCD finishes all of his carbonara and lobster, most of his filet and a decent amount of his share of the risotto and then tells me how stuffed he is. I knew what was coming next, as most of you probably do as well. Yep, a birthday cake! All of the server teams gathered around us and sang Happy Birthday in several languages. One used BCD's phone to record a video. It was quite festive. And BCD was quite flabbergasted. He somehow managed to have a small piece of cake, though I could not as it was not GF. Day 9 concludes next...
  8. Day 9 continues... We left BC and returned to TSL just as they were starting to set up for Afternoon Tea at 3:30pm. If you've been following along, you know that we dine S-L-O-W-L-Y and a 2.5 hour lunch of 3 courses is not at all unusual for us. We're always surprised when we see people in and out of a restaurant while we're still on the same course. We have been pleasantly surprised this cruise as there have been quite a few other tables dining just as slowly as us. It's nice to know that not everyone is in a rush these days to get to the "next thing." Tea time began promptly at 4pm and a saxophonist provided background music during the service. We are not normally tea drinkers but we decided to stay and enjoy the experience. TSL had a good showing of people today. TSL used to have afternoon tea every day but has now cut back to only one day now. (I'm not sure if it's one day per cruise or one per a certain number of sea days.) You can have tea at any time, of course, but it's not the big production of the "one" afternoon tea. BCD chose jasmine tea and I chose English Breakfast. They also supplied us with some GF cookies, which felt like a nice gesture. Here's one of the carts that circulated to the tables (other people's faces intentionally cropped): As we said to each other whilst sipping tea with our little fingers extended, it was delightful! 🙂 Dinner is next...
  9. Whenever we have a server who does not know us well, we will ask about specific grapes for wines that are outside of the usual merlot and cabernet sauvignon. It is a subtle way to convey that you're interested in trying other wines. Malbec is a good one to bring up. I've also asked about Zinfandel -- red, not white, of course. Red zin is a nice grapey wine with little to no tannins and I find it sippable even without food. Shiraz/Syrah is another choice with relatively low tannins. We've never been on Seashore, but on Divina they have holding areas throughout the dining area with various open bottles. See if you can spot any that catch your fancy and ask to try them. The whites are always in the wine buckets so it's harder to read their labels. You could try to discreetly watch the tables around you for labels that are unfamiliar as well. Enjoy exploring all the offerings! 🙂
  10. Day 9 -- Sea Day Today is BCD's birthday and he doesn't quite know yet how many of the YC crew are aware. He is suspicious of what may be planned for his day because last night as we left TSL, the night concierge wished him a Happy Birthday, saying that he knew it was 10 minutes early but sending birthday wishes anyway. We don't know the night concierge very well as we only see him when we are leaving TSL to retire for the night. BCD started questioning me right away but stopped asking about the concierge when we arrived at our cabin door where he saw some type white of white paper barely sticking out from under our door. He was hesitant to go in the room. "What did you do??" Luckily for me, it was only the notice of our free dancing lesson as Voyagers Club Diamond members. This quelled his suspicions temporarily. We awoke to that bright sea sunshine that we love in the mornings. Coffee and Baileys arrived at 7:30am but we were moving slowly so we did not get to Le Muse until 8:45am. There were just a few tables occupied so we figured folks were up at the One Pool. We ordered our usual 2 mimosas and 2 cappuccini. I should not say ordered though, since they usually simply ask us if we want the "usual." Not a bad "usual" to have. Susmita brought them and asked if she could get us anything else. Without missing a beat, I said, "Two more weeks on Divina." She looked lost for just a moment but quickly recovered. Sometimes we wonder if our humor won't make sense to someone whose first language is not English but this time it was understood. But not granted. I see what people mean when they say that they are always told "no" in YC. BCD chose eggs benedict for his birthday breakfast and I had two 6-minute eggs with bacon on the side. (No pictures since they'd be a rerun of a previous morning.) We stopped by the casino to retrieve the remainder of our OBC. The bar there was not opening until noon so we went back to TSL to for champagne and a Bloody Mary. As we passed the concierge desk, more birthday wishes were expressed. BCD again wanted to know what was in the works for him for the day. I tried to smile my way through it, knowing that it was going to get "worse" for me but "better" for him. I had some more surprises planned that I could not share here because then there would not be any surprise. BCD doesn't have a CC account, but he does read my phone and PC occasionally. We had reservations for lunch at Butcher's Cut (BC) for 1pm. We're not usually overly hungry for lunch and I wanted to make sure that he had an appetite for a big meal -- and the surprise cake at the end. I had spoke with our butler Dwi and set up the cake a few days earlier. She had been the one to suggest a GF cake so I could have some too. As we were sipping our drinks in TSL, several passengers wished him a happy birthday adding to his suspicions. Then a couple we chat with frequently said that by coincidence they also had 1pm reservations at BC. When they left, BCD asked me why they left so early. I told him he was paranoid, just like with the cards under the door the night before. By the time we were leaving to go to BC, it was nearly empty in TSL. He pointed out that everyone was gone and his suspicions grew... We arrived just after 1pm to BC and the front tables were sorta filled for lunch, so the host took us the next room, which is by the bar. I was amused by this because he looked so apprehensive. I had nothing planned other than the cake but this was such fun. 😉 It was time to put our attention to eating and I think he forgot the suspicions as we started to read the menu. We started immediately with red wine, not our usual bubbles. He chose the Oberon (which Le Muse was out of, but I guess BC is not sharing their supply) and I chose the Altos Malbec. I've always ordered the Malbec at BC and we had seen it being served in Le Muse one evening and kept forgetting to have it there. The Altos is from Mendoza, Argentina, and I've found that the Malbecs that I like the best come from Mendoza. We've not yet been to Argentina, but a wine tour is definitely on the agenda when we do make it there for a holiday. We forgot pictures of the wines, but I did post the Oberon from a dinner a few nights ago and (spoiler) we have an image of the Malbec from Le Muse later in the cruise. We pretty much knew what we'd order but gave it one last consideration. I don't think the menu has changed at all, but just in case: We both chose chop salad as our starters. Here is BCD's, with the bread basket that is not GF: BCD ordered the filet as his main: I ordered -- can you guess? -- lamb: Here's BCD's filet with his side dish of brussel sprouts (as listed on menu, but should really be "Brussels sprouts" -- we've learned so much about the spelling of food items during this cruise!) and the four sauces that are served with every menu item under the steak section: Here's my lamb with a side of roasted cauliflower: And here is the full table with the pepper mill and salt cellar -- nice touch, having a salt cellar: We've been to BC on all our MSC cruises and even at dinner there is not a tablecloth. I think they believe it makes for a more rustic feel, but we really miss having a tablecloth. The red placemats are not conducive to aerating the wine in the glasses. The meal is now winding down and we had told the server that we'd not be having dessert so BCD is now unsuspecting and voila! here comes the cake with servers singing Happy Birthday. He seemed truly surprised and I was happy to find a GF cake (pie really) that we could both enjoy with some more glasses of red wine: It was quite tasty. The filling was a sorta dense chocolate pudding, the topping was chopped nuts and the crust was a nice crumbly one. I did not know exactly what they'd serve us but this did not disappoint. We each had one and half slices and they gave us the rest to take back to the cabin. So far, I'm feeling good about how I've indulged him on his special day. Oh, and here is the Le Muse lunch menu: More on Day 9 coming up...
  11. So excited to see you beginning another thread, and this time you're back on Seascape. We're on her in September for a B2B. Many of the YC crew with us on Divina are beginning their holidays in the next few weeks and are not sure where they may be come September. Several said that Seascape might be their next contract. I'm guessing this is because they prefer the Caribbean. (Now back to finishing my so-called Live thread. Only 4 days behind now.) Buon viaggio!
  12. We are home now (and with no family drama to distract us this time). I have copious notes and images from the last few days and will continue with Day 9...
  13. We thought we understood your meaning but looked it up to confirm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Past_life_regression). BCD was aware of the birthday connection, and then when he saw that da Vinci was also left-handed and perhaps ambidextrous, we were especially intrigued. Definitely something that we might explore. Thanks for the idea! 🙂
  14. Our Divina transatlantic from Genoa to Miami in November 2024 has been cancelled. We're on Divina now and the crew -- and even management -- in YC did not yet know. They did say that a drydock was planned in Malta for Divina after the crossing, so they were not overly concerned. The email we received also mentions that Divina's return to Europe in April 2025 is cancelled too. No reason was mentioned for either cancellation.
  15. Day 8 -- Costa Rica Clocks changed last night so we had a extra hour of sleep, which might have been part of the choice for us to spend a little extra time in TSL after dinner yesterday. We were up before the alarm, from the bright sunshine streaming into the cabin. For us, sun is the perfect way to wake up. Coffee and Baileys arrived promptly at 7:30am and we were off to Le Muse by around 8am, since they closed early today at 8:30am. We had our usual 2 mimosas and 2 cappuccini: BCD ordered MSC express with over easy eggs and 5 slices of crispy bacon. I had 2 six-minute eggs with 'regular' bacon -- the non-crispy kind. (Sorry that we forgot pictures.) We went back to TSL around 9:15am and it seemed like all YC excursions had already departed. Our cabin had again fully restored by the awesome Richard, who snuck in and out while we enjoyed our breakfast. We hung out there until lunch time and then headed back to Le Muse for lunch. Champagne and menus were presented: We both chose the crab to start, still drinking champagne: We both had the swordfish for our mains with more champagne for me and Gabbiano chianti for BCD: We went back to TSL for the afternoon. On the way, we noticed that the library in the concierge area had been replaced by more displays of the shopping opportunities on the ship. When we asked the concierge, he said that it was a result of Covid. We weren't sure if Covid caused people to not want to borrow books or if MSC made the decision not to have them available for borrowing. I had heard that many libraries outside of YC had been deleted recently, but I think this is the first YC one I'd heard had been removed. During the afternoon, I made reservations for Butcher's Cut at 1pm tomorrow, using our free Diamond meal for BCD's birthday. I had already spoken with our butler Dwi to arrange a cake for him at the end of that meal. She was the one who suggested it should be GF so I could have some too. I'm hoping that it will be a nice surprise for him. We arrived for dinner in Le Muse at 8:30pm. We chose to be later than the previous night since it was so busy then. It was even busier tonight 30 minutes later! Glenn said he had 22 people already at the time we were seated. We amused ourselves with menus and champagne and told him that he knew where to find us when he was ready: BCD had shrimp cocktail as his starter (no picture, sorry) and I had a caesar salad, both still drinking champagne: For mains, we moved on to the Gabbiano chianti. BCD had the filet and shrimp: I had the lamb for my main: We shared the truffle risotto: The dining room was filled with the wonderful aroma of truffles! We left very satisfied and had a few rounds of sidecars and old fashioneds in TSL and returned to the cabin to find the evening's treats: Day 9, BCD's birthday and US Tax Day, is next...
  16. Day 7 conclusion... We went to Le Muse a little after 8pm and it was crazy busy for so late. We mused (yes, mused) that maybe it was unusually crowded so late because all aboard was at 7:30pm. We told Glenn that we'd be fine with champagne and menus to baby-sit us: BCD started with the iceberg wedge and I chose the salmon tartare, which is another one of my favorites. (No pictures, sorry.) As we had now depleted the Oberon supply in Le Muse, we chose the Gabbiano chianti to accompany our mains. BCD ordered the rib eye: I asked if the pork was GF. Glenn checked with the chef and said it "could" be. So when it arrived without the mustard sauce, I was not surprised. Many of my dishes are quite altered from the menu description when made GF. Here's my dish, your protein will likely look much different: We shared the porcini risotto, one of our absolute favorite dishes in YC: You may have noticed some grated parmesan on our risotto. That's BCD's "side" of the dish; my side is unadulterated, the way nature intended. 😉 We returned to TSL and had a fun late night. The bar area was hopping and all of us kept Hubert quite busy. We had 2 rounds of sidecars and old fashioneds, 2 Girl Scout Cookies each, I tried a Lemon Drop for the first time (I'll stick to the sidecars), BCD had a shot of Jameson and Baileys that someone suggested he try (peer pressure!) and he also had at least one shot of Fireball. We returned to the cabin around 1am to find our treats: Day 8 coming next...
  17. Thanks for your kind words. 🙂 The breakfast menu is in the first post from Day 2 (post #32). This is the direct link (I hope): https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/3002165-live-from-msc-divina-yc-yacht-club-western-caribbean-miami-7-april-to-18-april-2024/page/2/#comment-67222629
  18. Day 7 - Colón, Panama Our Baileys and coffee arrived as usual at 7:30am to start our day. We arrived at Le Muse around 8:30am and gladly accepted 2 mimosas and cappuccini: BCD ordered a cold cut plate and a cheese plate, which he combined to one plate so as to not overwhelm the table: I had 2 six-minute eggs with grilled ham: We meandered back to YC. Arrival time in Colon was supposed to be ~10am. By 11:30am, all excursions were called and TSL was again a calm oasis. We heard that around 80 of the YC passengers had gone out today. We arrived at Le Muse for lunch at 12:30pm. At breakfast, Mehmet had told us that most crew wanted to go outside here because it was their last real chance before the transatlantic back to Europe. We had planned to have lunch earlier today so we wouldn't be reducing their time outside. We had champagne and read through the offerings on the menu: We both started with the beef and added Gabbiano chianti when the champagne was finished: BCD chose the cannelloni for his main: I was surprised that I could choose the chicken, since sauces are rarely GF: After lunch, we went back to TSL. Hubert was working the bar and the lounge was virtually empty so we sat at the bar to keep him company. We met Hubert on our first Divina cruise in October 2022. He was a bartender at the One Pool at that time and was just finishing his contract. We were pleasantly surprised to see that he had moved up to TSL for our transatlantic last November, and he told us that he'd still be on for our next Divina cruise. He is disembarking at the end of this cruise and not sure where he'll be next. We are hoping that we'll see him again on a future cruise, maybe even our Seascape September voyage. We had a few Girl Scout Cookie drinks and passed the time. Here is Hubert with one round of our drinks/desserts: YC Director Tiziana stopped by TSL and chatted with BCD a bit. She'd talked with him a few previous times whilst he was working on his "champagne" cars. This time BCD had a completed car ready for delivery and presented it to her: We stopped by the YC concierge desk to try to book an excursion for tomorrow in Costa Rica. When we'd been on this same itinerary last time, it had been cancelled because not enough people booked it. This time it was already full so it looks like we're staying on the ship again tomorrow. Good thing we like the Divina so much. So far, we haven't gone out even once. As we neared dinner, I ordered a shiraz and BCD ordered a double Elijah Craig to take back to the room to dress for dinner. Day 7 concludes next...
  19. No because they don't the specific way you are funding the chips. The amount is charged to your cabin via your cruise card. They don't know if you have OBC available in your cabin account or if you'll be covering extra charges with your registered credit card. Also, if you use the slot machines instead, it is all electronic on the machines themselves. No interaction with a human is needed until you decide to cash out.
  20. Not so fast -- we still have 3 more days. We disembark on Thursday. When Susmita brought our mimosas this morning, she asked if she could get us anything else. I replied, "Two more weeks on the ship." It took a moment for that to sink in. I said, "You asked." 😉
  21. They are out of Oberon now -- and we're definitely not saying that it has a single thing to do with us! LOL
  22. When you are in the casino, load money into a slot machine (or buy chips at a table) by charging to your room. Play a bit if you want, then cash out at the cashier to get cash for whatever is left.
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