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Everything posted by AndyMichelle

  1. We had the same reservations about the Loen sky lift. We got off the ship early, straight into the booth, just under £60 pp, on first bus, a good few hours with lovely clear skies and on way back down before the rain came in and the big queues formed. It was so easy to do. Andy
  2. It is hit and miss, you may be lucky, but they do enforce times when busy, especially when the coaches are arriving as they get priority. We have arrived early twice, once straight on, the other we had to wait. Andy
  3. Just catching up with this thread with interest. Some great points being made from both sides of the fence, just how a thread should be. I am going to lower the tone though😂 I get sick of this 'not my fault Guvnor' attitude. We are seeing it more and more in society and I just can't accept it as an excuse. An offer was made and accepted in good faith by the paying customer. P&O cannot just pass on liability because the contract was not fulfilled on their behalf. What happened to due diligence? What happened to customer service? What happened to common courtesy? This 'rock and a hard place' situation should never have been allowed to happen, but when it did, it needed dealing with quickly and effectively by P&O, they took the money... Just basic business practice was needed. Andy
  4. We did it for the first time recently. £6 per day, as safe as any hotel car park, take ticket with you, pay when collecting the car. Cheaper than a taxi, even though we live fairly locally. Andy
  5. Like all ships, the best spots for sunbeds get snapped up quickly, but never experienced the 'hogging' that happens on other ships. A more mature clientele are more conscious of being fair to other passengers. Have a great time. Andy
  6. Yes, they are happy to fill your own.
  7. I feel there might be a few to begin with, so word spreads that you 'can' get caught. That would be enough to stop most of us, not that we bothered anyway. Andy
  8. It was still there a couple of weeks back on Britannia, although not listed as 'always available' it was 'always available', along with the 5oz steak. Andy
  9. My understanding is that is what was happening, bottles removed from checked in luggage, but as you say, it would be nice if someone this happened to could confirm. True or not, there is just as many stories out there of passengers who have ignored the instructions and got away with it. The fact that a lot of people who would have taken their own now dont, means it is a success for P&O already, unless we all 'jump ship'... Andy
  10. Yes, friends of ours have just got off Iona too and tell the same story. They also received an email before they sailed advising of the changes, so no excuses. Andy
  11. Always worth a call, we did it once and they agreed to let us stay in our original cabin. Good luck Andy
  12. Arcadia scheduled for November this year, Aurora April 2025. Andy
  13. Not sure about this? Your post above only says alcohol apart from wine and Champagne are banned? Can't find anything on the website to say you can't specifically take soft drinks? Andy
  14. Definitely early if the sky is clear. We were straight off, after breakfast of course, tickets bought and on first bus within 10 minutes. When we came down about lunchtime, the queue was huge. It's definitely worth the visit. Andy
  15. It's very easy. There is a portakabin opposite the ship, next to the pub. Walk in, buy tickets (£58 each last week) get on blue bus waiting outside, run every 15 minutes. So straightforward, even when P&O is sold out. Have a great time. Andy
  16. Welcome home Derek. Glad you had a great time, despite the setback. Hope all heals up quickly. Surprised to hear the cafe is closed at Alesund, it seemed to be doing great business when we went a while back. Thank you for reporting in, feedback like yours helps a lot of people and we enjoy following along. Andy
  17. Well, 558 replies and over 25k views says it must mean a lot to some people.
  18. That shows the divide. No pints under a fiver down here, except 'Spoons', Peroni £6.20. Any meal in a decent pub is around £18, even a burger. A steak starts now about £20, a decent cut nearer £30. Large cod & chips, take away from the chippie is over a tenner. Andy
  19. Our local pub wine list. You connoisseurs will tell me if this makes P&O expensive? Our nearest comparison was a bottle of Zinfandel Rose on board was £25, £26.50 here. Andy
  20. Same on Britannia, but we did see a Japanese guy refuse the hand sanitiser, but he was the only one. The bigger worry for me was in the toilets. Lots of men do not wash their hands...
  21. Not quite taking on your challenge MB, I am not that brave... 😊 But I have been comparing like for like for 7 nights Fjords next year and there isn't much between P&O, Princess and Cunard, if you take into account the expected better experience. Our balcony, select fare, same cabin as this year on Britannia is £350 dearer then we paid this year, with slightly less obc. Princess, including Plus, was obviously dearer, but if you take into account what we spent on board and if we used the WiFi, there was about £100 difference. (I would definitely drink more) 😂 Iona was slightly higher than Britannia, but had better ports (Flam). I know the bargains can still be found, but I think they are getting less and less on the popular cruises. Andy
  22. Totally agree with all you say. It is nothing like the pre covid offering, but a lot of the cuts haven't really affected my ability to have a good holiday, but I drastically have to adapt my expectations. We are looking elsewhere and have Cunard booked, but as you have pointed out, things are changing there too. P&O still offer enough for me to have a good time, at the moment... The bigger worry for me is that like for like prices are creeping up, whilst standards continue to drop. The argument of being so much cheaper is diminishing. We did see a few instances of not great behaviour, but there is still thousands of lovely people having a great time without offending anyone. Andy
  23. I agree it doesn't sound like a signature dish, you don't have to buy it though... The MDR on Britannia offers a signature 3 course meal for £14.95, it didn't look very inspiring, so we didn't buy it. It took nothing away from the included menu, and it seems like the Golden Lion is the same. These are not things that used to be free, at least not in recent history. Ice cream is not included on P&O, but many buy it. Is Costa Coffee 'premium'? Like everything on this thread, we have choices to make, and always have... If we don't like it, we know what to do. Andy
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