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Posts posted by MrMarc

  1. 14 minutes ago, Itried4498 said:


    As I've mentioned, I was on the same cruise (I even posted a review of it, although it went unnoticed once this thread was started) and found the food, service and entertainment to be excellent.  But as I've repeatedly mentioned, the etiquette was extremely poor.  I've posted many examples, and can keep posting more.  Like the family who heckled one of the comedians mid-show, booing and screaming 'you suck' (good example for your kids).  Or the families who felt entitled to bring their kids to the Serenity Deck.


    When you drop the price to historical lows (the OP mentioned he paid $249 for his cruise; we paid even less via an offer ... in comparison, a 2003 LA Times article mentioned that $699pp fares were available on the Spirit, which - at the time - was taking over the same itinerary the Panorama does today, after Carnival moved to LB ... those $699pp fares, BTW, were half-off the brochure rate and tagged as Carnival's lowest ever), you're going to attract a new type of crowd.  And much of that was people looking to have a good time, with all-night partying and excessive drinking. 


    But like I said... you can stay away from the drama (for the most time) and have a great time, spending way less than you otherwise would.

    A great example of how people can have different experiences on the same ship at the same time.  I'm not really picky about service as a rule, but sitting in the main dining room for 10 minutes not even being approached by a waiter (and they were announcing "show time") is a bit much, especially after a 35 minute "10-20" minute wait for that table.  Or how about sitting at the sushi bar and not hearing a word from the chefs and not getting 1/2 of my order that I wrote down?  Or how about 1/3 of my medium filet being well done at the steakhouse? My guess is bad timing and bad luck on my part, because not everyone had experiences like this.  And I still had a great time.  It is also a perfect example of why you should depend on individual reviews of a ship.  There will be people on every cruise that have good experiences and others that have bad experiences.  I would never tell anyone not to go on the ship, just be aware that things can go wrong and you can enjoy yourself anyway.


    But it was the passengers that made the cruise seem really strange.  I agree with everything you have said.  I have never been on a cruise where the passenger "vibe" was so bad.

  2.  Based on the reports in the group elsewhere for a Carnival cruise, there are many more people testing positive when they get home than when the protocols were in place(I know, based on anecdotal evidence and a small sample size).  Of course the case count will increase as protocols and passengers attitudes relax and passenger loads increase  (If you believe the protocols are useless then just think about a larger number of people in a small area).  The questions are how many more, how fast, and at what point (if there is some point) will they feel they need to reimpose protocols.  If the press is starts to latch on to this they will blow it out of proportion.  And if the cruise lines do anything to lower the numbers, the press will do the same.  It is a no win situation.


    I won't jump in the container debate.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. I was on Panorama and I had to slam the balcony door to get it to latch properly, after it was repaired because it would not latch at all.  I heard my neighbors complaining each time I did it, and in fact did not go out on my balcony as much because of it.  If I didn't slam it, it would whistle when the wind was blowing.  So sorry to those around me, I didn't have a choice.

  4. On 5/10/2022 at 12:25 PM, cruisingguy007 said:


    Did you happen to see a group causing trouble during your cruise? I've heard some grumblings of a boom-box bumping group that was causing havoc all week and a report of a couple who was supposedly jumped by this same group at the end of the cruise and required hospitalization. The Mrs. finds a lot of this stuff on bookface but I can't always be sure it's accurate and/or not not exaggerated. I'm trying to sneak a cruise in this summer with just me and  the kids and all these drama stories aren't helping lol.    

    I think this was on the May  30th cruise.  There were a number of groups of "kids", but one in particular seemed to be a real problem.  From what I understand there were 3 fights onboard, including one in the dining room.  From my point of view, something was just "off" on this cruise.  I have cruised many times, but never had to call security about being  harassed by other passengers (2 times).  The quality of the food and service just wasn't normal, and there was basically a strange "vibe" to the cruise.  From our group elsewhere I know that I am not the only one who noticed this.  Someone reported a crew member describing the passengers as feeling "on edge."  So I would not judge any other cruise based on this one.  I've been on over 20 cruises and have never experienced anything like it and do not expect to again.

    • Thanks 1
  5. To be totally honest, I do not see a single thing in your photographs or description that would even get a second look from me on a Carnival, RCCL, Norwegian or similar cruise line.  If I had paid to be on an ultra high line ship, then maybe.  As usual, it has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with expectations.  Once any of those expectations are not met, everything is out under a magnifying glass.  It's something we all tend to do.  The best way to avoid it is to find a line that will meet your expectations, but you will find the pricing will go up much faster than the expectations.  I certainly don't see any safety issues, even unvarnished but sanded and worn railings are unlikely to give you a splinter, and I honestly do not consider a possible splinter to actually be a safety issue.

    • Like 4
  6. 20 minutes ago, Joe817 said:

    And I doubt that, as much as I want to agree with you. I suggest, the crew is being very candid and sincere. It's a sad situation, and will not improve, until these looney mandates are rescinded. 

    Then I cannot explain the difference in responses we got.  I know I am not making up what I am saying, and I honestly don't think you are.  It may be a ship by ship difference, different "cultures" on different ships.  Or maybe they were afraid of being honest with me, I'll admit that is a possibility  But I do find it amazing that most everyone around almost everyone agrees with what that person thinks.  We really are isolating ourselves from other ideas and increasing living in echo chambers.  

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, ray98 said:


    They do....open your eyes.  Look at the Super Bowl last night....70k people from all over the world, all genders, races and political affiliations.....not a mask in sight.

    My eyes are open, We just see different worlds.  You choose yours and I'll choose mine.

  8. 3 minutes ago, ontheweb said:

    I once had a college professor say the two worst laws ever are speeding and alternate side of the street parking. He said that those laws are always broken with no consequences. And once you break a law without consequences, breaking the next one becomes much easier.

    Excellent example, and very true.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, ray98 said:


    Yup....only on here do people try to create the perception that the crew is fully bought into the mask narrative.  The ones I have talked to basically model what I see around me at home and work in real life.  They see the mask as an annoyance and are wearing it because someone told them they had to.

    Amazing, they think exactly like you do.  And 99% of your world agrees with you.  Yep.

    • Haha 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, NutsAboutGolf said:



    I'm a very social person and often have extended conversations with the crew; most told me they hate wearing masks and stated they do not wear masks in the crew only areas.  Everyone who mentioned their contact said they were still on their first contract since the restart and are extremely nervous about making a mistake that prevents them from receiving another contract.  The pool of crew awaiting for a contract (supply) far exceeds the available jobs (demand) and we can now add the Crystal Cruise crew to that pool.  They all dream to work for Virgin Voyages where they receive a salary, benefits, free internet and the best free crew food at sea.

    And I would think the Crystal people have a better chance at the best jobs right now.  There is no question masks or no masks, this is really a terrible time for crew.

  11. 16 minutes ago, NutsAboutGolf said:



    I'm a very social person and often have extended conversations with the crew; most told me they hate wearing masks and stated they do not wear masks in the crew only areas.  Everyone who mentioned their contact said they were still on their first contract since the restart and are extremely nervous about making a mistake that prevents them from receiving another contract.  The pool of crew awaiting for a contract (supply) far exceeds the available jobs (demand) and we can now add the Crystal Cruise crew to that pool.  They all dream to work for Virgin Voyages where they receive a salary, benefits, free internet and the best free crew food at sea.

    I do not doubt you at all.  It's quite possible the crew are telling us what we want to hear, or we are selecting them somehow.  I spoke mainly with wait staff, chefs  and photographers.  I cannot explain the difference.

  12. 18 minutes ago, famof4togo said:

    Or maybe they just want to do the job they signed up for and do not like to play the "mask police". 

    No.  I am relaying what they said, not whit I think they said or wish they said so I could justify things.  They want people wearing masks both for their own health as well as people respecting that it is part of their job.  No maybe about it,

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, mz-s said:


    A sad commentary on how our national discourse has devolved over the past two years. I don't know if it's fixable at this point.

    I truly believe it is, but I have no idea how or when.  Usually it's a disaster or war.  COVID didn't help, it made it worse.  The other possibility is more grim.

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  14. 11 minutes ago, kdr69 said:

    Uhmmm i think you need to re read his comment.  No where in it does he say he did this only that he witnessed it.

    You are correct, and I apologized to him.  I need (not necessarily in this order) new glasses, a new monitor or, a new brain.

    • Haha 3
  15. 1 minute ago, mz-s said:


    Well there's no need in the passengers being rude to the crew. That's uncalled for.

    That's what the crew I've spoken with hate the most.  They feel totally disrespected.  I heard that word from almost all of the crew I have discussed this with on 3 different cruises.

    • Like 2
  16. 6 minutes ago, NutsAboutGolf said:


    To be clear, I wore my mask indoors at all times.  After a crewmember said mask up to other passengers, I witnessed several passengers say snarky-rude comments back to crew members.  Again, nothing happened.


    Rule enforcement has always been the second most hotly debated cruising topic (tipping is #1).  You can group mask enforcement along with chair hog enforcement as both are incredibly weak.  They don't fine you like smoking in non-smoking areas.

    I apologize for misreading your post.  Personally I wish they would start enforcing the rules or get rid of them.  I prefer them to be in effect, but I hate expecting them to be in effect, then they really are not.  Do one or the other so people can make an informed decision as to whether to sail or not.  There are far too many people having to ask about mask enforcement from both sides of the issue.

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  17. 16 minutes ago, NutsAboutGolf said:

    Outside a few areas like casino table games, guest services, excursions desk, etc, there's almost zero mask enforcement and if you're told by the crew to mask up and ignore (as I witnessed on my sailing) the crew does nothing.


    However, the rules currently state: "when outdoors if in large gatherings and physical distancing cannot be maintained"

    And hopefully they will finally start disembarking people who do this.  This is amazingly disrespectful to the crew (who see you do that and consider you a total jerk), not to mention the other people who are not as "special" as you are and know rules are supposed to be followed even when they are not enforced with punishment.  Clearly you need more negative reinforcement when it comes to rules.

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  18. 1 hour ago, lennythenose said:

    I could see them blocking bookings if they are about to announce a ship change until the reassignments are done. 

    Thanks.  But this is the only cruise that has disappeared.  All of the other Alaska cruises are available with all cabin types available.  There is not a single cruise that has any cabin type sold out for the entire Alaska season, except this one.

  19. On 12/16/2021 at 5:26 PM, crazy4themouse said:

    With the J&J vaccine now being advised against vs Pfizer and Moderna by the advisory committee this week, due to the blood clot risk and the lesser effectiveness, I wonder if cruise lines and likewise will soon consider those with only 1 J&J shot unvaccinated?



    I seriously doubt it, unless they start to require boosters, and that would be for everyone.

  20. I have a cruise booked for September 13, 2022.  As of today it is no longer available to book anywhere, but my PVP says he can still book it.  Someone else said their PVP said it was sold out.  If it is sold out, it is the only cruise for the entire 2022 season that is sold out. I have also seen the rumor that Spirit is going to substitute for Freedom.  But  I am worried that as the last cruise of the season, it could be canceled to provide more time to move the ship to a new port.  Anyone have any ideas or information?

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