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Posts posted by Teacher42

  1. We had an owners suite on the Allure. It had tons of drawer and cabinet space. Just the kind of cabin you would want on an around the world cruise. Even 'Lady Aster' could not use all the space with her 7 suitcases full of cloths and 'stuff'.

  2. To all,  We have been told that many cruisers may use the drawers in the cabins to store their soiled clothing before packing up. Perhaps it would be wise to also spray the interior of the drawers and cabinets before placing your clothing in them. We do this and one step further. We have all our clothing, clothing not being hung in the closet, in large zip-lock 'Hefty' bags, which we then place in the sprayed drawers and cupboards. It still will not protect you , should someone cough in your face in the elevator, but at least we can try to protect ourselves as best we can.

  3. Dear All, From reading the letter sent to all the passengers RCI/RCCL has 'stepped up to the plate' and is doing the right thing by its passengers.  I take back everything negative I assumed of this cruise line, in their prior treatment of me in regard to booking penalties. They deserve kudos for their monetary reimbursement of their passengers. The decision to return early to give them time to sanitize the ship is also very commendable, giving future passengers the confidence to sail with them. Concerning the now Oasis sailing hit with Noro virus.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Dear Bike, We were on a Pacquet cruise, when we were given a check for all our money back including our business class air roundtrip  to Beijing, due to a refueling accident in Tsingtao and the ship could not continue. They flew us all to Hong Kong and in our hotel the American President of Pacquet, Mr. Iverson, flew in to give us our refund checks. One 'gentleman 'in front of us said to him it was not enough. Mr. Iverson took out his own wallet and gave this 'gentleman' $200 than make a 'scene'.  All the rest of us were satisfied with our instant refund. We all felt we hit the lottery. They also gave us one voucher per passenger for a 50% off future cruise. That was 2 future cruises for us at 1/2 off.  Their will always be someone out there where it will never be enough. God bless them!

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  5. Dear Chen,  First I bow to your expertise on this issue. But no matter how much one sanitizes something, just one affected passenger walks out of his or her cabin tracking the infection once again. The passengers all exit the ship and the properly trained crew go at it. I am sure (hope) they are all trained, like boat drill (women and children first).

  6. Dear All, From reading the letter sent to all the passengers RCI/RCCL has 'stepped up to the plate' and is doing the right thing by its passengers.  I take back everything negative I assumed of this cruise line, in their prior treatment of me in regard to booking penalties. They deserve kudos for their monetary reimbursement of their passengers. The decision to return early to give them time to sanitize the ship is also very commendable, giving future passengers the confidence to sail with them.

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  7. Allure in June we had to first meet in the concierge S/L lounge/Coastal Kitchen , where we conjectured, was our last chance to 'tip' our concierges. Which is exactly what happened with those assembled. When the tipping was over, we were requested to take the elevators down to the Champagne Bar/Lounge. Having to wait for elevators is just one of the major banes of this cruise ship and of course there were too many of us. But,alas what is the rush after all? Just hurry up and wait. Trying to find a seat in the C Bar was the next hurdle for our next waiting for the ship to be cleared before we were asked to follow the concierges past all the other waiting passengers clogging up the pathway to get to the disembarkation ramp. You needed the concierges to tell the other passengers to stand back, clear the way. They acted like a police escort stopping traffic for a funeral procession.

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    • Teacher42
    • July 13, 2018
    • 166 posts

    Alcohol kills influenza virus which is airborne.Rhinovirus is sensitive to acids ( vinegar, citric). Above 80 degrees  at 81 degrees F there is no transmission of the influenza virus. It survives up to 4 days on surfaces and survives in the air at low temperatures, it needs to be wiped off.Cats and dogs do not get either.,only primates do. Avian influenza is not a major dilemma for humans for it is not easily transmitted to us and is not contagious from one human to another human. We take a large spray bottle of alcohol and another of vinegar to spray our hands after washing. We hit the room surfaces with everything including clorax wipes and we finally spend time with an utraviolet light wand charged up before we go. I still got sick the last day of the cruise from a cougher on the elevator.

  8. We love the RCI product, but have found that the Pinnacles crowd us out of our venues. Overcrowded dinner times equals more harried waitstaff and slower service. The 'look the other way' attitude at Pinnacles bringing their 'pets' into suite venues. The pool sun deck becoming as crowded as the main pool area causing suite guests to 'save' lounge chairs, negating the benefit of the exclusivity factor of paying suite passengers. "Sorry sir and madam, you will have to wait tonight we are too busy in the dining room at the moment. Can you come back in a half an hour?"

  9. Dear 41, Did you advertise or ever mention that your dog's anus is all over your furniture to your friends? Or did you just take for granted that anyone that has pets is subject to pet anus upholstery, and they should all be self aware?  At a Thanksgiving dinner one year a niece brought a home baked apple pie, it had dog hairs in it. Needless to say, from that day forward the family rule has been nothing homemade only store bought goods allowed.

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  10. Dear King,  Your example is missing the disposable booties, so you do not track the filth you are trying to avoid. We purchased the gas masks years ago. They can store for years and are only good for one use, purchased at the time from Magellans , a well known travel supply company. They are specific for travelers that stay in hotels and cruise ships to allow them precious added minutes to escape the deadly toxic smoke that most fire victims succumb. It is not the fire that kills most of its victims, its the smoke.

    • Haha 2
  11. Also, you all know that the suites are not that clean. We bring a carry-on filled with disinfectants. A can of lysol to spray the furniture and everything else. Clorax wipes for all handles, sink and toilet. We carry 3 battery charged UV ultra violet wands to go over everything, drapes , tv controls etc. Throw-away flip-flops to wear in the room and shower to avoid fungi on the floors and carpets. We try to avoid as much as possible and consider any cruise a success if we do not get sick.

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