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Posts posted by tvaud

  1. [quote name='Quampapetet']My girl loves fruit, too - and even crunchy lettuce! (She hates soggy lettuce, though, and spits it out if it isn't crunchy enough for her liking!! :rolleyes: Who knew a dog could be so particular?!) For Christmas, she got a bag of watermelon doggy treats from Fruitables (the brand name) and is loving those! I do caution everyone to stay away from bananas, though, as they can cause cavities in dogs' teeth. Do be sure to brush your dog's teeth daily, too! (I recommend the C.E.T. brand toothpaste.)

    I don't know where Roz gets her salmon oil, but I get mine from The Wholistic Pet (I order online, but their products are available in select stores, too). I get the capsules because liquid salmon oil (albeit I never tried TWP's liquid) is horrible to travel with. If you are an IAADP (International Association of Assistance Dog Partners) USA member, you can get Welactin (liquid salmon oil) for free and I used to do that, until I had salmon oil all over the inside of and contents of my dog's bag on one trip! :eek: That wasn't fun. I decided that paying for the capsules (which are from an organic company, so better quality) was worth it after that! [url]www.TheWholisticPet.com[/url][/QUOTE]

    [B]It's so funny that you mentioned lettuce. Pedro loves lettuce too. I can't enjoy a salad by myself anymore. He gives me the sad eyes and I always give in. Crunchy or limp, he will eat it. LOL He loves veggies too. Oh, and forget about ordering a pepperoni pizza, expecting to eat the pepperoni. Pizza night at our house is tough. Pedro goes nuts over pepperoni and our parrots scream for the crusts. One of our macaws, Gloria Estefeather, can even say "pizza." In our house, it's all about sharing...:rolleyes:

    I have to check out all of the nutritional supplements you all suggested.

    I do have another question... Have any of you encountered any problems in the various foreign ports entering businesses or restaurants with your dogs?Have you ever been denied entry? Any problems with ship or private tours allowing our dogs?

    Today, we are at the 30 day mark before we sail. Crunch time.:D

  2. Something that I forgot to mention when it comes to snacks for our dogs:


    RICE CAKES.......Horton loves his rice cakes. Two every evening before he goes to bed. I also bring them when I'm cruising.


    I use the ones that are lightly salted [and I sometimes put a smathering of peanut butter on for a special treat.] I've also used the ones with no salt and he loves them too.


    I notice that they're very satisfying to the dog and they don't put any weight on.




    I'm not sure if Pedro would eat rice cakes...although, I like them.:) He actually likes fruit. I make my low fat, low cal pineapple chicken a lot, and he gives me the weepy eyed look until I give him some of my pineapple. He also likes melon. Yes, I know, he's weird...lol...but we love him.


    I do want to get some of the salmon oil you use. Where do you get it? Online or store?



  3. Here's a Canine Companions For Independence article on what they are doing with service dogs for Wounded Warriors coming home with PTSD.




    Yes, PTSD dogs are wonderful. Our Pedro's job is PTSD service. It's truly amazing to watch him work. When he goes into action, he becomes a big super dog, instead of the little guy he normally is. When an episode starts, I can see it coming and Pedro feels it. He literally jumps into action until he gets my husband to engage with him. The last one happened in a Best Buy while we were buying a new computer. Someone came up to us and started talking about a tragedy in our city that set him off. Pedro sensed it and got in his face and forced my husband to pay attention to him instead of reverting inside his head. Once Pedro got him, the tears started to roll and he was back in this world once again. For the last five cruises, he's had an episode, one lasting three days. With Pedro along, I am hoping for a much easier time.


    Pedro may be small, but he's mighty. :)



  4. Pedro had his first of two vet visits for the cruise. Our vet was very up to date on everything we needed and that I had discussed with his assistant. When I asked about over vaccinating, he said it was a moot point. He said it's what is required and all the discussion in the world isn't going to change it. He had to get it. Pedro hardly flinched for the blood draw...but he did wince about five seconds after the microchip was inserted. Delayed reaction? The rabies shot got a whimper out of him. The next visit is four days before we leave, when he will get his booster shots and the certificate. The following day we have our appointment at the USDA office.


    Since he was such a good boy today, I treated him to some frozen custard. The best frozen custard stand is just down the street from the vet's office. Pedro loves their vanilla twist almost as much as I did. At first, he wasn't interested, but then I put a dab on his nose. Once he tasted it, he picked up his head and went to town on the cone. I should just get him his own little cup next time.


    Now that he's been home a few hours, he's seems a bit listless. I'm sure it's from the vaccinations. I'm hoping to see that tail up and waggling tomorrow.



  5. I was a bit leery about dressing Brenda when we started cruising with her in 2002 but I found some really cute collars and I couldn't resist making her look pretty. I played it by ear to see how the public would react and some people thought she was so pretty and others paid no attention!


    I soon realized that as long as my dog was ALWAYS on her best behavior that making her look pretty had NOTHING to do with the job that she performed and I didn't need to be so sensitive about it.


    Now, I'm so much braver and smarter and Horton doesn't miss a formal night with his Tux [which looks very much like Orson's] from Auntie Cindy.


    See Horton's picture, in the bottom of the page, he's wearing a fancy collar and has one for every cruising day onboard. Why not?


    I always bring Horton's brush, tooth brush/paste, doggie nail clippers, pre-bagged dog kibble [i pre-squirt salmon oil in each bag], ear medication, cotton balls, antibiotic cream, Benadryl liquid or capsules, Visine eye drops, CET Virbac Chews, a few new dog toys, water/food bowl, [i carry a collapsible water bowl in my purse], extra dog leash, fancy dog collars. A recent picture of Horton, copies of all his paperwork. [He has his own suit case.]




    Thank you for reassuring me that it's ok to dress the dog too. I so look forward to dressing for dinner and I wanted to include Pedro as well. He also has his own suitcase. So far, it's filled with his lifejacket, a coat, a raincoat, a few sweaters and shirts, a collapsible water bottle, travel food bowls, nail clippers and a brush. Cotton balls, antibiotic cream, Visine, and benadryl are usually in my bag, so I guess I'm covered there. Pedro doesn't care for treats and doesn't bother with toys...I know, strange...so I don't have to pack those items. His trainer told us that the only thing Pedro responded to was love. And, he is definitely a love bug.


    I'm curious, what is the salmon oil in the kibble bags for?




  6. Yes. You will see stevedores at curbside. They will take your bags there, so make sure you put your luggage tags on before you get there, to save time.


    Oh, I just re read your post. You meant leaving the ship. Best thing to do is request the option to take all of your bags off the ship yourself. This will insure you will be the first group to disembark. Since the airport is so close to the port, you should have no trouble making your flight.



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  7. You're takin' care of business, Cindra!


    Your joke about the tour operator reminded me that at open seating breakfast in the dining room on our cruise, we were seated away from the other passengers at a very suitable and pleasant table where Raylene could be against the wall and not jammed up to close to other tables. As it happened, the only other people ever seated nearby were people with walkers or wheelchairs, a large (family?) group with one blind man, and two guys - one blind and the other his cousin who assisted him. I referred to it as the "People with Disabilities section" (using various irreverent terminology). We struck up a camaraderie with the two guys and always enjoyed chatting with them.


    Raylene didn't appear to have any issues with seasickness or even notice the movement, but the seas were fairly calm, by my standards anyway. I did have a doggie first aid kit with me that included some vet-prescribed anti-nausea meds in case of any issues.



    Ah, so they DO make doggie Dramamine! ;)

  8. Okay, how many of you remember the lovely blue pouches that you got from Holland America that had your cruise docs in them, once you made final payment. Then we'd all laugh or giggle and say we were going to do the "doc dance!" Seriously, am I that old?


    Of course along came the internet and everything was done via your computer and no more blue pouches, that some of us would use as a handbag on formal night [just for fun!]


    The status symbol was; the more blue pouches you owned the higher you were on the cruise status chain.


    Well, can you see it? I'm doing the doc dance [without the blue pouch.] Final payment on my April cruise.......Done! :p


    Oh, I remember the "doc dance" too!! I was so excited to get the pouch with the tickets, luggage tags and the other filler paperwork. It made the trip feel real. It's not the same being able to download and print your own. It's fun to see that link saying they are available for printing, but it lacks something. I saved and reused my last Princess pouch for a few years, but it finally fell apart. Are any cruise lines using etickets yet? That will be a real downer once those go into effect.


    Well, today I had two long conversations on the phone. The first was with my vet's office, the second with the rep at the USDA. All of the appointments are set in stone now. Phew! I will be visiting the NJ office of the USDA to get my official stamps/seals. What I didn't expect was to have to visit the vet twice. Apparently, one or two of the vaccines need two doses a few weeks apart, so we are just in time. Monday, Pedro and I will go for his first exam, the ISO chip and his first vaccines. Why is it that even though your rabies vaccine is good for three years, after the chip is implanted, he needs another rabies shot? Is there something in the chip that deactivates the vaccine...?:confused: Makes no sense to me... Anyway, everything is ordered and, fingers crossed, it will all fall into place prior to our departure. I asked the rep at USDA about the requirement reentering the US after visiting a country on the "Screwworm List." One of our ports, Cartagena, Colombia is on that list. The rep said Pedro would have to be examined again by a vet to insure he didn't pick up screwworm there. Huh? Where in the world...ie Panama Canal or Costa Rica...are we going to find a vet to examine him??? He said if Pedro didn't get off the ship there, it wouldn't be an issue. Looks like Pedro will not be seeing Colombia...:rolleyes: As Shania Twain once sang..."No one needs to know, right now...";) For sure, we will get him checked at our vet once we get home...either way.


    When we return, I will be sure to let you all know about our tour operator in Costa Rica. So far, he has been very accommodating to our motley little group....one cane, one wheelchair, one service dog...and a smiling able bodied friend. We joked with him that he needs a disability to fit in with us.I suggested he get a white can and a pair of dark sunglasses...in jest, of course.


    Question...did any of your dogs have trouble adjusting to the ship? Any problems with sea sickness in rough seas? Do they make doggie dramamine...?;)




  9. The form that link takes you to isn't the form they are using now. A couple of weeks ago you had to fill it out in the presence of a Princess rep and they had to sign or initial it.



    Sent from my iPad using Forums


    Really? In which port?

  10. I know! Kinda defeats the purpose to fill it out before you arrive.

    2 questions and quick.


    When you are disabled, anything you can do just an hour prior to boarding, helps ease the process.

  11. That form handed to you while on line takes seconds to fill out. Wouldn't save time to have it pre-filled out.



    We have disabilities and are traveling with a service dog, so it would not be so much about saving time, as lessening the hassle of filling them out there.

  12. And how is it accurate on day of embarkation? Might as well check no to everything as well then


    What I was planning to do was to fill it out on the day of embarkation, but prior to arriving at the pier. It would have the current information they need, but we wouldn't have the hassle of having to stop and fill it out there.

  13. Is there somewhere where I can download and print out that annoying little health form they give you at the terminal at embarkation that you have to fill out on the spot...when all you want to do is get on board? I'd love to be able to print it and fill it in prior to arriving at the pier. Thanks.




  14. Hi Cindra - I am no expert, but if the USDA vet is in New Jersey, it seems as though you would send it to the state of NJ USDA office for the second signature & stamp. You could call the state USDA office and ask.


    (My vet suggested that my spouse carry a photocopy of the 7001 and any other paperwork like rabies certificate in his luggage in case I lost my copy - good idea.)


    I got one original certificate 7001 only - kept it in my hand luggage and then in my stateroom in case I needed it returning to the US. (I didn't - the Homeland Security guy in the booth did not even keep a copy.)


    Also brought copies of the 7001 for every port, just in case, but never needed them. Apparently, the ship copied & included it with their other paperwork for each immigration officer as we arrived for clearance and that was the end of it. Your ship may do it differently.


    The ship's customer service desk will make copies of anything for you if you need it.


    Hope you'll let us know how your trip goes next month! I think everyone's experiences are slightly different, so it is useful to hear.




    Thank you for taking the time to answer all of my questions. I'm glad I don't have to have lots of originals or copies...even though I will have extras in my file. I want to have all of my "i's" crossed and "t's" dotted...wait, reverse that.;)


    If you come to a port that won't allow your dog entry, do you have to clear their customs anyway? In other words, can we sleep in when we get to Jamaica? LOL


    Don't worry, I will be sure to come back and report all of our experiences when we return.


    I was working with a private tour operator in Costa Rica for a day tour. In our party is a scooter user and our Pedro, of course. This tour operator welcomed us all and is bending over backwards to insure our safety and happiness while with him. I'm hoping for an equally friendly ship's tour in Cartagena. You just never know who will let you enter and who won't there. Keep your fingers crossed for us there.


    I just bought a dog sling for Pedro, just in case we see strays, we can just pick him up and secure him in the sling. I am also figuring which flea/tick med to use while we are away. I am most concerned about the rain forest.


    Did you think about getting a Bordetella vaccine for your dog?


    Am I overthinking things?:confused:



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