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Posts posted by toledo

  1. I'm stressing and hadn't even thought about "lost luggage". We've easily done European trips with a carry-on each, but cruises require more "dressy" clothing. Add that to all the layered clothing and it gets difficult. My husband and I are hoping we can get everything into 1 large checked bag and 2 carry-ons.

  2. Yes, I meant meant that the bugs, themselves, can be hard to find.


    I can't imagine having to watch for them all the time at work. That, coupled with the fact that I've had them in my home, would lead me to PTSD. It's hard to believe that there are people walking around with them on their person, too. And you have to catch one in order to call an exterminator?!! Are you in Cinci, by any chance?

  3. It doesn't matter if you're on the Pearl or any ship, for that matter. If you're staying anywhere, you need to do a bed bug check. We believe we picked them up from a nice resort in Mexico. Someone on the Carnival board mentioned that the ship had a Packtite. This is large black bag with a heater. You place your suitcase inside and heat the contents to a temperature that kills any bugs. I don't know if the NCL ships have them, but it would be a good thing to have, should guests find out their cabin has bed bugs. Getting bit for a few nights on a cruise ship is no where near as serious as taking taking the bugs home with you. We battled them for over a year and have been bed bug free for two years.

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