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Posts posted by gizmo

  1. Ziggy, good picture. :D


    Rev, Very clever !!!:cool:


    Ok, SOMEONE in this "Blender Gang " needs to come up with a plan to handle the Bingo announcements and the person making them. :eek:


    Let's have some ideas. I don't want to over feed Skippy.

  2. Cactuslady, I am with you. The rockettes are enough. I see trouble brewing with the guys and this beauty pagent thing. :p Their eyes will be bulging and their tongs will be hanging out. :eek: Your stallions may have to drag them back to their cabins.

    They can polka with the rockettes but we might need Skippy and the stallions to keep them under control.

  3. Do you think we can dedicate a song to all the beer smugglers?


    I am sure the Cedar Rapids Accordion Aces know "The Beer Barrel Polka".


    Does anyone know if the Rockettes polka?


    If the Aces played the Crocodile Rock for Skippy do you think he would know the difference? Maybe Barry Manilow could sing and change the words to Alligator Rock.



    Cactus Lady, I don't think we can get the Whirling Dervishes. :( They are booked up with some belly dancers in Egypt. (Google was helpful with this). Let's go with your stallions. One problem. Someone will have to keep Skippy the Alligator clear of them.

  4. Orcrone


    Hmmmm we have Bagpipe players, and accordian players, and a drummer, and some Irish step dancers , and I am working on getting a couple of cloggers .


    Now we have the Rockettes and your alligator wrestler, and a juggler(hopefully he rides a unicycle while juggleing )


    hmmmmmm this is turning into what Ed Sullivan would have called a Really Big Show *LOL*


    This kind of star studded line up is just screaming for a big finale.


    I am thinking a seal playing "Mary Had A Little Lamb" on a long row of horns.

    You got another vote for the seal, but not as a finale.


    I was wondering if the Whirling Dervishes are still performing. Imagine them whirling all over the place!

  5. Gizmo,


    Are they the best or what? *LOL*


    That table is picked clean when they leave *LOL*

    Yep, they are the best. God Bless Them!


    The establishment is lucky if some of the flatware did not make it to their over sized purses.

  6. Laffnvegas



    I can help you get started on the sugar collection. I will have my mother and her friends at the senior club hit every diner, restaurant and coffee shop in town. They'll have 35,000 packets of sugar by the end of the week.


    If they bring their big purses we might even get some dinner rolls.

    I think I am going to die laughing at this one. I had an Aunt that was a pro at this.:D
  7. It's a deal - no walking further than 10 Ft!!! Can we borrow the scooter to get more cream soda to mix with out Thunderbird? Oops, I forgot - DH wants to bring his Schlitz Malt Liquor instead...


    Ladies - I've got some Annie Greensprings Strawberry-Apple Wine and some Boones Farm Mountain Nectar that I've been saving since 1976 for such a special occasion - oh, and we won't even need a corkscrew - these are the fancy screw-top bottles!

    I will share my cream soda and TBird cocktails if you share your exotic aged wine. There is nothing better than aged wine. One question, do they have an "unscrewing fee", if you bring the wine to the dining room?


    I suggest a wine tasting party after the skeet shooting to celebrate!:D

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